Web Store

Category: iDempiere Published: Tuesday, 11 December 2007 Written by Administrator

Web Store

The iDempiere system is developed for the web, which allows users to access information from Internet. Since all transactions are on-line, you don't have to do any kind of synchronization or other integrations, thus users have on hand all the application, accessing only  the information that  they are  authorized to, and allowing each business partner to see their own transactions.

Product Catalogue

When a user accesses  the website, he  has  the opportunity to see and find products in the catalogue. He can display images and features of each product. Furthermore if the user is  logged in as a business partner and depending on the access permissions, it can access the products and the price list given to the customer.

Sale Transactions

The user can add products to the Virtual Cart , which can be done by  product catalog or order form. While you are on the process, you can add, modify or delete articles from the Cart, this process is done via secure access in order to retrieve the information stored from  the client.

The Web Store also supports:

               User Control, through cookies, the information is stored in order to have specific characteristics of each user.

              Counter , tracks the user, tracking entry date, documents and  transactions realized .

Orders or Requirements, are redirected to people responsible for keeping  the process of the transaction running through emails and and  as a result CRM has information base to track.

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