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Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2015-02-25

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
nmicoud: Bonjour
JanThielemann: hi
Deepak: Good Morning all
Deepak: Carlos, I added steps to reproduce issue
CarlosRuiz: thanks Deepak - will test now
Deepak: I am able to reproduce same on both dev branch as well as 2.1
Pkirwa: Hi everybody
CarlosRuiz: Hi Pkirwa
Deepak: Also added patch on IDEMPIERE-2450
CarlosRuiz: Deepak - I was able to reproduce 2462 - but I think the patch is wrong
CarlosRuiz: almost all editors have the same method with the same logic
CarlosRuiz: question is why WNumberEditor answer that is disabled
Deepak: WNumberEditor had different logic
CarlosRuiz: ah - you were close - the bug is on NumberBox.isEnabled
CarlosRuiz: inverse logic
Deepak: ahh, yes
Deepak: Fix is at wrong place
CarlosRuiz: committing now - thanks for raising that
nmicoud: CarlosRuiz: could you have a look there : please (patch attached) ?
ocurieles: Hi good Morning
Deepak: Thanks Calos for fixing
CarlosRuiz: Hi Orlando
CarlosRuiz: sure nmicoud - will check it
nmicoud: thanks
nmicoud: the patch is ugly, but i did not find another way to achieve
ocurieles: I've been thinking we should pay a salary to carlos to spend a couple of days fixed to the project and can integrate more quickly improvements. Maybe with some money from contributors
ocurieles: WDYT ?
ocurieles: :D
CarlosRuiz: thanks ocurieles - you took me by surprise :-) I think I cannot opine on the subject
CarlosRuiz: testing Deepak's patch for IDEMPIERE-2450 found a possible security issue
ocurieles: is reality, if you deal in a particular project, no longer have time to integrate the changes
ocurieles: you have 3 years integrating changes free or more :-)
norbertbede: hi team :)
CarlosRuiz: Hi norbertbede
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz, please help me review below ticket when you has free time. IDEMPIERE-2478 and IDEMPIERE-2389
CarlosRuiz: sure hiep - reviewing at this moment 2450
CarlosRuiz: now that service is not working - you can't see the commits and JIRA changes here :-(
CarlosRuiz: I think there can be a way to implement notifico in own servers
CarlosRuiz: is open sourced
CarlosRuiz: will be back in half hour
norbertbede: im starting work on topic, advanced replenishment
norbertbede: i need to prepare some features like seasonal replenishment, repl. based on attriubutes, internal warehous replenishjment (zone N to zone 1) etc.
norbertbede: is there any requirment idea how to improve existing fiunctionality
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, we published this week the TOC Buffer Management replenishment method
CarlosRuiz: still WIP - we're working on make it pluggable
CarlosRuiz: but you can see it as an example of how to implement advanced replenisment methods
norbertbede: ok thanks
norbertbede: can you suggest any literature to study more. looks me this a standard
CarlosRuiz: that plugin is really simple - just one class in the end - we're preparing a document to explain how it works
norbertbede: ok. meanwhile found something
norbertbede: thanks anyway