#idempiere IRC log for Wednesday, 2018-03-07

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Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] soo.fang@gmail.com updated IDEMPIERE-3598 assignee set to "Soo Fang Lee"10:56
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-359810:56
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] soo.fang@gmail.com updated IDEMPIERE-3598 Attachment set to "3598-1_5.1.patch"10:56
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-359810:56
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] soo.fang@gmail.com updated IDEMPIERE-3598 Attachment set to "3598-2_5.1.patch"10:56
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-359810:57
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] soo.fang@gmail.com updated IDEMPIERE-3598 assignee set to "hengsin"10:57
Not-a748[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-359810:57
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norbertbedei have a performance issue on user save action. the next scenario:11:10
norbertbede1. yesterday we imported approx 120k leads11:11
norbertbede2. trying to change lead (ad_user) and java check other users by count (*)  - 119k users has or hasn't same email pw combination11:12
norbertbedeMUser class, method before save > controll uniqe email+pw11:13
norbertbedeCheck Email Unique when USE_EMAIL_FOR_LOGIN11:14
CarlosRuizHi norbertbede - with such number of records in AD_User - I think it makes sense to create an index on AD_User.EMail - that must solve your problem11:15
CarlosRuizand must improve also the login time11:15
norbertbedei have this index11:16
norbertbedeCREATE INDEX  "ad_user_email" ON "adempiere"."ad_user" USING btree(email COLLATE "default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST);11:16
CarlosRuizyou can check if is being used with:11:19
CarlosRuizexplain SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AD_User WHERE Password IS NOT NULL AND EMail='test@email.com' AND AD_Client_ID=? AND AD_User_ID!=10000011:19
norbertbedeok. let me check11:21
norbertbedehowever not all leads has email11:21
norbertbedeExecution time: 16.162 ms11:22
norbertbedewe are studying the code sure11:22
norbertbedewe are restoring db. will check live data let you know bit later11:25
norbertbedethanks for idea11:25
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