#idempiere IRC log for Wednesday, 2018-02-14

Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-360703:54
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] hi [~carlosruiz_globalqss] I test my propose, but jasper engine from jasper studio isn't separate well, it ever depend on bundle of jasper studio, so it isn't good solution from IDEMPIERE-3531, i will like to use maven task to make p2 repository for bundle from maven, include jasperreport. on this task will update manifest of current jasper engine to depend on correct org.w3c.* bundle03:55
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360703:55
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FuturefuturaHello ! Question: I did some research on Idempiere and Mysql, or any other DB rather then Postgres -- since those Indexes in my Postgres corrupt very often, and I never encountered this prob with other Mysql-Databases09:17
FuturefuturaSo 1) Any idea on why my Indexes corrupt so often ( ie wrong usage, login with same user on 2 computers simultanously or so), 2) is there a nice Mysql Database to Idempiere ?09:19
CarlosRuizHi Futurefutura - I doubt mysql can be any better than postgresql on stability   :-)09:21
CarlosRuiz1)  no idea - is very uncommon to see a corrupt index - maybe problems in disk?  I see sometimes recommendations to recreate indexes because of potential corruption just when you upgrade postgres versions09:22
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz ok, but how can I prevent my Postgres - Indices get corrupted then ?09:22
CarlosRuiz2) idempiere doesn't support mysql09:22
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz 2) thanks for that clear answeer09:22
FuturefuturaI did some reindices thou, buut then I needed to restore the database from backup. Now what if you saved your day-work, then those indices crash ?09:23
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz do you have experience on repairing the Idempiere - Database ( Postgres) ?09:24
Futurefuturamaybe theres a script that helps09:24
CarlosRuizthere is a command in postgres to rebuild the indexes09:24
CarlosRuizbut if I would confront db corruption I think I would prefer to delete the DB and import it again09:25
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz yes. Just think you have a small company, then the work the users did is corrupted ...09:26
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz -- is there some best-practice to avoid data-corruption 1) with idempiere 2) with Postgres in general ?09:28
CarlosRuizfrom my experience postgresql is really really stable - I would check for hardware issues09:28
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz thanks for your answer09:30
FuturefuturaQuestion: I like a Cashbook with Idempiere -- just what cash/money I start with, an account to book to, date, description, debit/credit -- without business partner . Ideas ?09:49
Futurefutura....or in case using AP Payment, just use a dummy - business-Partner ??09:50
Futurefutura...just to push "2 Euros gifts book 101","20 Euros Diesel book 102" ...09:51
CarlosRuizyes - payments is intended also as cashbook - you can assign the payment to a charge09:57
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz coool good to know thx10:00
FuturefuturaQuestion: within Payment, I click on Bank Account and there I create and safe a new account. Why still i cant select this account from within Payment afterwards ?10:26
CarlosRuizright click - refresh?10:26
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz thx for answer. didnt work all tabs are gone now haha i do restart this process ;)10:33
CarlosRuizI meant right click refresh on the account field10:33
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz ok thx. Next time I learned that now. In fact NOW my account is visible inside Payment10:34
FuturefuturaI still wonder : till now i have excel in use as my Cashbook. Theres colums Id,Date,Description,Debit,Credit,Account. I do just fill in my needs there. Is there an easy analogy in Idempiere ?10:44
FuturefuturaFor each row, do I have to do a new "Payment" ?10:45
Futurefutura*ID,Date,Description,Debit,Taking,Account ...10:57
CarlosRuizyes - Payments11:08
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz thx11:09
FuturefuturaQuestion: whats "Surgery" in idempiere ? Is it good for hospital-usage , and not good for "normal" users (like doing Cars,or Flowers, or Food) ?11:11
FuturefuturaIt seems its an ERP for hospitals :) is that correct ?11:11
FuturefuturaQuestion: Is there a way to do a Formular on my own, like a formular - wizard --  to create something excel - like, but with the backed with the idempiere - database ?11:21
Futurefutura..a wizard to create a sheet, to simplify working ( ...) , a Create Report // Create Form Wizard ?11:24
Futurefuturaor something similar.11:24
Futurefutura...would http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Plugin:_ZK_Window_X#ZK_Window_X3:Simple_Input_Window   take my needs ?11:27
CarlosRuizI don't know what Surgery is - that's not on idempiere vanilla - maybe a plugin?11:32
CarlosRuizyes - there are ways to create new tables & windows - videos on youtube and documents on wiki available11:33
FuturefuturaCarlosRuiz thank you for your answer :)11:35
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futurefuturaQuestion: inside idempiere -> "application dictionary"->"table and column" there is no "create from db" . what am i missing ?13:22
nmicoudlook on the toolbar -> wheel13:23
futurefuturanmicoud do you mean me ?13:25
nmicoudyes, the process can be accessed throught the wheel in the toolbat13:26
futurefuturanmicoud thank you13:26
futurefuturamicoud i cannot find this button13:35
futurefutura** in the bar with "safe changes" and so on, right ?13:35
nmicoudlook at the wiki : http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/NF1.0_ColumnToolbarButton13:37
futurefuturaohhhhh i found it13:37
futurefuturathank you13:37
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norbertbedehi all14:08
CarlosRuizHi norbertbede14:11
norbertbedean interesting topic, would like to hear yours opinion14:16
norbertbedewe are developing now an android client and we are generate invoice and print trough bluetooth.14:17
norbertbedethat time i was intended to create invoice formats in HTML language+css14:17
norbertbedelooks me this can be serious alternative to pdf print format engine in idempiere14:18
norbertbedemy idea is we would implement html formatting of forms, where we can embed a html editor and preview14:18
norbertbedethen anybody would create own format very simple14:19
norbertbedeso no jasper and no actual print format required14:19
norbertbedethe benefit i would like not just define print format by html14:19
norbertbedebut also use this as new dashboard like approach on documents14:19
norbertbedefor example if user opening an order then freeform at implementation we design order overview - including nested print formats and hyperlink able to open other reports or records14:20
norbertbedeps. i hate jasper :)14:21
norbertbedeso the motivation is big14:21
norbertbedealso we want to save our capacities for annoying task on implementation - create a format etc.. pixel left, pixel right tasks :) you know14:22
CarlosRuizand the designer is in idempiere?  or in the android client?14:23
norbertbedeno android is just a note, why i was in touch with designing forms in html - and my opinion is html is serious for designing cool forms14:25
norbertbedeso we can add a designer in idempiere where you should have left and right pane14:26
norbertbedeleft = sourcecode right preview14:26
norbertbedeyou should use all fields as variables14:26
CarlosRuizto save that configuration - do you plan new tables?  or can printformat/printformatitem support that?14:27
norbertbedeimportant: for logic and repeats we are using mustache library - this has also java lib14:27
norbertbedesuper simple html as attachement14:27
norbertbedelike jasper14:27
norbertbedewhen design is done then we start render - this mustache lib take html template and replace values, variables and done repeates14:28
norbertbedelike lines14:28
norbertbedelooks me not a big improvement, need good design and we have lot reusable components14:28
norbertbedeand concepts14:28
norbertbedefrom idempiere evolution this would be a really big improvement14:29
CarlosRuizfor me that sounds great - sounds like not conflicting with core - if it works like jasper14:29
norbertbede+ 1 all html is responsive.14:30
norbertbedethere is @media tag and you can render it really responsive14:30
norbertbedeexample: https://github.com/sparksuite/simple-html-invoice-template14:31
norbertbedethis was my starting point14:31
norbertbedeclean. superresponsive. no sql, ideal for dummies14:31
CarlosRuizyeah - if you add SQL there then you'll have all the security problems14:32
norbertbedebut we dont need sql14:32
norbertbedewe have views and most 99% fields are there14:32
norbertbedeeach implementation we improve our _vt tables som day - to - day less effort14:33
CarlosRuizyes - if you provide the template fields to the user - it will be just positioning14:34
norbertbede+1 if company has strong brand, then their marketing dep can design all formats. we just upload review, and fix14:36
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