#idempiere IRC log for Tuesday, 2018-02-13

*** silphium has joined #idempiere03:26
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*** nmicoud has joined #idempiere06:02
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Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] nmicoud updated IDEMPIERE-356006:49
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] Hi, I also tested Carlos's proposal (remove framework.info.*) and after the server started, i only had to reinstall my plugin and fragment (from the felix console as i still compile them with Eclipse). Perhaps the "rm..." command line could be added in the update.sh file, with a warning (something like "You will have to reinstall plugins/fragments") ?06:49
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-356006:49
*** mcc has joined #idempiere08:06
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mccI can I ask you a question Carlos Ruiz?08:25
CarlosRuizHi mcc08:31
mccHi Carlos.08:31
mccMy question has to do with labeling of versions for iDempiere. Before I do any migrations or anything I want to understand the version labeling.08:33
mccI checked the wiki but didn't find anything that answered my question so forgive me if it is answered somewhere on the wiki.08:34
CarlosRuizyep?  what's your doubt?08:34
mcc2.1.0.v20160222-0646 -> Does this version relate to a daily build of some kind? And, does qualifier refer to a release candidate for iDempiere.08:35
CarlosRuizcan be some daily compiled by jenkins or a version generated in any eclipse08:37
CarlosRuizqualifier is a timestamp - not related to release candidates08:37
mccAh, I see. I checked the jenkins builds and didn't see one for that date so that narrows it down to a build by someone else.08:39
CarlosRuizjust last 10 builds are kept in jenkins08:40
CarlosRuizbut yes - no 2016 version in 2.108:40
mccThanks again Carlos. The mystery of which one is newer is going to take more investigating on my part.08:42
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-356008:56
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] hi [~nmicoud] issue also happen with produce built with maven tycho when i do IDEMPIERE-3531 so i will try to resolve it with IDEMPIERE-353108:56
Not-ff68[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-356008:56
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*** CarlosRuiz has quit IRC22:59

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