SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere9.adempiere - ColumnsTax | Generated by Quality Systems & Solutions |
Generated on 2021-12-25 14:56 +0100 |
| |||||
idempiere9.adempiere contains 699 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | |
c_invoiceline | a_asset_group_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Group of Assets | |
c_invoiceline | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
fact_acct | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
c_invoiceline | a_capvsexp | varchar | 3 | √ | null | Capital/Expense | |
c_invoiceline | a_createasset | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Create Asset | |
c_invoiceline | a_processed | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Processed | |
c_taxprovider | account | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Account | |
fact_acct | account_id | numeric | 10 | Account used | |||
c_bpartner | acqusitioncost | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer | |
c_bpartner | actuallifetimevalue | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Actual Life Time Revenue | |
c_acctschema | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_allocationhdr | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_allocationline | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_bpartner | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_charge | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_country | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_countrygroup | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_currency | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_invoice | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_invoiceline | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_invoicetax | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_location | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_region | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_tax | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_tax_acct | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxcategory | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxdeclaration | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxpostal | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxprovider | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
fact_acct | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
m_product | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_bpartner | ad_language | varchar | 6 | √ | null | Language for this entity | |
c_country | ad_language | varchar | 6 | √ | null | Language for this entity | |
c_acctschema | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_allocationhdr | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_allocationline | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_bpartner | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_charge | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_country | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_countrygroup | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_currency | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_invoice | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_invoiceline | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_invoicetax | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_location | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_region | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_tax | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_tax_acct | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxcategory | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxdeclaration | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxpostal | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxprovider | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
fact_acct | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
m_product | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_bpartner | ad_orgbp_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions | |
c_acctschema | ad_orgonly_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Create posting entries only for this organization | |
c_invoice | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
c_invoiceline | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
fact_acct | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
c_tax | ad_rule_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Rule | |
fact_acct | ad_table_id | numeric | 10 | Database Table information | |||
c_invoice | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
c_location | address1 | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Address line 1 for this location | |
c_location | address2 | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Address line 2 for this location | |
c_location | address3 | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Address Line 3 for the location | |
c_location | address4 | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Address Line 4 for the location | |
c_location | address5 | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Address Line 5 for the location | |
c_allocationline | allocationno | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ||
c_country | allowcitiesoutoflist | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | A flag to allow cities, currently not in the list, to be entered | |
c_allocationline | amount | numeric | 0 | 0 | Amount in a defined currency | ||
fact_acct | amtacctcr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Accounted Credit Amount | ||
fact_acct | amtacctdr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Accounted Debit Amount | ||
fact_acct | amtsourcecr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Source Credit Amount | ||
fact_acct | amtsourcedr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Source Debit Amount | ||
c_allocationhdr | approvalamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Document Approval Amount | ||
c_acctschema | autoperiodcontrol | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed | ||
c_bpartner | bpartner_parent_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner Parent | |
c_invoiceline | c_1099box_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | 1099 Box | |
c_acctschema | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
c_tax_acct | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
fact_acct | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
c_acctschema | c_acctschema_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_AcctSchema_UU | |
c_invoice | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
c_invoiceline | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
fact_acct | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
c_location | c_addressvalidation_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Address Validation | |
c_allocationhdr | c_allocationhdr_id | numeric | 10 | Payment allocation | |||
c_allocationline | c_allocationhdr_id | numeric | 10 | Payment allocation | |||
c_allocationhdr | c_allocationhdr_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_AllocationHdr_UU | |
c_allocationline | c_allocationline_id | numeric | 10 | Allocation Line | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_allocationline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Allocation Line | |
c_allocationline | c_allocationline_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_AllocationLine_UU | |
c_bpartner | c_bp_group_id | numeric | 10 | Business Partner Group | |||
c_allocationline | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_bpartner | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a Business Partner | |||
c_charge | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_invoice | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a Business Partner | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a Business Partner | |||
fact_acct | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_invoice | c_bpartner_location_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner | |||
c_bpartner | c_bpartner_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_BPartner_UU | |
c_invoice | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
c_invoiceline | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
fact_acct | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
c_allocationline | c_cashline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Cash Journal Line | |
c_invoice | c_cashline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Cash Journal Line | |
c_invoice | c_cashplanline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Cash Plan Line | |
c_allocationline | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Additional document charges | |
c_charge | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | Additional document charges | |||
c_invoice | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Additional document charges | |
c_invoiceline | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Additional document charges | |
c_charge | c_charge_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Charge_UU | |
c_charge | c_chargetype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Charge Type | |
c_location | c_city_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | City | |
c_invoice | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
c_country | c_country_id | numeric | 10 | Country | |||
c_location | c_country_id | numeric | 10 | Country | |||
c_region | c_country_id | numeric | 10 | Country | |||
c_tax | c_country_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Country | |
c_country | c_country_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Country_UU | |
c_countrygroup | c_countrygroup_id | numeric | 10 | Country Group | |||
c_countrygroup | c_countrygroup_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_CountryGroup_UU | |
c_tax | c_countrygroupfrom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Country Group From | |
c_tax | c_countrygroupto_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Country Group To | |
c_acctschema | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_allocationhdr | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_country | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Currency for this record | |
c_currency | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_invoice | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
fact_acct | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_currency | c_currency_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Currency_UU | |
c_allocationhdr | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Document type or rules | |
c_invoice | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | Document type or rules | |||
c_invoice | c_doctypetarget_id | numeric | 10 | Target document type for conversing documents | |||
c_bpartner | c_dunning_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Dunning Rules for overdue invoices | |
c_invoice | c_dunninglevel_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Dunning Level | |
c_bpartner | c_greeting_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Greeting to print on correspondence | |
c_allocationline | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Invoice Identifier | |
c_invoice | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | Invoice Identifier | |||
c_invoiceline | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | Invoice Identifier | |||
c_invoicetax | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | Invoice Identifier | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Invoice Identifier | |
c_invoice | c_invoice_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Invoice_UU | |
c_invoiceline | c_invoiceline_id | numeric | 10 | Invoice Detail Line | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_invoiceline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Invoice Detail Line | |
c_invoiceline | c_invoiceline_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_InvoiceLine_UU | |
c_bpartner | c_invoiceschedule_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Schedule for generating Invoices | |
c_invoicetax | c_invoicetax_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_InvoiceTax_UU | |
c_location | c_location_id | numeric | 10 | Location or Address | |||
c_location | c_location_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Location_UU | |
fact_acct | c_locfrom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location that inventory was moved from | |
fact_acct | c_locto_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location that inventory was moved to | |
c_allocationline | c_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Order | |
c_invoice | c_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Order | |
c_invoiceline | c_orderline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Order Line | |
c_allocationline | c_payment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment identifier | |
c_invoice | c_payment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment identifier | |
c_bpartner | c_paymentterm_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The terms of Payment (timing, discount) | |
c_invoice | c_paymentterm_id | numeric | 10 | The terms of Payment (timing, discount) | |||
c_acctschema | c_period_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Period of the Calendar | |
fact_acct | c_period_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Period of the Calendar | |
c_invoice | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
c_invoiceline | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
fact_acct | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
c_invoiceline | c_projectphase_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Phase of a Project | |
fact_acct | c_projectphase_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Phase of a Project | |
c_invoiceline | c_projecttask_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Actual Project Task in a Phase | |
fact_acct | c_projecttask_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Actual Project Task in a Phase | |
c_location | c_region_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a geographical Region | |
c_region | c_region_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a geographical Region | |||
c_tax | c_region_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a geographical Region | |
c_region | c_region_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Region_UU | |
m_product | c_revenuerecognition_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Method for recording revenue | |
fact_acct | c_salesregion_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales coverage region | |
fact_acct | c_subacct_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sub account for Element Value | |
m_product | c_subscriptiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Type of subscription | |
c_tax_acct | c_tax_acct_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Tax_Acct_UU | |
c_invoiceline | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Tax identifier | |
c_invoicetax | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | Tax identifier | |||
c_tax | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | Tax identifier | |||
c_tax_acct | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | Tax identifier | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | Tax identifier | |||
c_taxpostal | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | Tax identifier | |||
fact_acct | c_tax_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Tax identifier | |
c_tax | c_tax_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Tax_UU | |
c_charge | c_taxcategory_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Tax Category | |
c_tax | c_taxcategory_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Category | |||
c_taxcategory | c_taxcategory_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Category | |||
m_product | c_taxcategory_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Category | |||
c_taxcategory | c_taxcategory_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxCategory_UU | |
c_taxdeclaration | c_taxdeclaration_id | numeric | 10 | Define the declaration to the tax authorities | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | c_taxdeclaration_id | numeric | 10 | Define the declaration to the tax authorities | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_taxdeclaration_id | numeric | 10 | Define the declaration to the tax authorities | |||
c_taxdeclaration | c_taxdeclaration_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxDeclaration_UU | |
c_taxdeclarationacct | c_taxdeclarationacct_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Accounting Reconciliation | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | c_taxdeclarationacct_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxDeclarationAcct_UU | |
c_taxdeclarationline | c_taxdeclarationline_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Declaration Document Information | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | c_taxdeclarationline_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxDeclarationLine_UU | |
c_bpartner | c_taxgroup_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Tax Group | |
c_taxpostal | c_taxpostal_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Postal/ZIP | |||
c_taxpostal | c_taxpostal_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxPostal_UU | |
c_invoicetax | c_taxprovider_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Tax Provider | |
c_tax | c_taxprovider_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Tax Provider | |
c_taxprovider | c_taxprovider_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Provider | |||
c_taxprovider | c_taxprovider_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxProvider_UU | |
c_taxprovider | c_taxprovidercfg_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Provider Configuration | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | c_taxprovidercfg_id | numeric | 10 | Tax Provider Configuration | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | c_taxprovidercfg_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_TaxProviderCfg_UU | |
c_invoiceline | c_uom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unit of Measure | |
fact_acct | c_uom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unit of Measure | |
m_product | c_uom_id | numeric | 10 | Unit of Measure | |||
c_country | capturesequence | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Capture Sequence | |
c_charge | chargeamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Charge Amount | ||
c_invoice | chargeamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Charge Amount | |
c_location | city | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Identifies a City | |
m_product | classification | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Classification for grouping | |
c_location | comments | varchar | 2000 | √ | NULL::character varying | Comments or additional information | |
c_acctschema | commitmenttype | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control | ||
c_taxcategory | commoditycode | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Commodity code used for tax calculation | |
c_taxprovider | companycode | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Company Code | |
c_invoice | copyfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Copy From Record | |
m_product | copyfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Copy From Record | |
c_acctschema | costinglevel | bpchar | 1 | 'C'::bpchar | The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information | ||
c_acctschema | costingmethod | bpchar | 1 | Indicates how Costs will be calculated | |||
c_currency | costingprecision | numeric | 10 | Rounding used costing calculations | |||
c_country | countrycode | bpchar | 2 | Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 - | |||
c_acctschema | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_allocationhdr | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_allocationline | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_bpartner | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_charge | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_country | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_countrygroup | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
c_currency | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_invoice | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_invoiceline | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_invoicetax | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_location | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_region | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_tax | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_tax_acct | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxcategory | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxdeclaration | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxdeclarationacct | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxdeclarationline | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxpostal | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxprovider | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
c_taxprovidercfg | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
fact_acct | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
m_product | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_acctschema | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_allocationhdr | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_allocationline | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_bpartner | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_charge | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_country | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_countrygroup | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_currency | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_invoice | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_invoiceline | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_invoicetax | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_location | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_region | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_tax | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_tax_acct | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxcategory | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxdeclaration | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxpostal | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxprovider | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
fact_acct | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
m_product | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_invoice | createfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document | |
c_invoice | currencyrate | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate | |
c_currency | cursymbol | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Symbol of the currency (opt used for printing only) | |
c_bpartner | customerprofileid | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Customer Profile ID | |
m_product | customstariffnumber | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Customs Tariff Number, usually the HS-Code | |
c_allocationhdr | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
c_invoice | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
fact_acct | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
c_countrygroup | datefrom | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Starting date for a range | |
c_taxdeclaration | datefrom | timestamp | 29,6 | Starting date for a range | |||
c_invoice | dateinvoiced | timestamp | 29,6 | Date printed on Invoice | |||
c_invoice | dateordered | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date of Order | |
c_invoice | dateprinted | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date the document was printed. | |
c_countrygroup | dateto | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | End date of a date range | |
c_taxdeclaration | dateto | timestamp | 29,6 | End date of a date range | |||
c_allocationhdr | datetrx | timestamp | 29,6 | Transaction Date | |||
c_allocationline | datetrx | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Transaction Date | |
c_taxdeclaration | datetrx | timestamp | 29,6 | Transaction Date | |||
fact_acct | datetrx | timestamp | 29,6 | Transaction Date | |||
c_bpartner | default1099box_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Default 1099 Box | |
c_bpartner | deliveryrule | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Defines the timing of Delivery | |
c_bpartner | deliveryviarule | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | How the order will be delivered | |
c_acctschema | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_allocationhdr | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_bpartner | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_charge | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_country | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_countrygroup | description | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Optional short description of the record | |
c_currency | description | varchar | 255 | Optional short description of the record | |||
c_invoice | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_invoiceline | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_region | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_tax | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_taxcategory | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_taxdeclaration | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_taxdeclarationacct | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_taxdeclarationline | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_taxprovidercfg | description | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Optional short description of the record | |
fact_acct | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
m_product | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
m_product | descriptionurl | varchar | 120 | √ | null | URL for the description | |
m_product | discontinued | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | This product is no longer available | |
m_product | discontinuedat | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued | |
m_product | discontinuedby | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | ||
c_allocationline | discountamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Calculated amount of discount | ||
c_country | displaysequence | varchar | 20 | Format for printing this Address | |||
c_country | displaysequencelocal | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Format for printing this Address locally | |
c_allocationhdr | docaction | bpchar | 2 | The targeted status of the document | |||
c_invoice | docaction | bpchar | 2 | The targeted status of the document | |||
c_allocationhdr | docstatus | bpchar | 2 | The current status of the document | |||
c_invoice | docstatus | bpchar | 2 | The current status of the document | |||
c_bpartner | documentcopies | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of copies to be printed | |
c_allocationhdr | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
c_invoice | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
m_product | documentnote | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Additional information for a Document | |
m_product | downloadurl | varchar | 120 | √ | null | ||
c_bpartner | dunninggrace | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Dunning Grace Date | |
c_invoice | dunninggrace | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Dunning Grace Date | |
c_bpartner | duns | varchar | 11 | √ | null | Dun & Bradstreet Number | |
c_currency | emuentrydate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when the currency joined / will join the EMU | |
c_currency | emurate | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Official rate to the Euro | |
c_country | expressionbankaccountno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Format of the Bank Account | |
c_country | expressionbankroutingno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Format of the Bank Routing Number | |
c_country | expressionphone | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Format of the phone; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" | |
c_country | expressionpostal | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Format of the postal code; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" | |
c_country | expressionpostal_add | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" | |
c_taxdeclarationacct | fact_acct_id | numeric | 10 | Accounting Fact | |||
fact_acct | fact_acct_id | numeric | 10 | Accounting Fact | |||
fact_acct | fact_acct_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | Fact_Acct_UU | |
c_bpartner | firstsale | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date of First Sale | |
c_bpartner | flatdiscount | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Flat discount percentage | |
c_bpartner | freightcostrule | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Method for charging Freight | |
c_acctschema | gaap | bpchar | 2 | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | |||
c_invoice | generateto | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Generate To | |
fact_acct | gl_budget_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Budget | |
fact_acct | gl_category_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Category | |
c_invoice | grandtotal | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total amount of document | ||
m_product | group1 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Group1 | |
m_product | group2 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Group2 | |
m_product | guaranteedays | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of days the product is guaranteed or available | |
m_product | guaranteedaysmin | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Minimum number of guarantee days | |
c_acctschema | hasalias | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias | ||
c_acctschema | hascombination | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Combination of account elements are checked | ||
c_country | haspostal_add | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Has Additional Postal Code | ||
c_country | hasregion | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Country contains Regions | ||
c_countrygroup | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | NULL::character varying | Comment or Hint | |
m_product | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
m_product | imageurl | varchar | 120 | √ | null | URL of image | |
c_bpartner | invoice_printformat_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Print Format for printing Invoices | |
c_invoice | invoicecollectiontype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Invoice Collection Status | |
c_bpartner | invoicerule | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Frequency and method of invoicing | |
c_bpartner | is1099vendor | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | 1099 Vendor | ||
c_acctschema | isaccrual | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used | ||
c_acctschema | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_allocationhdr | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_allocationline | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_bpartner | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_charge | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_country | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_countrygroup | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_currency | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_invoice | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_invoiceline | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_invoicetax | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_location | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_region | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_tax | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_tax_acct | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxcategory | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxdeclaration | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxdeclarationacct | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxdeclarationline | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxpostal | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxprovider | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_taxprovidercfg | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
fact_acct | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
m_product | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_country | isaddresslineslocalreverse | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Print Local Address in reverse Order | ||
c_country | isaddresslinesreverse | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Print Address in reverse Order | ||
c_acctschema | isadjustcogs | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Adjust Cost of Good Sold | ||
c_acctschema | isallownegativeposting | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | Allow to post negative accounting values | |
c_allocationhdr | isapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document requires approval | ||
c_invoice | isapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if this document requires approval | ||
m_product | isautoproduce | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Auto create production to fulfill shipment | ||
m_product | isbom | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Bill of Materials | ||
c_bpartner | iscustomer | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if this Business Partner is a Customer | ||
c_region | isdefault | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Default value | |
c_tax | isdefault | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Default value | ||
c_taxcategory | isdefault | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Default value | ||
c_invoiceline | isdescription | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | if true, the line is just description and no transaction | ||
c_acctschema | isdiscountcorrectstax | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Correct the tax for payment discount and charges | ||
c_bpartner | isdiscountprinted | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | Print Discount on Invoice and Order | |
c_invoice | isdiscountprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Print Discount on Invoice and Order | ||
c_tax | isdocumentlevel | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) | ||
m_product | isdropship | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location | ||
c_bpartner | isemployee | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee | ||
c_currency | isemumember | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This currency is member if the European Monetary Union | ||
c_currency | iseuro | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This currency is the Euro | ||
m_product | isexcludeautodelivery | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Exclude from automatic Delivery | ||
c_acctschema | isexplicitcostadjustment | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Post the cost adjustment explicitly | ||
c_invoice | isfixedassetinvoice | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | IsFixedAssetInvoice | |
c_invoiceline | isfixedassetinvoice | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | IsFixedAssetInvoice | |
c_invoice | isindispute | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Document is in dispute | ||
m_product | isinvoiceprintdetails | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Print detail BOM elements on the invoice | ||
m_product | iskanban | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This part is Kanban controlled | ||
c_allocationhdr | ismanual | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a manual process | ||
c_allocationline | ismanual | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | This is a manual process | |
c_taxdeclarationline | ismanual | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a manual process | ||
m_product | ismanufactured | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This product is manufactured | ||
c_bpartner | ismanufacturer | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Indicate role of this Business partner as Manufacturer | |
c_currency | iso_code | bpchar | 3 | Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency | |||
c_bpartner | isonetime | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | One time transaction | ||
c_invoice | isoverridecurrencyrate | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Override Currency Conversion Rate | ||
m_product | isownbox | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Own Box | ||
c_invoice | ispaid | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document is paid | ||
c_invoice | ispayschedulevalid | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Is the Payment Schedule is valid | ||
m_product | isphantom | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Phantom Component | |
m_product | ispicklistprintdetails | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Print detail BOM elements on the pick list | ||
c_country | ispostcodelookup | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Does this country have a post code web service | ||
c_acctschema | ispostifclearingequal | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | This flag controls if Adempiere must post when clearing (transit) and final accounts are the same | |
c_acctschema | ispostservices | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables | ||
c_bpartner | ispotaxexempt | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Business partner is exempt from tax on purchases | ||
c_invoice | isprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document / line is printed | ||
c_invoiceline | isprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if this document / line is printed | ||
c_bpartner | isprospect | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates this is a Prospect | ||
m_product | ispurchased | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Organization purchases this product | ||
c_bpartner | issalesrep | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agent | ||
c_tax | issalestax | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a sales tax (i.e. not a value added tax) | ||
c_charge | issamecurrency | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Same Currency | ||
c_charge | issametax | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Use the same tax as the main transaction | ||
c_invoice | isselfservice | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service | ||
m_product | isselfservice | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service | ||
m_product | issold | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Organization sells this product | ||
c_invoice | issotrx | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | This is a Sales Transaction | ||
m_product | isstocked | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Organization stocks this product | ||
c_bpartner | issummary | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a summary entity | ||
c_tax | issummary | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a summary entity | ||
m_product | issummary | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a summary entity | ||
c_bpartner | istaxexempt | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Business partner is exempt from tax on sales | |
c_tax | istaxexempt | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Business partner is exempt from tax on sales | ||
c_charge | istaxincluded | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Tax is included in the price | ||
c_invoice | istaxincluded | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Tax is included in the price | ||
c_invoicetax | istaxincluded | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Tax is included in the price | ||
m_product | istoformule | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | ||
c_acctschema | istradediscountposted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Generate postings for trade discounts | ||
c_invoice | istransferred | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Transferred to General Ledger (i.e. accounted) | ||
c_location | isvalid | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Element is valid | |
c_bpartner | isvendor | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor | ||
m_product | isverified | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The BOM configuration has been verified | ||
m_product | iswebstorefeatured | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | If selected, the product is displayed in the initial or any empty search | ||
c_taxprovider | license | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | License | |
c_invoiceline | line | numeric | 10 | Unique line for this document | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | line | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unique line for this document | |
c_taxdeclarationline | line | numeric | 10 | 0 | Unique line for this document | ||
fact_acct | line_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Transaction line ID (internal) | |
c_invoiceline | linenetamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Line Extended Amount (Quantity * Actual Price) without Freight and Charges | ||
c_invoiceline | linetotalamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Total line amount incl. Tax | |
c_bpartner | logo_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Logo | |
c_country | lookupclassname | varchar | 255 | √ | null | The class name of the postcode lookup plugin | |
c_country | lookupclientid | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The ClientID or Login submitted to the Lookup URL | |
c_country | lookuppassword | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The password submitted to the Lookup URL | |
c_country | lookupurl | varchar | 100 | √ | null | The URL of the web service that the plugin connects to in order to retrieve postcode data | |
m_product | lowlevel | numeric | 10 | (0)::numeric | The Low Level is used to calculate the material plan and determines if a net requirement should be exploited | ||
m_product | m_attributeset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product Attribute Set | |
c_invoiceline | m_attributesetinstance_id | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Product Attribute Set Instance | |
m_product | m_attributesetinstance_id | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Product Attribute Set Instance | |
c_acctschema | m_costtype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future) | |
c_bpartner | m_discountschema_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage | |
m_product | m_freightcategory_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Category of the Freight | |
c_invoiceline | m_inoutline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Line on Shipment or Receipt document | |
fact_acct | m_locator_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Warehouse Locator | |
m_product | m_locator_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Warehouse Locator | |
m_product | m_parttype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Part Type | |
c_bpartner | m_pricelist_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unique identifier of a Price List | |
c_invoice | m_pricelist_id | numeric | 10 | Unique identifier of a Price List | |||
m_product | m_product_category_id | numeric | 10 | Category of a Product | |||
c_invoiceline | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
fact_acct | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
m_product | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | Product, Service, Item | |||
m_product | m_product_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | M_Product_UU | |
c_invoice | m_rma_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Return Material Authorization | |
c_invoiceline | m_rmaline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Return Material Authorization Line | |
c_country | mediasize | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Java Media Size | |
c_bpartner | naics | varchar | 6 | √ | null | Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - | |
c_acctschema | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_bpartner | name | varchar | 120 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_charge | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_country | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_countrygroup | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_region | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_tax | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_taxcategory | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_taxdeclaration | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_taxprovider | name | varchar | 120 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | name | varchar | 120 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
m_product | name | varchar | 255 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_bpartner | name2 | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Additional Name | |
c_bpartner | numberemployees | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of employees | |
c_allocationline | overunderamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount | |
c_tax | parent_tax_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes | |
c_bpartner | paymentrule | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | How you pay the invoice | |
c_invoice | paymentrule | bpchar | 1 | How you pay the invoice | |||
c_bpartner | paymentrulepo | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Purchase payment option | |
c_acctschema | period_openfuture | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date) | |
c_acctschema | period_openhistory | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date) | |
c_country | placeholderaddress1 | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for Address 1 | |
c_country | placeholderaddress2 | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for Address 2 | |
c_country | placeholderaddress3 | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for Address 3 | |
c_country | placeholderaddress4 | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for Address 4 | |
c_country | placeholderaddress5 | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for Address 5 | |
c_country | placeholdercity | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for city | |
c_country | placeholdercomments | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for comments | |
c_country | placeholderpostal | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for postal | |
c_country | placeholderpostal_add | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Placeholder for additional zip | |
c_bpartner | po_discountschema_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage | |
c_bpartner | po_paymentterm_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment rules for a purchase order | |
c_bpartner | po_pricelist_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Price List used by this Business Partner | |
c_bpartner | poreference | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner | |
c_invoice | poreference | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner | |
c_location | postal | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Postal code | |
c_taxpostal | postal | varchar | 10 | Postal code | |||
c_location | postal_add | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Additional ZIP or Postal code | |
c_taxpostal | postal_to | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Postal code to | |
c_allocationhdr | posted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Posting status | ||
c_invoice | posted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Posting status | ||
fact_acct | postingtype | bpchar | 1 | The type of posted amount for the transaction | |||
c_bpartner | potentiallifetimevalue | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Total Revenue expected | |
c_invoiceline | priceactual | numeric | 0 | 0 | Actual Price | ||
c_invoiceline | priceentered | numeric | 0 | Price Entered - the price based on the selected/base UoM | |||
c_invoiceline | pricelimit | numeric | 0 | 0 | Lowest price for a product | ||
c_invoiceline | pricelist | numeric | 0 | 0 | List Price | ||
c_allocationhdr | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_invoice | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_invoiceline | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_invoicetax | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_taxdeclaration | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_allocationhdr | processedon | numeric | 0 | √ | null | The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed | |
c_invoice | processedon | numeric | 0 | √ | null | The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed | |
c_acctschema | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_allocationhdr | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_invoice | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_taxdeclaration | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
m_product | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
m_product | producttype | bpchar | 1 | 'I'::bpchar | Type of product | ||
fact_acct | qty | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Quantity | |
c_invoiceline | qtyentered | numeric | 0 | The Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoM | |||
c_invoiceline | qtyinvoiced | numeric | 0 | 0 | Invoiced Quantity | ||
m_product | r_mailtext_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Text templates for mailings | |
c_tax | rate | numeric | 0 | Rate or Tax or Exchange | |||
c_bpartner | rating | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Classification or Importance | |
fact_acct | record_id | numeric | 10 | Direct internal record ID | |||
c_invoice | ref_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Referenced Invoice | |
c_invoiceline | ref_invoiceline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Referenced Invoice Line | |
c_bpartner | referenceno | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site | |
c_country | regionname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name of the Region | |
c_location | regionname | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Name of the Region | |
c_invoice | relatedinvoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Related Invoice | |
c_tax | requirestaxcertificate | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt | ||
c_location | result | varchar | 2000 | √ | NULL::character varying | Result of the action taken | |
c_allocationhdr | reversal_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ID of document reversal | |
c_invoice | reversal_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ID of document reversal | |
c_currency | roundofffactor | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Used to Round Off Payment Amount | |
c_invoiceline | rramt | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Revenue Recognition Amount | |
c_invoiceline | rrstartdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Revenue Recognition Start Date | |
m_product | s_expensetype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Expense report type | |
m_product | s_resource_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Resource | |
c_invoiceline | s_resourceassignment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Resource Assignment | |
c_bpartner | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
c_invoice | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
m_product | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
c_bpartner | salesvolume | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency | |
c_bpartner | sendemail | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Enable sending Document EMail | ||
c_invoice | sendemail | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Enable sending Document EMail | ||
c_acctschema | separator | bpchar | 1 | Element Separator | |||
c_taxprovider | seqno | numeric | 10 | (0)::numeric | Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first | ||
c_bpartner | shareofcustomer | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Share of Customer's business as a percentage | |
m_product | shelfdepth | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Shelf depth required | |
m_product | shelfheight | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Shelf height required | |
c_bpartner | shelflifeminpct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date | |
m_product | shelfwidth | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Shelf width required | |
m_product | sku | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Stock Keeping Unit | |
c_bpartner | so_creditlimit | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed | |
c_bpartner | so_creditused | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Current open balance | |
c_bpartner | so_description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description to be used on orders | |
c_bpartner | socreditstatus | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'O'::bpchar | Business Partner Credit Status | |
c_tax | sopotype | bpchar | 1 | 'B'::bpchar | Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations | ||
c_currency | stdprecision | numeric | 10 | Rule for rounding calculated amounts | |||
c_tax_acct | t_credit_acct | numeric | 10 | Account for Tax you can reclaim | |||
c_tax_acct | t_due_acct | numeric | 10 | Account for Tax you have to pay | |||
c_tax_acct | t_expense_acct | numeric | 10 | Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim | |||
c_tax_acct | t_liability_acct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Account for Tax declaration liability | |
c_tax_acct | t_receivables_acct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Account for Tax credit after tax declaration | |
c_invoiceline | taxamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Tax Amount for a document | |
c_invoicetax | taxamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Tax Amount for a document | ||
c_taxdeclarationline | taxamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Tax Amount for a document | ||
c_invoicetax | taxbaseamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Base for calculating the tax amount | ||
c_taxdeclarationline | taxbaseamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Base for calculating the tax amount | ||
c_acctschema | taxcorrectiontype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Type of Tax Correction | |
c_bpartner | taxid | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Tax Identification | |
c_tax | taxindicator | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Short form for Tax to be printed on documents | |
c_taxprovidercfg | taxproviderclass | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Tax Provider Class | |
c_tax | to_country_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Receiving Country | |
c_tax | to_region_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Receiving Region | |
c_invoice | totallines | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total of all document lines | ||
c_bpartner | totalopenbalance | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency | |
m_product | unitsperpack | numeric | 10 | 1 | The Units Per Pack indicates the no of units of a product packed together. | ||
m_product | unitsperpallet | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Units Per Pallet | |
m_product | upc | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) | |
c_acctschema | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_allocationhdr | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_allocationline | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_bpartner | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_charge | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_country | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_countrygroup | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_currency | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_invoice | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_invoiceline | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_invoicetax | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_location | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_region | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_tax | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_tax_acct | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxcategory | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxdeclaration | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxdeclarationacct | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxdeclarationline | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxpostal | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxprovider | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_taxprovidercfg | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
fact_acct | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
m_product | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_acctschema | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_allocationhdr | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_allocationline | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_bpartner | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_charge | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_country | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_countrygroup | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_currency | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_invoice | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_invoiceline | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_invoicetax | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_location | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_region | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_tax | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_tax_acct | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxcategory | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxdeclaration | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxdeclarationacct | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxdeclarationline | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxpostal | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxprovider | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_taxprovidercfg | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
fact_acct | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
m_product | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_bpartner | url | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Full URL address - e.g. | |
c_taxprovidercfg | url | varchar | 120 | √ | NULL::character varying | Full URL address - e.g. | |
c_invoice | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
c_invoiceline | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
fact_acct | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
c_invoice | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
c_invoiceline | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
fact_acct | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
fact_acct | userelement1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined accounting Element | |
fact_acct | userelement2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined accounting Element | |
c_location | validateaddress | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Validate Address | |
c_taxprovider | validateconnection | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Validate Connection | |
c_tax | validfrom | timestamp | 29,6 | Valid from including this date (first day) | |||
c_bpartner | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
c_countrygroup | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
m_product | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
m_product | versionno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Version Number | |
m_product | volume | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Volume of a product | |
m_product | weight | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Weight of a product | |
c_allocationline | writeoffamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Amount to write-off |