SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere11.adempiereProduct Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
Generated on 2024-01-03 13:53 +0100
Database Type: PostgreSQL - 15.5 (Ubuntu 15.5-1.pgdg22.04+1)

XML Representation
Insertion Order Deletion Order

Table / View Children Parents Columns Rows Comments
c_uom 4 17 15 Unit of Measure
c_uom_conversion 3 14 1 Unit of Measure Conversion
m_product 12 2 72 55 Product Service Item
m_product_acct 1 34 110 Product Acct
m_product_bom 15 view BOM Line
m_product_category 2 1 19 14 Category of a Product
m_product_po 2 32 29 Product Purchasing
m_product_trl 1 14 55 Product, Service, Item
m_productdownload 1 12 1 Product downloads
m_productprice 1 14 114 Product Price
m_productpricevendorbreak 1 16 0 Product Price Break
m_relatedproduct 2 13 1 Product Related
m_replenish 1 16 19 M_Replenish
m_substitute 2 12 0 M_Substitute
13 Tables     285 414  
1 View     15