SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere11.adempiere - ColumnsHelp | Generated by Quality Systems & Solutions |
Generated on 2024-01-03 13:48 +0100 |
| |||||
idempiere11.adempiere contains 611 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | |
ad_form | accesslevel | bpchar | 1 | Access Level required | |||
ad_process | accesslevel | bpchar | 1 | Access Level required | |||
r_request | confidentialtype | bpchar | 1 | 'C'::bpchar | Type of Confidentiality | ||
r_request | confidentialtypeentry | bpchar | 1 | Confidentiality of the individual entry | |||
ad_user | connectionprofile | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | How a Java Tenant connects to the server(s) | |
c_project | copyfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Copy From Record | |
ad_process | copyfromprocess | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Copy settings from one report and process to another. | |
ad_ctxhelp | ctxtype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Type of Context Help | |
r_request | duetype | bpchar | 1 | Status of the next action for this Request | |||
ad_process | executiontype | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Execution Type defines whether the report/process will always run in background or foreground. | |
c_project | generateto | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Generate To | |
a_asset | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
a_asset_group | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
a_registration | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_ctxhelp | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_form | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_issue | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_process | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_registration | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_system | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_user | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_window | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_project | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_issueknown | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_issueproject | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_issuerecommendation | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_issuestatus | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_issuesystem | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_issueuser | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
r_request | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
ad_user | isaddmailtextautomatically | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The selected mail template will be automatically inserted when creating an email | ||
a_registration | isallowpublish | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info | ||
ad_registration | isallowpublish | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info | ||
ad_registration | isallowstatistics | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Maintain general statistics | ||
ad_system | isallowstatistics | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Maintain general statistics | ||
ad_system | isautoerrorreport | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Automatically report Errors | ||
ad_form | isbetafunctionality | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This functionality is considered Beta | ||
ad_process | isbetafunctionality | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This functionality is considered Beta | ||
ad_window | isbetafunctionality | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This functionality is considered Beta | ||
ad_user | isbillto | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address | ||
c_project | iscommitceiling | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling | ||
c_project | iscommitment | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Is this document a (legal) commitment? | ||
a_asset_group | iscreateasactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Create Asset and activate it | ||
a_asset_group | isdefault | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Default value | ||
ad_window | isdefault | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Default value | ||
a_asset | isdepreciated | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The asset will be depreciated | ||
a_asset_group | isdepreciated | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The asset will be depreciated | ||
ad_process | isdirectprint | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Print without dialog | |
a_asset | isdisposed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The asset is disposed | ||
r_request | isescalated | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This request has been escalated | ||
ad_user | isexpired | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Expired | ||
ad_system | isfailonbuilddiffer | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Fail if Build Differ | ||
ad_system | isfailonmissingmodelvalidator | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Fail on Missing Model Validator | ||
a_asset_group | isfixedasset | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | Is Fixed Asset | |
ad_user | isfullbpaccess | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The user/contact has full access to Business Partner information and resources | ||
a_asset | isfullydepreciated | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The asset is fully depreciated | ||
ad_user | isinpayroll | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Defined if any User Contact will be used for Calculate Payroll | ||
a_asset | isinposession | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The asset is in the possession of the organization | ||
a_registration | isinproduction | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The system is in production | ||
ad_registration | isinproduction | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The system is in production | ||
r_request | isinvoiced | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Is this invoiced? | ||
ad_system | isjustmigrated | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Value set by Migration for post-Migration tasks. | |
ad_user | islocked | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Locked | ||
ad_user | ismenuautoexpand | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | If ticked, the menu is automatically expanded | |
ad_user | isnoexpire | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | No Expire | ||
ad_user | isnopasswordreset | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | No Password Reset | ||
a_asset_group | isoneassetperuom | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Create one asset per UOM | ||
a_asset | isowned | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The asset is owned by the organization | ||
a_asset_group | isowned | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The asset is owned by the organization | ||
a_registration | isregistered | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The application is registered. | ||
ad_registration | isregistered | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The application is registered. | ||
ad_process | isreport | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates a Report record | ||
ad_issue | isreproducible | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Problem can re reproduced in Gardenworld | |
ad_user | issaleslead | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This contact is a sales lead | ||
r_request | isselfservice | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service | ||
ad_process | isserverprocess | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Run this Process on Server only | |
ad_user | isshipto | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Business Partner Shipment Address | ||
ad_window | issotrx | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | This is a Sales Transaction | ||
ad_issue | issuesource | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Issue Source | |
c_project | issummary | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a summary entity | ||
ad_user | issupportuser | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Support User | ||
a_asset_group | istrackissues | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Enable tracking issues for this asset | ||
ad_issue | isvanillasystem | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | The system was NOT compiled from Source - i.e. standard distribution | |
ad_user | isvendorlead | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This contact is a vendor lead | ||
r_request | nextaction | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Next Action to be taken | |
ad_user | notificationtype | bpchar | 1 | 'X'::bpchar | Type of Notifications | ||
r_request | priority | bpchar | 1 | Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. | |||
r_request | priorityuser | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Priority of the issue for the User | |
a_asset | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
ad_issue | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_project | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
r_request | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
a_asset | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Process Now | |
a_registration | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
ad_issue | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
ad_registration | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
ad_system | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
ad_user | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
ad_window | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_project | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
r_issueknown | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_project | projectcategory | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Project Category | |
c_project | projectlinelevel | bpchar | 1 | 'P'::bpchar | Project Line Level | ||
c_project | projinvoicerule | bpchar | 1 | '-'::bpchar | Invoice Rule for the project | ||
ad_system | replicationtype | bpchar | 1 | 'L'::bpchar | Type of Data Replication | ||
ad_process | showhelp | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | Show Help | |
ad_issue | systemstatus | bpchar | 1 | Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status | |||
ad_system | systemstatus | bpchar | 1 | 'E'::bpchar | Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status | ||
r_issueproject | systemstatus | bpchar | 1 | Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status | |||
r_issuesystem | systemstatus | bpchar | 1 | Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status | |||
r_request | taskstatus | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Status of the Task | |
ad_window | windowtype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Type or classification of a Window | |
a_asset | a_qty_current | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Current Qty | |
a_asset | a_qty_original | numeric | 0 | √ | null | A_QTY_Original | |
c_project | committedamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | The (legal) commitment amount | ||
c_project | committedqty | numeric | 0 | 0 | The (legal) commitment Quantity | ||
ad_system | idrangeend | numeric | 0 | √ | null | End if the ID Range used | |
ad_system | idrangestart | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Start of the ID Range used | |
c_project | invoicedamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | The amount invoiced | ||
c_project | invoicedqty | numeric | 0 | 0 | The quantity invoiced | ||
a_asset | lifeuseunits | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore | |
c_project | plannedamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Planned amount for this project | ||
c_project | plannedmarginamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Project's planned margin amount | ||
c_project | plannedqty | numeric | 0 | 0 | Planned quantity for this project | ||
c_project | projectbalanceamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total Project Balance | ||
a_asset | qty | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Quantity | |
r_request | qtyinvoiced | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Invoiced Quantity | |
r_request | qtyplan | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Planned Quantity | |
r_request | qtyspent | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Quantity used for this event | |
r_request | requestamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Amount associated with this request | ||
ad_process | statistic_seconds | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Internal statistics how many seconds a process took | |
a_asset | uselifeyears | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Years of the usable life of the asset | |
a_asset | useunits | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Currently used units of the assets | |
a_asset | a_asset_class_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Asset class | |
a_asset_group | a_asset_class_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Asset class | |
a_asset | a_asset_group_id | numeric | 10 | Group of Assets | |||
a_asset_group | a_asset_group_id | numeric | 10 | Group of Assets | |||
a_asset | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | Asset used internally or by customers | |||
a_registration | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
ad_issue | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
r_issueproject | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
r_issuesystem | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
r_request | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
a_asset | a_asset_type_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset Type | |
a_asset_group | a_asset_type_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset Type | |
a_asset | a_parent_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Parent Asset | |
a_registration | a_registration_id | numeric | 10 | User Asset Registration | |||
a_asset | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
a_asset_group | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
a_registration | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_ctxhelp | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_form | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_issue | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_process | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_registration | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_system | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_user | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_window | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_project | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_issueknown | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_issueproject | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_issuerecommendation | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_issuestatus | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_issuesystem | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_issueuser | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
r_request | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Tenant for this installation. | |||
ad_window | ad_color_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Color for backgrounds or indicators | |
ad_ctxhelp | ad_ctxhelp_id | numeric | 10 | Context Help | |||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | ad_ctxhelp_id | numeric | 10 | Context Help | |||
ad_form | ad_ctxhelp_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Context Help | |
ad_process | ad_ctxhelp_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Context Help | |
ad_ctxhelpmsg | ad_ctxhelpmsg_id | numeric | 10 | Context Help Message | |||
ad_ctxhelp | ad_form_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ||
ad_form | ad_form_id | numeric | 10 | Special Form | |||
ad_issue | ad_form_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Special Form | |
ad_process | ad_form_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Special Form | |
ad_user | ad_image_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Image or Icon | |
ad_window | ad_image_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Image or Icon | |
ad_ctxhelp | ad_infowindow_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ||
ad_issue | ad_issue_id | numeric | 10 | Automatically created or manually entered System Issue | |||
a_asset | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
a_asset_group | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
a_registration | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_ctxhelp | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_form | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_issue | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_process | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_registration | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_system | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_user | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_window | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
c_project | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_issueknown | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_issueproject | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_issuerecommendation | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_issuestatus | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_issuesystem | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_issueuser | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
r_request | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within tenant | |||
ad_user | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
c_project | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Performing or initiating organization | |
ad_process | ad_printformat_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Data Print Format | |
ad_ctxhelp | ad_process_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ||
ad_issue | ad_process_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Process or Report | |
ad_process | ad_process_id | numeric | 10 | Process or Report | |||
ad_registration | ad_registration_id | numeric | 10 | System Registration | |||
ad_process | ad_reportview_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | View used to generate this report | |
r_request | ad_role_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Responsibility Role | |
ad_registration | ad_system_id | numeric | 10 | System Definition | |||
ad_system | ad_system_id | numeric | 10 | System Definition | |||
ad_ctxhelp | ad_tab_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ||
ad_ctxhelp | ad_table_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ||
r_request | ad_table_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Database Table information | |
ad_ctxhelp | ad_task_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ||
a_asset | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
a_registration | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
ad_user | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |||
c_project | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
r_issueuser | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
r_request | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
ad_issue | ad_window_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Data entry or display window | |
ad_window | ad_window_id | numeric | 10 | Data entry or display window | |||
ad_ctxhelp | ad_workflow_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | ||
ad_process | ad_workflow_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Workflow or combination of tasks | |
ad_user | bp_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Address of the Business Partner | |
a_asset | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Business Activity | |
c_project | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Business Activity | |
r_request | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
a_asset | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
a_registration | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
ad_user | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_project | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
r_request | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
a_asset | c_bpartner_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner | |
ad_user | c_bpartner_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner | |
c_project | c_bpartner_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner | |
a_asset | c_bpartnersr_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) | |
c_project | c_bpartnersr_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) | |
ad_user | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Marketing Campaign | |
c_project | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
r_request | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
ad_registration | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Currency for this record | |
c_project | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
ad_user | c_greeting_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Greeting to print on correspondence | |
r_request | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Invoice Identifier | |
r_request | c_invoicerequest_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The generated invoice for this request | |
ad_user | c_job_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Job Position | |
a_asset | c_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location or Address | |
ad_registration | c_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location or Address | |
ad_user | c_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Location or Address | |
r_request | c_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Order | |
r_request | c_payment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment identifier | |
c_project | c_paymentterm_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The terms of Payment (timing, discount) | |
c_project | c_phase_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Standard Phase of the Project Type | |
a_asset | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
c_project | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | Financial Project | |||
r_issueproject | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
r_request | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
c_project | c_projecttype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Type of the project | |
a_asset | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
a_asset_group | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
a_registration | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_ctxhelp | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_form | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_issue | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_process | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_registration | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_system | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_user | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_window | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_project | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_issueknown | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_issueproject | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_issuerecommendation | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_issuestatus | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_issuesystem | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_issueuser | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
r_request | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
ad_user | failedlogincount | numeric | 10 | (0)::numeric | Failed Login Count | ||
a_asset | lastmaintenanceunit | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Last Maintenance Unit | |
a_asset | lastmaintenanceuseunit | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ||
a_asset | lease_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Business Partner who rents or leases | |
ad_ctxhelpmsg | line | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ||
ad_issue | lineno | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Line No | |
r_issueknown | lineno | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Line No | |
a_asset | m_attributesetinstance_id | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Product Attribute Set Instance | |
r_request | m_changerequest_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | BOM (Engineering) Change Request | |
r_request | m_fixchangenotice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Fixed in Change Notice | |
r_request | m_inout_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Material Shipment Document | |
a_asset | m_inoutline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Line on Shipment or Receipt document | |
a_asset | m_locator_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Warehouse Locator | |
c_project | m_pricelist_version_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a unique instance of a Price List | |
a_asset | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | Product, Service, Item | |||
a_registration | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
r_request | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
r_request | m_productspent_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product/Resource/Service used in Request | |
r_request | m_rma_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Return Material Authorization | |
c_project | m_warehouse_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Storage Warehouse and Service Point | |
a_asset | manufacturedyear | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Manufactured Year | |
a_asset | nextmaintenanceuseunit | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ||
a_asset | nextmaintenenceunit | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Next Maintenence Unit | |
ad_system | noprocessors | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of Database Processors | |
ad_registration | numberemployees | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Number of employees | |
r_request | r_category_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request Category | |
ad_user | r_defaultmailtext_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Default mail template | |
r_request | r_group_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request Group | |
ad_issue | r_issueknown_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Known Issue | |
r_issueknown | r_issueknown_id | numeric | 10 | Known Issue | |||
ad_issue | r_issueproject_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Implementation Projects | |
r_issueproject | r_issueproject_id | numeric | 10 | Implementation Projects | |||
r_issueknown | r_issuerecommendation_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Recommendations how to fix an Issue | |
r_issuerecommendation | r_issuerecommendation_id | numeric | 10 | Recommendations how to fix an Issue | |||
r_issueknown | r_issuestatus_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Status of an Issue | |
r_issuestatus | r_issuestatus_id | numeric | 10 | Status of an Issue | |||
ad_issue | r_issuesystem_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | System creating the issue | |
r_issuesystem | r_issuesystem_id | numeric | 10 | System creating the issue | |||
ad_issue | r_issueuser_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User who reported issues | |
r_issueuser | r_issueuser_id | numeric | 10 | User who reported issues | |||
r_request | r_mailtext_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Text templates for mailings | |
ad_issue | r_request_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request from a Business Partner or Prospect | |
r_issueknown | r_request_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request from a Business Partner or Prospect | |
r_request | r_request_id | numeric | 10 | Request from a Business Partner or Prospect | |||
r_request | r_requestrelated_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Related Request (Master Issue, ..) | |
r_request | r_requesttype_id | numeric | 10 | Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) | |||
r_request | r_resolution_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request Resolution | |
r_request | r_standardresponse_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request Standard Response | |
r_request | r_status_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Request Status | |
ad_issue | record_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Direct internal record ID | |
ad_registration | record_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Direct internal record ID | |
ad_system | record_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Direct internal record ID | |
r_request | record_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Direct internal record ID | |
ad_user | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
c_project | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
r_request | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |||
ad_registration | salesvolume | numeric | 10 | √ | 0 | Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency | |
ad_process | statistic_count | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Internal statistics how often the entity was used | |
ad_user | supervisor_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval | |
ad_system | supportunits | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of Internal Users for iDempiere Support | |
a_asset | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
a_asset_group | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
a_registration | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_ctxhelp | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_form | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_issue | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_process | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_registration | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_system | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_user | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
ad_window | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_project | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_issueknown | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_issueproject | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_issuerecommendation | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_issuestatus | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_issuesystem | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_issueuser | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
r_request | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
a_asset | uselifemonths | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Months of the usable life of the asset | |
ad_window | winheight | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Window Height | |
ad_window | winwidth | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Window Width | |
a_asset | a_asset_createdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Create Date | |
a_asset | a_asset_revaldate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Revaluation Date | |
a_asset | assetactivationdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Activation Date | |
a_asset | assetdepreciationdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date of last depreciation | |
a_asset | assetdisposaldate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when the asset is/was disposed | |
a_asset | assetservicedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when Asset was put into service | |
a_registration | assetservicedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when Asset was put into service | |
ad_user | birthday | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Birthday or Anniversary day | |
r_request | closedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Close Date | |
a_asset | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
a_asset_group | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
a_registration | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_ctxhelp | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_form | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_issue | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_process | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_registration | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_system | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_user | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_window | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_project | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_issueknown | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_issueproject | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_issuerecommendation | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_issuestatus | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_issuesystem | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_issueuser | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
r_request | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
ad_user | dateaccountlocked | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date Account Locked | |
r_request | datecompleteplan | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Planned Completion Date | |
c_project | datecontract | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | The (planned) effective date of this document. | |
c_project | datefinish | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Finish or (planned) completion date | |
r_request | datelastaction | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date this request was last acted on | |
r_request | datelastalert | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when last alert were sent | |
ad_user | datelastlogin | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date Last Login | |
r_request | datenextaction | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date that this request should be acted on | |
ad_user | datepasswordchanged | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date Password Changed | |
r_request | datestartplan | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Planned Start Date | |
ad_user | emailverifydate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date Email was verified | |
r_request | endtime | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | End of the time span | |
a_asset | guaranteedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when guarantee expires | |
ad_user | lastcontact | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date this individual was last contacted | |
a_asset | lastmaintenancedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Last Maintenance Date | |
a_asset | lastmaintenencedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | ||
a_asset | leaseterminationdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Lease Termination Date | |
a_asset | nextmaintenencedate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Next Maintenance Date | |
r_request | startdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | First effective day (inclusive) | |
ad_registration | startproductiondate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with iDempiere | |
r_request | starttime | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Time started | |
ad_system | supportexpdate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when the iDempiere support expires | |
a_asset | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
a_asset_group | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
a_registration | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_ctxhelp | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_ctxhelpmsg | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_form | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_issue | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_process | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_registration | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_system | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_user | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
ad_window | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_project | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_issueknown | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_issueproject | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_issuerecommendation | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_issuestatus | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_issuesystem | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_issueuser | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
r_request | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
a_asset | a_asset_action | varchar | 2 | 'MD'::character varying | Asset Action | ||
a_asset | a_asset_status | varchar | 2 | 'NW'::character varying | Asset Status | ||
ad_process | allowmultipleexecution | varchar | 2 | 'P'::character varying | Allow or disallow executing a process/report multiple times concurrently | ||
a_asset | a_assettype | varchar | 3 | 'MFX'::character varying | Asset Type | ||
ad_user | authenticationtype | varchar | 10 | √ | NULL::character varying | Authentication Type | |
ad_user | leadsource | varchar | 10 | √ | NULL::character varying | The source of this lead/opportunity | |
ad_user | leadstatus | varchar | 10 | √ | NULL::character varying | The status of this lead/opportunity in the sales cycle | |
ad_issue | releaseno | varchar | 10 | '.'::character varying | Internal Release Number | ||
ad_system | releaseno | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Internal Release Number | |
r_issueknown | releaseno | varchar | 10 | Internal Release Number | |||
ad_user | salt | varchar | 16 | √ | NULL::character varying | Random data added to improve password hash effectiveness | |
ad_system | password | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Password of any length (case sensitive) | |
c_project | poreference | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner | |
ad_user | userpin | varchar | 20 | √ | null | User PIN | |
ad_system | version | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Version of the table definition | |
a_asset | versionno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Version Number | |
r_request | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
a_asset | inventoryno | varchar | 30 | √ | NULL::character varying | Inventory No | |
a_asset | manufacturer | varchar | 30 | √ | NULL::character varying | Manufacturer of the Product | |
ad_issue | requestdocumentno | varchar | 30 | √ | null | iDempiere Request Document No | |
a_asset_group | a_asset_group_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | A_Asset_Group_UU | |
a_asset | a_asset_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | A_Asset_UU | |
a_registration | a_registration_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | A_Registration_UU | |
ad_ctxhelp | ad_ctxhelp_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_CtxHelp_UU | |
ad_ctxhelpmsg | ad_ctxhelpmsg_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_CtxHelpMsg_UU | |
ad_form | ad_form_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_Form_UU | |
ad_issue | ad_issue_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_Issue_UU | |
ad_process | ad_process_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_Process_UU | |
ad_registration | ad_registration_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_Registration_UU | |
ad_system | ad_system_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_System_UU | |
ad_user | ad_user_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_User_UU | |
ad_window | ad_window_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | AD_Window_UU | |
c_project | c_project_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Project_UU | |
r_issueknown | r_issueknown_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_IssueKnown_UU | |
r_issueproject | r_issueproject_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_IssueProject_UU | |
r_issuerecommendation | r_issuerecommendation_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_IssueRecommendation_UU | |
r_issuestatus | r_issuestatus_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_IssueStatus_UU | |
r_issuesystem | r_issuesystem_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_IssueSystem_UU | |
r_issueuser | r_issueuser_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_IssueUser_UU | |
r_request | r_request_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | R_Request_UU | |
r_request | record_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | Record UUID | |
ad_user | emailverify | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Verification information of EMail Address | |
ad_form | entitytype | varchar | 40 | 'D'::character varying | Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization | ||
ad_process | entitytype | varchar | 40 | 'D'::character varying | Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization | ||
ad_window | entitytype | varchar | 40 | 'D'::character varying | Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization | ||
ad_user | fax | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Facsimile number | |
ad_user | phone | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Identifies a telephone number | |
ad_user | phone2 | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Identifies an alternate telephone number. | |
ad_user | title | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Name this entity is referred to as | |
a_asset | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
ad_process | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
ad_user | value | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |
c_project | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
ad_issue | version | varchar | 40 | Version of the table definition | |||
ad_process | workflowvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Workflow to start | |
ad_user | bpname | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | BP Name | |
ad_form | classname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Java Classname | |
ad_system | customprefix | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Prefix for Custom entities | |
ad_system | dbinstance | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Database Name | |
ad_user | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Electronic Mail Address | ||
ad_user | emailuser | varchar | 60 | √ | null | User Name (ID) in the Mail System | |
a_asset | lastmaintenancenote | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Last Maintenance Note | |
ad_system | ldaphost | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Connection String to LDAP server starting with ldap:// | |
ad_user | ldapuser | varchar | 60 | √ | null | User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services | |
r_issueknown | loggername | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Logger Name | |
a_asset | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
a_asset_group | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
a_registration | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_form | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_issue | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_process | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_system | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_user | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_window | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_project | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
r_issuerecommendation | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
r_issuestatus | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
ad_system | oldname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Old Name | |
ad_process | procedurename | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name of the Database Procedure | |
ad_issue | releasetag | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Release Tag | |
a_registration | remote_addr | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Remote Address | |
ad_issue | remote_addr | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Remote Address | |
ad_registration | remote_addr | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Remote Address | |
r_issueknown | sourceclassname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Source Class Name | |
ad_issue | sourcemethodname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Source Method Name | |
r_issueknown | sourcemethodname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Source Method Name | |
ad_system | statisticsinfo | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
r_issueproject | statisticsinfo | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
r_issuesystem | statisticsinfo | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
ad_issue | supportemail | varchar | 60 | √ | null | EMail address to send support information and updates to | |
ad_system | supportemail | varchar | 60 | √ | null | EMail address to send support information and updates to | |
ad_issue | username | varchar | 60 | User Name | |||
ad_system | username | varchar | 60 | User Name | |||
r_issueuser | username | varchar | 60 | User Name | |||
ad_form | imageurl | varchar | 120 | √ | NULL::character varying | URL of image | |
ad_form | jspurl | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Web URL of the jsp function | |
ad_issue | local_host | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Local Host Info | |
ad_ctxhelp | name | varchar | 120 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
r_issueproject | name | varchar | 120 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
a_registration | remote_host | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Remote host Info | |
ad_issue | remote_host | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Remote host Info | |
ad_registration | remote_host | varchar | 120 | √ | null | Remote host Info | |
ad_process | classname | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Java Classname | |
ad_issue | databaseinfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Database Information | |
ad_issue | dbaddress | varchar | 255 | √ | null | JDBC URL of the database server | |
ad_system | dbaddress | varchar | 255 | √ | null | JDBC URL of the database server | |
r_issuesystem | dbaddress | varchar | 255 | JDBC URL of the database server | |||
a_asset | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
a_asset_group | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
a_registration | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_ctxhelp | description | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_form | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_process | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_registration | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_system | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_user | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_window | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_project | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
r_issueknown | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
r_issueproject | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
r_issuerecommendation | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
r_issuestatus | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
r_issueuser | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
ad_user | emailuserpw | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Password of your email user id | |
ad_system | encryptionkey | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Encryption Class used for securing data content | |
ad_process | filenamepattern | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | File Name Pattern | |
ad_registration | industryinfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) | |
ad_system | info | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Information | |
r_issueknown | issuesummary | varchar | 255 | Issue Summary | |||
ad_process | jasperreport | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Jasper Report | |
ad_issue | javainfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Java Version Info | |
ad_system | lastbuildinfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Last Build Info | |
ad_system | lastmigrationscriptapplied | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Register of the filename for the last migration script applied on this database | |
ad_user | lastresult | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Result of last contact | |
ad_system | ldapdomain | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Directory service domain name - e.g. | |
ad_user | leadsourcedescription | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Additional information on the source of this lead/opportunity | |
ad_user | leadstatusdescription | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Additional information on the status of this lead/opportunity | |
a_asset | locationcomment | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Additional comments or remarks concerning the location | |
ad_issue | loggername | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Logger Name | |
a_asset | lot | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Lot number (alphanumeric) | |
ad_issue | operatingsysteminfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Operating System Info | |
ad_registration | platforminfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Information about Server and Tenant Platform | |
a_asset | serno | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Product Serial Number | |
ad_issue | sourceclassname | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Source Class Name | |
ad_issue | statisticsinfo | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
ad_system | summary | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Textual summary of this request | |
ad_window | titlelogic | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | The result determines the title to be displayed for this window | |
ad_user | answer | varchar | 1024 | √ | NULL::character varying | Answer | |
ad_user | password | varchar | 1024 | √ | null | Password of any length (case sensitive) | |
ad_user | securityquestion | varchar | 1024 | √ | null | Security Question | |
ad_issue | comments | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comments or additional information | |
ad_user | comments | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comments or additional information | |
ad_issue | errortrace | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | System Error Trace | |
a_asset | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
a_asset_group | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
a_registration | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
ad_form | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
ad_process | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
ad_window | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
r_issuerecommendation | help | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Comment or Hint | |
r_issueknown | issuestatus | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Current Status of the Issue | |
ad_issue | issuesummary | varchar | 2000 | Issue Summary | |||
r_request | lastresult | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Result of last contact | |
ad_ctxhelpmsg | msgtext | varchar | 2000 | Textual Informational, Menu or Error Message | |||
a_registration | note | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Optional additional user defined information | |
c_project | note | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Optional additional user defined information | |
ad_issue | responsetext | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Request Response Text | |
r_request | result | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Result of the action taken | |
ad_issue | stacktrace | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | System Log Trace | |
r_request | summary | varchar | 2000 | Textual summary of this request | |||
ad_window | predefinedcontextvariables | varchar | 4000 | √ | NULL::character varying | Predefined context variables to inject when opening a menu entry or a window | |
ad_issue | profileinfo | varchar | 4000 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
ad_system | profileinfo | varchar | 4000 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
r_issueproject | profileinfo | varchar | 4000 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues | |
r_issuesystem | profileinfo | varchar | 4000 | √ | null | Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues |