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'''''norbertbede''''': @carlos thanks for effort<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': @carlos thanks for effort<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': @hiep too<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': @hiep too<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss created IDEMPIERE-1984 Print preview too small on zk7<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1984<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1984 Attachment set to "jira-capture-screenshot-20140604-093756-269.png"<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1984<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': we have done the follow issues, ready to commit<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': we have done the follow issues, ready to commit<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1973<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1973<br>
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'''''norbertbede''''': please consider to commit<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': please consider to commit<br>
'''''CarlosRuiz''''': ok<br>
'''''CarlosRuiz''''': ok<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1983 labels set to "zk7"<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1983<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1981<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] Hi [~jan.thielemann], I think option 3 > -Prevent the user from creating more than one message (with a db constraint) Regards, Carlos Ruiz<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1981<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1970<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] related chat from 2014/6/4 15:08:02 norbertbede: i want ask you Carlos related to our forum thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/idempiere/m_2u9aGA370 15:08:53 norbertbede: i have create an issue https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1970 15:09:29 Deepak_: Good Morning Carlos 15:10:22 CarlosRuiz: Hi. Good norbertbede - will take a look to those - let me check 15:14:46 Deepak_: Nobert, why do not create a view which ha<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1970<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-1970 assignee set to "hieplq"<br>
'''''Not-7674''''': [IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1970<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': @carlos. thinking about run manage small group - like norbert's sprints. where we manage overview of all issues.<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': @carlos. thinking about run manage small group - like norbert's sprints. where we manage overview of all issues.<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': that should be like standalone wiki pages<br>
'''''norbertbede''''': that should be like standalone wiki pages<br>

Latest revision as of 18:40, 4 June 2014

Table of Contents | Full Meeting Minutes | Full Meeting 2014-06-04

CarlosRuiz: Good Morning
norbertbede: Hi all
norbertbede: ok. i will start, if nobody else..
norbertbede: i want ask you Carlos related to our forum thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/idempiere/m_2u9aGA370
norbertbede: i have create an issue https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1970
Deepak_: Good Morning Carlos
CarlosRuiz: Hi. Good norbertbede - will take a look to those - let me check
Deepak_: Nobert, why do not create a view which has record_Id , Line_ID,Table_ID , where record id can be made unique using formula like 1000000+M_InoutLine_ID
Deepak_: or Just adding Record_UUID support on info window and using that on T_Selection
norbertbede: its based on view
CarlosRuiz: there is a t_selection2 table - maybe that could help?
norbertbede: that should cover that use case ? you mean
norbertbede: is there any guides how to use it ? generally it is empty
CarlosRuiz: looking at code seems that table is not used anywhere
CarlosRuiz: but seems that was created for such purpose - same as t_selection but with an extra numeric column
norbertbede: looks me a wide range usage to improve that. could be this issue valid request ? https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1970
Deepak_: I do not like concept of col1, col2, colN like generic column.
norbertbede: for now it is enough only extend by table id then we can identify recordid+tableid. that was general ike in financial reports
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, I'm trying to check how is the record_id determined on info window - do you know where is that?
hieplq: you mean norbert issue?
CarlosRuiz: in general - I check the info window Order Info - and it doesn't have the C_Order_ID info column
CarlosRuiz: so, somewhere in code must be introduced
hieplq: wait me check. i remeber it's column have check box.
norbertbede: hi @hiep you was inteed pls help to explain that requirement
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, requirement is clear
norbertbede: ok
hieplq: CarlosRuiz in method prepareTable table of infowindow, key column is auto make rely key column of table
CarlosRuiz: agree with Deepak_ about colN - seems like we only need one extra column (ad_table_id) - but checking the code seems it's requiring the underlying view to have an ID column with the name [table]_ID
hieplq: because not need make C_Order_ID infoColumn
hieplq: for norbertbede issue, i think just add a string column, when make view dev must concate info to create this column unique
CarlosRuiz: so, you would need to define a new table like T_SelectionString with columns ad_pinstance_id, t_selection_id and t_string
CarlosRuiz: and maybe adding a column AD_InfoProcess.AD_InfoColumn_ID
CarlosRuiz: representing the string column that you want to pass to that process on the T_SelectionString table
hieplq: i think just add column to exsist table T_Selection, at code save select, check if use view, save add string column
CarlosRuiz: yep - adding a string col to T_Selection sounds feasible - I was checking the impact and seems ok
don: test
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, WDYT about the idea -> "adding a column AD_InfoProcess.AD_InfoColumn_ID representing the string column that you want to pass to that process on the T_SelectionString table"
JanThielemann_: hi CarlosRuiz
hieplq: @CarlosRuiz, agree.
hieplq: ah. this column is add to ad_infowindow table not need add to ad_infoProcess
CarlosRuiz: Hi JanThielemann_ - a little outdated but happy birthday :-)
JanThielemann_: i tried the new context help feature this week and found (what i think) a bug. may you take a look at https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1981 ? I discussed with nmicoud and we wouldlike to hear your opinion
JanThielemann_: thank you :)
JanThielemann_: Also i wanted to ask you if it would be possible to add my name to the contributors section of the credit tab in the about window (maybe as my birthday gift?^^)
CarlosRuiz: hieplq, that column is useful just for infoprocess - and you could have a different string column for a different process - if you want to send another information
CarlosRuiz: do you have a preference for 1981?
CarlosRuiz: ok, let me check the impact and I'll give you my opinion on the ticket
hieplq: purpose of this column is indentify record. because it's per all process.
hieplq: ah, we can extend purpose of this column by your way.
CarlosRuiz: no, ID must be unique - the t_selection table has a unique index on t_selection_id
CarlosRuiz: so, you would still need that the view guarantees a unique id column
CarlosRuiz: but the view proposed by norbertbede can't have that ID column - hmmmm - you can't concatenate tableID+recordID - because that column is length 14 and the table just can hold length 10
CarlosRuiz: ah - doesn't matter :-) you can simply put there any random unique ID - that number is not necessary - the necessary info for the process is passed on the string
hieplq: can remove this constraint? add a new column uuid for table key
CarlosRuiz: trying to make the impact littler - and we don't know also how people is using t_selection in other custom processes
CarlosRuiz: so, I think is feasible
CarlosRuiz: - add column T_Selection.T_String
CarlosRuiz: - add column AD_InfoProcess.AD_InfoColumn_ID (indicating the info column that this process want to be put on T_String)
CarlosRuiz: - change the code to fill the T_String in case the info process indicates that must be filled
hieplq: ok with T_String and AD_InfoColumn_ID column. but with view of norber, will not fill ad_pinstance_id, t_selection_id by dupplicate key
CarlosRuiz: for the ID of the view - you can use rownum() for oracle
CarlosRuiz: or "row_number() over()" for postgresql
hieplq: from time save t_selection to time get from t_selection, view can change by add new or delete record. because row_number can point to other record
CarlosRuiz: your process won't use the record_id but the string
hieplq: ah. yes.it can work
norbertbede: @carlos thanks for effort
norbertbede: @hiep too
norbertbede: we have done the follow issues, ready to commit
norbertbede: https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1973
norbertbede: https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1972
norbertbede: https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1878
norbertbede: https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-1792
norbertbede: please consider to commit
CarlosRuiz: ok
norbertbede: @carlos. thinking about run manage small group - like norbert's sprints. where we manage overview of all issues.
norbertbede: that should be like standalone wiki pages
norbertbede: confluence would be the best. and also doesnt disturb others with my prios
norbertbede: but give overview to others by topic
norbertbede: we are using that this way inhouse.
norbertbede: what you mean ?
CarlosRuiz: sorry norbertbede - don't get what you mean
norbertbede: my problem is the follow
norbertbede: we input lot issues, and we need manage them, if want actively working on it
norbertbede: that means actual issue list not enough for me
norbertbede: if i work and want explain others how e.g. 5 tickets relate then i like that on wiki page where i can explain, make tables add notes, remarks...
norbertbede: this way we are using confluence
norbertbede: is it clear now ?
CarlosRuiz: ah - in JIRA you can have master tickets - I think you already did that with one of those
tbayen: What is bad about the wiki?
norbertbede: yes i know. mastertickets. it is clear to me.
norbertbede: for example
norbertbede: i can create a wiki page - like info window improvemts project page
norbertbede: then i will add a macro - list all issues, with tak infowindow - i will define colimns too
norbertbede: that is rendered easily and dynamically
norbertbede: that should be done by otjer wiki, but no direct connection - and other wiki cant generate content from jira
CarlosRuiz: maybe you can take a look to this also
CarlosRuiz: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/JIRA+Agile+Documentation
norbertbede: then i would be able to make pages by areas
norbertbede: yes. but because idempiere community doesnt use agile issue scheme, then its hard do use, and also should confuse others
tbayen: thanks
norbertbede: so this conflience would be compromise - do not disturb community, but use actibely data to generate wiki
norbertbede: i dont know it is free confliuence for opensource
norbertbede: not a big issue. should help 2Nd tier contributors to make groups and increase effeciency
CarlosRuiz: yep - probably not for community - but it could be helpful for your teamwork
tbayen: Some years ago in another universe (another project, now near-dead) there was a plan to embed things like a jira tracker page in the wiki. At this time I offered to make this possible. And it would be a pleasure to do that today too if it helps. I do not fully understand your need so be lenient if that does not fulfil your needs.
norbertbede: we are team too :) believe
CarlosRuiz: I mean - a team you control
norbertbede: i like hierarchy in community and actual governance. this guarentee quaity. its ok.
norbertbede: anyway if i need to explain others like hiep, or michal from slovakie (was in krefeld) or tomas my collegue. talk about same topic
norbertbede: then now i need to explain same issue for all - with my idea i should share a wiki page.
norbertbede: ok. its not a big deal
CarlosRuiz: norbertbede, what tbayen means is that there is a mediawiki extension that integrates with JIRA
norbertbede: should help to me coordinate my team 2-3 developers and PM, make things done
norbertbede: ah. im personally working lot with confliuence. but i will find workaround
norbertbede: in mediawiki.
norbertbede: thanks for ideas
tbayen: I am not used to confluence so I can not decide what is best. But if I can help anything by improving the mediawiki then please tell me.
norbertbede: i found that: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:JIRA
norbertbede: its from 2007
norbertbede: i dont like confluience years.
norbertbede: but its No1 for
norbertbede: now
norbertbede: tbayen: take look http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reiLHEIlXDc
norbertbede: or http://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/12/confluence-5-4-jira-integrates-confluence-like-never-before/
tbayen: CarlosRuiz, I have another question in my mind. Is it possible to use two calendars at the same time? I have a usecase to see financial reports by weekly periods (not monthly) as an alternative statistical tool.
CarlosRuiz: yep - that's a big usage for calendars that many people don't realize
CarlosRuiz: I have a yearly calendar for financial reports - and also a quarterly
CarlosRuiz: haven't tested with weekly - but must be the same thing
tbayen: Another possibility is to see two different fiscal years.
tbayen: Where do I configure the second calendar? There is only one entry in the client info window.
CarlosRuiz: that's the client calendar to manage accounting periods
CarlosRuiz: you create in calendar window all the calendars you want - and use them on financial reports
CarlosRuiz: you can also use calendars to create cubes with different balances than month
CarlosRuiz: weekly cubes
tbayen: I thought that the financial report depend on the "period" column in the accounting fact lines. But I can use it with other periods, right?
CarlosRuiz: the financial records work with the dates - not the periods
tbayen: Great! Thats it! :-)
tbayen: A restaurant has a weekly business. If a month has five or four weekends is a big difference in a monthly report. So my business also depends on weeks not months. Noone else in my business had this idea before. ;-)
tbayen: Thanks