#idempiere IRC log for Friday, 2019-06-14

*** a42niem <a42niem!~niem@p578b7daf.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #idempiere05:52
*** nmicoud <nmicoud!~Nicolas@2a01:e34:eeb6:cb10:e9dd:e377:eeb1:1d44> has joined #idempiere06:00
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*** CarlosRuiz <CarlosRuiz!~CarlosRui@ip-95-223-106-220.hsi16.unitymediagroup.de> has joined #idempiere09:28
Not[IDEMPIERE] nmicoud created IDEMPIERE-3987 EMailDialog user fields open the Info C_SalesDashboard search panel09:38
Not[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-398709:38
nmicoudHi CarlosRuiz ; just discovered a new bug (https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-3987) ; I think it is a recent one. Before I start to investigate, do you have an idea of which commit could have introduced it ?09:41
CarlosRuizHi nmicoud09:43
CarlosRuizdebugging ...09:53
nmicoudissue is in WSearchEditor09:53
CarlosRuizyes - I'm there - in line 82009:54
nmicoudline 819 ; in the loop, the last tablename set is C_SalesDashboard09:54
CarlosRuizmaybe this commit?  https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/6c09776ce2b709:54
nmicoudNot sur as C_SalesDashboard or AD_User are not views09:55
nmicoudNot sure as C_SalesDashboard or AD_User are not views09:55
CarlosRuizyes - it is that - just checked the result of the query09:56
nmicoudah great - but I don't understand the logic behind - records from AD_Table are IsView='Y' so that should not change something09:57
CarlosRuizseems like C_SalesDashboard.AD_User_ID is wrongly defined as Key09:58
nmicoudweird no one notice that before ; is there since 2019 :-/10:00
CarlosRuiznot sure if is wrong - that's possible - not the best practice maybe - but in theory you can have a table or view which the key column has a name of ID of other table10:01
nmicoudAnd C_SalesDashboard is a particular table10:02
CarlosRuizbut - thinking here - is possible that the query in line 796 is wrong10:02
nmicoudArghhhhhh ; didn't notice that C_SalesDashboard was defined as a view :D10:18
nmicoudAdding "order by t.isview DESC" at the end of the query should solve the issue. But I don't understand why the loop update each time the m_tableName variable10:21
CarlosRuizyes - it's a bad bug10:22
CarlosRuizI was checking the intention of that query10:23
CarlosRuizit is to get the identifier columns of the table - but is bringing things from other tables10:23
CarlosRuizso - my fix until now is adding the filter for table also - but checking that I think I found another bug10:23
Not[iDempiere] 1 commit to release-6.2 [+0/-0/±1] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/10:30
Not[iDempiere] hengsin 3c768c5 - IDEMPIERE-3983 Matched PO posting status "Deferred" never transitions to "Posted" if no matching MR is assigned10:30
nmicoudcould you elaborate or you need more time ?10:32
CarlosRuizthat code is useless10:33
CarlosRuizI think is something we inherited from before the implementation of InfoWindow10:35
CarlosRuizbut after InfoWindow the code is almost useless10:35
CarlosRuizthe method getDirectAccessSQL is a private method, so cannot be used in plugins I hope10:35
CarlosRuizat this moment in core is just called from two points:10:35
CarlosRuizand in both calls is just to set tablename and keycolumn - the returned SQL is not used - not even read10:37
CarlosRuizso, in my head that method is doing nothing  :-)   just consuming CPU and database calls - because it just needs to be three lines10:38
CarlosRuizString m_columnName = getColumnName();10:38
CarlosRuizm_tableName = m_columnName.substring(0, m_columnName.length()-3);10:38
CarlosRuizm_keyColumnName = m_columnName;10:38
CarlosRuizand the name must be setTableAndKeyColumn()10:38
nmicoudI think you're right10:39
nmicoudI've updated my local Eclipse with this change ; testing10:40
nmicoudThe "Support Users vs Roles" IW is still working :)10:46
CarlosRuizthe info window for sales rep field is not10:47
nmicoudbecause of the line 695 (if m_columnName.equals("SalesRep_ID"))10:48
CarlosRuizright  :)10:48
CarlosRuizforgot to add that code10:49
nmicoudSo, some special columns should be handled here10:49
CarlosRuizthat's weird -10:49
CarlosRuizit must just get the correct table from dictionary10:49
nmicoudSame as org.compiere.model.MQuery.getZoomColumnName(String)10:49
Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #155 started http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/155/10:50
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CarlosRuizthat doesn't look good either - hardcoded10:52
nmicoudWon't it be better to have a table to store those synonyms ?10:55
CarlosRuizno - it must call if possible MColumn.getReferenceTableName10:55
nmicoudSo the WSeachEditor.getDirectAccessSQL should also just call MColumn.getReferenceTableName ?10:57
CarlosRuizyes - that's what I'm trying10:57
Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #155 completed: success http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/155/11:00
nmicoudI got to go outside for 20mn, see you11:02
nmicoudi'm back11:23
CarlosRuizok - I have a patch11:23
CarlosRuizmade tests on windows and the mail dialog form and both are working11:23
CarlosRuizdo you want to try it?11:24
nmicoudI can put it on a dev (pre prod) environnment if you want11:24
nmicoudI'm blocked ATM :D11:24
nmicoudok, thanks11:26
CarlosRuizlet me know - if it's OK I'll commit it11:26
nmicoudThe patch is now included in the dev environnment ; I'll report here on tuesday12:12
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Not[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-3987 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Ruiz" -resolution set to "Fixed"12:22
Not[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-398712:22
Not[iDempiere] 1 commit to release-6.2 [+0/-0/±1] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/12:22
Not[iDempiere] globalqss 394cf6b - IDEMPIERE-3987 EMailDialog user fields open the Info C_SalesDashboard search panel12:22
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Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #156 started http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/156/12:50
Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #156 completed: failure http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/156/12:58
Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #157 started http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/157/14:21
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Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #157 completed: success http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/157/14:30
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nmicoudHi again CarlosRuiz, if you have time, could you have a look at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/idempiere/z2chPf47bMs please ?16:37
CarlosRuizHi nmico16:56
CarlosRuizHi nmicoud16:56
CarlosRuizis your issue reproducible in your eclipse?16:56
nmicoudSorry, was on phone ; yes, but randomly17:00
nmicoudbut the fact that an order takes long time to complete is on 2 different environnements (one with Oracle, other with PG)17:01
nmicoudI also notice that the login/password field were greyed the 1st time user open the login page. Closing the brower was enought, but perhaps there is a link ?17:02
CarlosRuizfor me it sounds like one of your tables is maybe too big and there is a query without index17:02
CarlosRuiz-Dorg.idempiere.db.postgresql.debug=true    can help easily to view which query is taking long17:03
CarlosRuizbut there are other ways more complex logging to postgresql17:03
nmicoudon PG, is a dev environnment, not a lot of data17:03
CarlosRuizabout the login/pass greyed - maybe your users need to remove cache from previous environment17:03
nmicoudand it was not so long with "old" code17:03
nmicoudand volume of data didn't grow , code of event/model classes remain the same17:04
nmicoudI wanted to try to return to the previous version to see if it change something. But before, I wanted to see if other people were impacted17:04
CarlosRuiznot me - I have migrated several environments to 6.2 and all of them working fine17:08
nmicoudok, I will try to debug then ; thanks17:10
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Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #158 started http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/158/20:20
Not[iDempiere6.2] jenkins build #158 completed: success http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere6.2/158/20:30
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