#idempiere IRC log for Tuesday, 2018-02-20

*** a42niem has joined #idempiere06:23
a42niemtest.idempiere.org does not work: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "dell_name" does not exist Position: 85[SQL: 0, 42703]07:17
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*** CarlosRuiz has joined #idempiere09:02
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*** nmicoud has joined #idempiere12:30
*** futurefutura has joined #idempiere14:18
futurefuturaHello ! Today I like to start developing a plugin. Is there a nice URL where to start ( got eclipse ready)14:20
futurefuturahttp://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Developing_plug-ins_without_affecting_the_trunk   ??14:22
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*** nmicoud has quit IRC16:58
*** CarlosRuiz has quit IRC17:32
*** CarlosRuiz has joined #idempiere17:44
*** CarlosRuiz has quit IRC21:05
*** dagelf has quit IRC23:47
*** dagelf has joined #idempiere23:49

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