#idempiere IRC log for Sunday, 2018-01-07

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Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-356002:08
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] sorry, i still not enough time to test to sure where is root cause. from jetty or equinox. work-around can be: when run update create new file flag.update when start server at next time do, check flag.update and do delete cache folder so we can hot update. but bundle install by osgi console and felix web console is gone when restart.02:08
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-356002:09
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-356008:37
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] Thanks [~hieplq], the workaround is not good as most of the plugins at http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Category:Available_Plugins are not coming from p2 :(08:37
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-356008:37
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Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] hahmed updated IDEMPIERE-3098 status set to "Closed" -resolution set to "Fixed"10:47
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-309810:47
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] hahmed created IDEMPIERE-3601 Jasper Font Extension broken after IDEMPIERE-333910:58
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360110:58
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] hahmed updated IDEMPIERE-3601 description set to "Commit 0d4976d changes org.adempiere.report.jasper.library bundle into a fragment, which breaks any fragments created to add fonts to Jasper as per the official font customization instructions at: http://wiki.idempiere.org/en/Making_fonts_available_to_your_JasperReports"11:06
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360111:06
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] hahmed updated IDEMPIERE-3601 summary set to "Jasper Font Extension broken after IDEMPIERE-3136"11:08
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360111:08
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] tbayen created IDEMPIERE-3602 sharing of column customizations12:02
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360212:02
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] tbayen updated IDEMPIERE-3602 description set to "Since some time we have the possibility that a user can change his column order and column size in the grid view with a button in the tool bar. (AD_Tab_Customization) This functionality is very useful because in many cases users know better how they want to work than developers (that an change the default in system). The problem is that these settings can12:10
Not-45e9not be shared or made default. In our company we have more experienced users that have very nice column setups for all windows they use and simple users that tend to use what is there and not change anything. These users can not work with the full potential because windows are not configured well. I want to discuss how that can be improved. a) One idea is to let the experienced users copy their setting to the default12:10
Not-45e9values of the window or better to a window configuration setting of that client. b) One idea is to let the experienced user copy his user settings to other users. That sounds like a simple solution. c) On idea is to let the simple user choose to take the configuration from a more eperienced one. The experiened can do a checkmark on his configuration to make it public and the others can choose to use the shared one of12:10
Not-45e9this or this user with a combobox. We have to think about access rights - who is allowed to do that. From my experience we should also think about if the copy is like a copy or like a link. In my opinion the unexperienced user will not update his configuration himself if the experiened user improves it. I would say it makes more sense to do it either like a link (I want to use the same configuration like this12:10
Not-45e9experienced user made public and follow that in the future) or allow the experienced user to push a new configuration when he thinks it is really improved (I know this is good and I publish it to the database of published configurations.) What we also need is a way to delete your personal customization (IDEMPIERE-2033, IDEMPIERE-2719). The layering of customizations may be an idea to think about (IDEMPIERE-3230).12:10
Not-45e9Afiter writing rthat I found IDEMPIERE-2708 that looks like an interesting idea (using multiple column layouts and choose them with a combobox) and can be joined with my "sharing" idea."12:10
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360212:10
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] tbayen created IDEMPIERE-3603 checking permission on doctype instead of doctypetarge17:54
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360317:54
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] tbayen created IDEMPIERE-3604 improve error messages when process acces rights are not set18:07
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360418:07
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] tbayen updated IDEMPIERE-3604 summary set to "improve error messages when process access rights are not set"18:10
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360418:10
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] tbayen created IDEMPIERE-3605 sharing of saved searches18:58
Not-45e9[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-360518:58
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