#idempiere IRC log for Thursday, 2017-09-21

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Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] soo.fang@gmail.com updated IDEMPIERE-342701:09
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] Hi Micheal, Is this enhancement involve Invoice too ? Please provide test case for the enhancement.01:09
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342701:09
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] mpowacht updated IDEMPIERE-342702:47
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] Many thanks Soo Fang, the landed cost process definitely involves the invoice (vendor) process but I don't think a change to the invoice function is needed and we can use the existing Invoice (vendor)=>Invoice Line=>Landed Cost sub-tab function but we may need to verify this through further testing. Let me explain by means of an example: - Costing method = Average PO - 2 accounting schemas: USD (primary02:47
Not-bfd4schema), THB (our local currency, secondary schema) - Currency rate EUR/USD 1/1.1, EUR/THB 1/40, USD/THB 1/30 - 1 PO line with 1 x product A EUR 1000 (foreign currency PO for us). The product order currency is EUR as we purchase the products from a european supplier. Estimated Landed Cost product A for THB 1000 e.g. import duty (there can be several estimate cost lines such as freight, insurance, import duty etc.).02:47
Not-bfd4We estimate import duty expenses in THB because these are "local costs" and are also being invoiced in THB. - MR/Matched PO Costing record: 1000*1.1+1000/30 = 1133.33 (USD schema), 1000*40 + 1000 = 41000 (THB schema) - MR/Matched PO posting (USD schema) DR Inventory 1133.33, CR NIR 1100, CR Landed Cost Clearing 33.33 (inventory includes estimated landed cost portion) - MR/Matched PO posting (THB schema) DR Inventory02:47
Not-bfd441000, CR NIR 40000, CR Landed Cost Clearing 1000 (inventory includes estimated landed cost portion) - Invoice (vendor) Customs Department THB 2000 (under estimated in PO). I distribute import duty expense of THB 2000 assigning the expense to the MR above using Invoice (Vendor)=>Invoice Line=>Landed Cost sub-tab. This should result in the following costing record updates and GL postings: - Update costing record:02:47
Not-bfd4+33.33 (USD schema), +1000 (THB schema) - DR Inventory 33.33 (unplanned landed cost), DR GL Landed Cost Clearing 33.33 (planned/estimated landed cost), CR AP 66.66 (USD schema) - DR Inventory 1000 (unplanned landed cost), DR GL Landed Cost Clearing 1000(planned/estimated landed cost), CR AP 2000 (THB schema) I hope this helps explain, Michael02:47
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342702:47
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Not-bfd4[iDempiere4.1Daily] jenkins built #114 completed (success) http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere4.1Daily/114/04:47
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norbertbedehi @nmicoud12:44
nmicoud_hi norbert12:45
norbertbedethinking over report info icon12:45
norbertbedewould be cool improve by running time12:46
norbertbedehow long report was done12:46
norbertbedefrom start to start rendering12:46
nmicoud_only to know how long the report takes to show ?  or to show the time between report show and 'now' ?12:46
norbertbedefrom process start to start display "server time"12:48
norbertbedeserver processing time problably also rendering time12:48
nmicoud_do we have this information ?12:48
norbertbedefirst is server side, second is client/browser side12:49
nmicoud_probably in ad_pinstance, comparing created and updated12:49
norbertbedeyes, that should be ok12:49
nmicoud_but not sure it would be useful to end users12:49
norbertbedehowever im not coder :)12:49
nmicoud_i mean, could give hints to maintainer or admins12:49
norbertbedewhen complaining about perforamance for example12:50
nmicoud_but end users ??12:50
norbertbedesoon for client admin/power user12:50
nmicoud_maybe another tooltip ?12:50
nmicoud_with technical stuff ?12:50
nmicoud_one for everybody = parameters12:50
norbertbedeor isAdanced from role12:50
nmicoud_and one for specific role (ad_toolbar can be managed via roles)12:51
norbertbedewe had in another system like system config -12:51
nmicoud_yep, or IsAccessAdvanced12:51
norbertbedeor add to role a new checkbox - "display report statistics" - but not sure12:52
nmicoud_there is also lots of checkboxes on ad_role12:53
nmicoud_i think a specific tooltip could do the job ,12:53
norbertbedehm. let me thinkig over :)12:54
norbertbedecontact you soon12:54
nmicoud_yep, sure  if it's ok, go and create the jira ticket directly12:54
norbertbedeis there any other helpful information to show in this new tooltip ?12:54
norbertbedei will sum-up also possible admin options - would be interesting12:55
nmicoud_some stuff from ad_report like "total number of execution" and "average time"12:55
norbertbedeanother question - cloud stability vs. processes/report12:56
norbertbedei write down a design - report/process max instances/simulateous running12:56
norbertbedeATM our user was able to run a big report 10x12:56
norbertbedethis cause system general slowdown12:56
nmicoud_sure, same here12:56
norbertbedei would like to say limit processes like12:57
norbertbedeprocess 1. system max isntances 10012:57
norbertbedeprocess 1. client-max 1012:57
nmicoud_like the run_as_job feature ?12:57
nmicoud_but for foreground execution12:57
norbertbedeforeground not bacground ?12:58
norbertbedeisRunasJob we are using but it is not mandatory12:58
norbertbedealso this doesnt limit how many times user/client entitled run a report12:59
nmicoud_ATM, we can control number of background executions ("run as job").  With your feature, we can control how many instances of processes/reports can be launched direclty12:59
nmicoud_(when users see the server generating it)13:00
nmicoud_another idea : allow some process to be executed only in specific time range (eg : 8AM -> 9AM and 6PM -> 11PM)13:01
norbertbedeyes. for example openbravo has a parameter date/time when you would like to run process eg.. run it in the night13:02
nmicoud_if they did it, that must be useful :p13:02
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede created IDEMPIERE-3498 Allow define Simultaneously process/reports feauture13:03
Not-bfd4[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-349813:03
norbertbedei have created a new ticket. not final but my concept.13:03
norbertbedeif you will have time, interest then comment is pls13:04
norbertbedethanks for ideas for now13:04
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