#idempiere IRC log for Sunday, 2017-07-16

Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-342809:10
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] you got correct idea [~carlosruiz_globalqss], and exact almost AD is existed. it helpful to newbie to get familiar with new process. hi [~norbert.bede] it have exact your idea {code:java} Also would be important attach multiple wizards for same process - usually complex process/reports lead users across various flows. must be generally disabled to keep legacy approach - per installation. {code} "looks me09:10
Not-f142as worklow/node/transition condition" yes it look like that, still thinking how to manage AD information for it.09:10
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342809:10
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-342809:49
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] I still think workflow is too complex for this purpose - suggesting Occam's razor approach. Which scenarios are so complex to require multiple variations? or transitions that can't be managed with the usual mandatory/display logic?09:49
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342809:49
Not-f142[iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 8 commits to development [+0/-0/±9] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn 86da5ee - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior drag&drop10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn 0597e44 - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior drag&drop for home tab case10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn 5a3fad2 - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior open account tab to next tab10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn e531ba0 - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior active prev tab when close current active tab10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn 586a236 - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior case 1:http://tracker.zkoss.org/browse/ZK-370610:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn 6ab7a80 - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior case 2:report by NMicoud at https://groups.google.com/forum/?nomobile=true#!topic/idempiere/tyLAb85X2jU10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] hie...@hasuvimex.vn 47301bc - IDEMPIERE-3426:improve tab behavior add shortcut key for tab navigate10:19
Not-f142[iDempiere] globalqss ed9c96f - IDEMPIERE-3136 - launcher complaining on dev about org.mortbay.jasper.apache-jsp10:19
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-3426 assignee set to "hiep lq"10:24
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] Excellent [~hieplq] !!! I pushed your 7 commits to development branch. Next I'm going to install it on https://test.idempiere.org/webui/ for community tests and review. My suggestions: - I noticed the Home tab is movable - don't know if that's intentional (I think your second patch is to avoid that, but in my tests is movable) - the shortcut worked fine, but I think the keys are inverted, I would expect10:24
Not-f142Alt-PgUp-▲ to go previous tab, and Alt-PgDn-▼ to go next Regards, Carlos Ruiz10:24
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342610:24
Not-f142[iDempiere] jenkins built #1844 completed (success) http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere/1844/10:26
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-342611:08
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] This was deployed to https://test.idempiere.org/webui/ Testing there I found a bug - related to Home movable - it seems Home moves one step to the right each time you try to move it. After moved Home, I did, right click on a tab and selected Close All - and the first tab was left open and Home was disappeared.11:08
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342611:08
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-342611:18
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] Another test, is this already implemented? > 2. Enable close of existing tab to return you to the previously open tab rather than to the next tab to the left. My test case: - I opened many tabs, navigate to the third - navigated to sixth tab - closed sixth tab - after closed the fifth tab is focused (must it be the third?)11:18
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342611:18
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-3426 Attachment set to "IDEMPIERE-3426-drag-drop-home-2.patch"11:45
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342611:45
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-342611:47
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] thanks Mr [~carlosruiz_globalqss] for test it. i up a patch to fix home move. for simple i allow drag home tab but don't allow drop it. so it will don't move I also switch key.11:47
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342611:47
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-342611:55
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] > 2. Enable close of existing tab to return you to the previously open tab rather than to the next tab to the left. isn't yet implement, i will do it soon.11:55
Not-f142[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-342611:55

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