#idempiere IRC log for Saturday, 2017-01-07

*** jason___ has joined #idempiere03:41
jason___Who can tell me how to solve the following error msg ?Could not resolve module: org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx [192]03:48
jason___I am using Eclipse on Windows03:49
jason___ !ENTRY org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx 2 0 2017-01-07 11:29:45.859 !MESSAGE Could not resolve module: org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx [192]   Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability: eclipse.platform; filter:="(& (osgi.ws=cocoa) (osgi.os=macosx) (|(osgi.arch=x86)(osgi.arch=ppc)) )"03:59
jason___Is it need to  remove the plugin ?03:59
*** jason___ has quit IRC05:50
*** nmicoud has joined #idempiere06:04
*** wispchard has joined #idempiere06:16
*** nmicoud has quit IRC06:52
*** wispchard has quit IRC06:53
*** Arno has joined #idempiere09:36
*** nmicoud has joined #idempiere09:49
*** nmicoud has quit IRC09:57
*** Arno has left #idempiere10:45
*** hieplq has quit IRC13:50
*** hash2017 has joined #idempiere14:17
*** a42niem has joined #idempiere14:18
*** nmicoud has joined #idempiere14:45
*** nmicoud has quit IRC14:46
*** hash2017 has quit IRC14:56
*** arno has joined #idempiere17:17
*** arno has quit IRC17:21

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