#idempiere IRC log for Thursday, 2016-10-20

*** CarlosRuiz has quit IRC00:20
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Not-7634[iDempiere] jenkins built #1816 completed (failure) http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere/1816/02:57
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Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] hieplq created IDEMPIERE-3222 infowindow create a wrong column class for EntityType column09:12
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-322209:12
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-2989 Attachment set to "None"09:28
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-298909:28
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-2989 status set to "Open"09:28
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-298909:28
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] hieplq updated IDEMPIERE-2989 description set to "WListbox.prepareTable have some issue with where clause {code:java} public String prepareTable(ColumnInfo[] layout, String from, String where, boolean multiSelection, String tableName,boolean addAccessSQL) {code} 1. if we call WListbox.prepareTable with where = null, offcouse we have issue, because sql.append(" WHERE ").append(where); make " WHERE null" 2.09:50
Not-7634if we call WListbox.prepareTable with where = "" and addAccessSQL = true we get exception detail at "block 1" reason: 1. sql query have form "select ... from ... where " 2. at class AccessSqlParse line {code:java} TableInfo[] info = getTableInfo(m_sql[i].trim()); class {code} it trim end space 3. so at class AccessSqlParse line {code:java} int index = from.lastIndexOf(WHERE); // end at where" {code} it can't detect09:50
Not-7634where clause and conside where like alias of table let query total wrong ========= I try to find all where use WListbox.prepareTable (both overload function) but no where drop the case. but it still is error. easy to see it by edit class InfoPanel line 415, last parameter become true. and open any info window. {code:java} String sql =contentPanel.prepareTable(layout, from, where,p_multipleSelection,09:50
Not-7634getTableName(),true); {code} ===== block 1 ====== {code:java} SEVERE: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT i.M_InOut_ID, i.C_BPartner_ID AS C_BPartner_ID, i.MovementDate AS MovementDate, i.DocumentNo AS DocumentNo, i.Description AS Description, i.POReference AS POReference, i.IsSOTrx AS IsSOTrx, i.C_Order_ID AS C_Order_ID FROM M_InOut i WHERE AND i.AD_Client_ID IN(0,1000003) AND i.AD_Org_ID IN(0,1000027,1000007,1000008) AND09:50
Not-7634(i.M_InOut_ID IS NULL OR i.M_InOut_ID NOT IN ( SELECT Record_ID FROM AD_Private_Access WHERE AD_Table_ID = 319 AND AD_User_ID <> 100 AND IsActive = 'Y' )) i.IsActive='Y' AND i.IsSOTrx = ? AND i.AD_Client_ID IN(0,1000003) AND i.AD_Org_ID IN(0,1000027,1000007,1000008) AND (i.M_InOut_ID IS NULL OR i.M_InOut_ID NOT IN ( SELECT Record_ID FROM AD_Private_Access WHERE AD_Table_ID = 319 AND AD_User_ID <> 100 AND IsActive =09:50
Not-7634'Y' )) ) a org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "AND" {code} "09:50
Not-7634[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-298909:50
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aaawhat is this supposed to do? anyone know?10:25
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saman_I want to use idempiere services in my app but idempiere has model base web services and  for example I cant call a service to mange my accounting and so on .14:00
saman_Am I write?14:01
saman_I want to user idempiere as project to manage my erp and crm and I call its services without knowing about inner tables and inner structure14:02
saman_is it possible?14:02
saman_or I should know data models to call model base web services?14:02
saman_please help me14:09
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