#idempiere IRC log for Tuesday, 2016-03-22

*** xapiens has quit IRC04:25
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Not-c0b6[iDempiere3.1Daily] jenkins built #40 completed (success) http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere3.1Daily/40/06:35
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*** Ravindar has joined #idempiere07:03
RavindarHi Team07:04
RavindarError: file /home/buddha/Server/idempiere/latest/idempierelatest/org.adempiere.webstore.servlet: The project was not built since its build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for javax.servlet.jsp.JspException. Fix the build path then try building this project Error: file /home/buddha/Server/idempiere/latest/idempierelatest/org.adempiere.webstore.servlet/src/org/compiere/wstore/WorkflowTag.java, line 1: The type javax.07:04
Ravindarsolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files07:05
Ravindar I am getting above error when I am building the Idempiere,getting the above error07:05
Ravindarorg.idempiere.fitnesse.server has  lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.35.0.jar,07:05
Ravindarin build path07:06
Ravindarand javax.servlet.jsp, package is imported in org.adempiere.webstore.servlet module07:06
Ravindarkindly anyone suggest what  I am missing here07:06
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Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss created IDEMPIERE-3057 2Pack handler for SQL Statements that must not fail16:26
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-305716:26
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Not-c0b6[iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-3.1 [+3/-0/±4] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/18:12
Not-c0b6[iDempiere] globalqss a7135be - IDEMPIERE-3057 2Pack handler for SQL Statements that must not fail18:12
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-3057 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Fixed"18:12
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-305718:12
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss created IDEMPIERE-3058 Make 2Pack transaction safe (for postgres)18:19
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-305818:19
Not-c0b6[iDempiere3.1] jenkins built #63 completed (success) http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere3.1/63/18:48
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-3058 description set to "At this moment 2Pack executes a commit statement on certain DDL statements, like CREATE TABLE. This was developed that way because Oracle has an implicit COMMIT on DDL statements, and we wanted to make the behavior of 2Pack consistent between oracle and postgresql. But postgresql doesn't have that restriction, so in principle a 2pack in20:21
Not-c0b6postgresql can be rolled back even if it contains DDL statements (not in oracle). Proposal here is to create a SysConfig key to drive if we want the actual behavior (2PACK_COMMIT_DDL) or exploit the full postgresql power on this. Regards, Carlos Ruiz"20:21
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-305820:21
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-2266 status set to "Reopened" -resolution set to "None"21:45
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-226621:45
Not-c0b6[iDempiere] CarlosRuiz_globalqss pushed 1 commit to release-3.1 [+0/-0/±1] https://bitbucket.org/idempiere/idempiere/commits/21:47
Not-c0b6[iDempiere] globalqss 9a38a10 - IDEMPIERE-2266 ZK7 - MSession.load: NO Data found for AD_Session_ID21:47
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-2266 status set to "Resolved" -resolution set to "Fixed"21:48
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] reconsidering this - is always good to keep clean the logs if possible21:48
Not-c0b6[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-226621:48
Not-c0b6[iDempiere3.1] jenkins built #64 completed (success) http://ci.idempiere.org/job/iDempiere3.1/64/22:17
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