#idempiere IRC log for Saturday, 2015-02-28

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JanLeMannnmicoud ayt?07:26
JanLeManndo you know how to use the org tree in role07:29
JanLeManni thought you would select an org tree instead of defining the organizations in the role org access tab07:29
nmicoudno, i didn't know there was this field :)07:29
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nmicoudit is used in Login.getOrgsAddSummary07:32
nmicoudseems that you can define a tree org and apply it to a role. This would replace the AD_Org_Role_Access table ?07:33
JanLeManni thought so07:53
JanLeMannbut it doesnt work07:53
JanLeManntime for some debugging :D07:53
JanLeManni'm not really sure if this is intendend to be used in login08:07
JanLeMannthe help text says something about financial reports08:07
nmicoudnever trust the help :)08:08
JanLeMannbut ther "and security access (via role)" confuses me08:08
nmicoudbut if you look at Login.getOrgsAddSummary, you will see that the field is used for login08:09
JanLeMannin Login.java, role access is determined by sql and it doesnt take org trees into account08:09
JanLeMannin webui i thnk public KeyNamePair[] getRoles(String app_user, KeyNamePair client)  is used08:09
nmicoudmaybe if you give access to a summary role, then this piece of code is used08:10
JanLeMannso if i chose a org tree, i still have to assign orgs to the role08:12
JanLeMannwheres the advantage :/08:12
JanLeMannok i only have to add the summary role, right?08:13
nmicoudi think08:13
JanLeMannlets test this08:13
JanLeMannnope :(08:14
JanLeMannassigned gardenworl organizations as tree to role and added stores to org access08:15
JanLeMannbut no orgs in login08:15
nmicoudso, perhaps a good candidate for IDEMPIERE-362 ?08:15
JanLeManni'm not 100% sure yet08:18
JanLeMannbecause since it says it's also used in financial reporting, maybe someone just forgot to implement it for login but it is used somewhere else08:18
nmicoudit think it is the same element which is used for financial reports, not the column ad_role.AD_Tree_Org_ID08:20
JanLeMannhmm yes or that08:20
JanLeMannahh but not enough time to take a look at it yet... gotta go diving now08:20
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JanLeMannI'll ask in google groups08:21
nmicoudhave fun08:21
JanLeMannmaybe someone else knows more about08:21
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JanLeManni think i found a bug or i'm not getting the point. I'm playing around with the personal lock feature of roles. I use SuperUser@GardenAdmin Role  and GardenAdmin@GardenUser Role. With each user i create a product. With each user i set the personal lock. The result is that the other user cannot see the others product anymore. This is what i expect.12:42
JanLeMannBut then when you use the record access dialog and setup the following: SuperUser@GardenAdmin sets up a new record acces with GardenUser role, active-Y, exclude-N, read only-N, dependent entities-Y. Then i cannot see any product with GardenAdmin@GardenUser12:45
JanLeMannwhen switching exclude to y on SuperUser@GardeAdmin i can see at least all the not locked products on GardenAdmin@GardenUser12:45
JanLeManni tested it on demo.idempiere.com12:49
JanLeMannbut not yet with 2.112:49
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