#idempiere IRC log for Tuesday, 2014-12-23

*** RecordingBot has joined #idempiere17:35
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*** CarlosRuiz has joined #idempiere18:05
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o CarlosRuiz18:05
*** CarlosRuiz changes topic to "This IRC is being recorded and published openly. Meetings every wednesday 13:00 UTC."18:10
CarlosRuizHi guys, I just started recording and publishing this IRC channel18:11
CarlosRuizyou can see the logs here18:11
CarlosRuizlet's see if it works well18:11
CarlosRuizin the supybot I also installed MeetBot18:15
CarlosRuizis helpful in case we want to conduct meetings with specific agenda18:15
CarlosRuizor annotate the wednesday meetings18:15
norbertbedeHi CarlosRuiz18:21
norbertbedeits cool so we can see previous missing topics..18:23
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Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] norbert.bede updated IDEMPIERE-236918:37
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] patch tested, ready to commit.18:37
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-236918:37
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*** CarlosRuiz has joined #idempiere19:01
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*** fares has joined #idempiere20:34
fareshi all20:34
CarlosRuizHi fares20:35
fareswhen i use  the  idempiere  easy  install  script   i face aproblem20:35
faresthis is my output20:35
faresidempiere_install_script_master_linux.sh: 164: idempiere_install_script_master_linux.sh: [[: not found idempiere_install_script_master_linux.sh: 173: idempiere_install_script_master_linux.sh: [[: not found idempiere_install_script_master_linux.sh: 183: [: N: unexpected operator HERE: User's home directory does not exist. Exiting! Will some day use /tmp/idempiere-installation-details/ instead!20:35
fareshi   @CarlosRuiz20:36
CarlosRuizhow did you run the script?20:39
faresusing    sh20:39
CarlosRuiztry with bash20:39
faresin terminal20:39
faresi  do20:40
faresHERE: User's home directory does not exist. Exiting! Will some day use /tmp/idempiere-installation-details/ instead!20:40
CarlosRuiz-u ?20:41
CarlosRuizI haven't used that script20:42
CarlosRuizbut reading the instructions here20:42
CarlosRuizit says that you must pass a valid username with -u20:42
faresthank  you20:42
faresit's  will   help  :)20:43
CarlosRuizyou're welcome20:49
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-235420:53
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] [~tsvikruha], how is this going? ready to be integrated?20:53
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-235420:53
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-64421:02
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] [~deepak], I would like to understand this issue better - is this a DB timeout or triggered when the zk user session times out? Is it possible to write a sample process with a small timeout to reproduce and debug it and check the potential consequences? Regards, Carlos Ruiz21:02
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-64421:03
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-216221:08
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] [~jan.thielemann], could you please check in the zk7 branch if the behavior is the same, or is it fixed there?21:08
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-216221:08
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Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-1785 status set to "Resolved" -assignee set to "Carlos Antonio Ruiz Gomez" -resolution set to "Duplicate"21:25
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-178521:25
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] carlosruiz_globalqss updated IDEMPIERE-202021:27
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] > If ok, I can try to create a new patch, removing AD changes and incorporating your improvements to jquery.maskedinput.min,js 1.4.0. yes [~alan.lesc1], I think is a good idea to try that approach, thanks.21:27
Not-2487[IDEMPIERE] http://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-202021:27
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