View idempiere9.adempiere.m_transaction_v

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Quality Systems & Solutions
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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
m_transaction_id numeric 10  √  null Inventory Transaction
ad_client_id numeric 10  √  null Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null Organizational entity within client
isactive bpchar 1  √  null The record is active in the system
created timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this record was created
createdby numeric 10  √  null User who created this records
updated timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 10  √  null User who updated this records
movementtype bpchar 2  √  null Method of moving the inventory
m_locator_id numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Locator
m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
movementdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date a product was moved in or out of inventory
movementqty numeric 0  √  null Quantity of a product moved.
m_inventoryline_id numeric 10  √  null Unique line in an Inventory document
m_inventory_id numeric 10  √  null Parameters for a Physical Inventory
m_movementline_id numeric 10  √  null Inventory Move document Line
m_movement_id numeric 10  √  null Movement of Inventory
m_inoutline_id numeric 10  √  null Line on Shipment or Receipt document
m_inout_id numeric 10  √  null Material Shipment Document
m_productionline_id numeric 10  √  null Document Line representing a production
m_production_id numeric 10  √  null Plan for producing a product
c_projectissue_id numeric 10  √  null Project Issues (Material, Labor)
c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
m_attributesetinstance_id numeric 10  √  null Product Attribute Set Instance

Analyzed at 2021-12-25 14:43 +0100