SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere9.adempiere - ColumnsResource Management Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
Generated on 2021-12-25 14:55 +0100
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

idempiere9.adempiere contains 380 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default
ad_org ad_replicationstrategy_id numeric 0  √  null Data Replication Strategy
s_resource chargeableqty numeric 0  √  0 Chargeable Quantity
s_resourcetype chargeableqty numeric 0  √  0 Chargeable Quantity
s_timeexpenseline convertedamt numeric 0  √  0 Converted Amount
s_resource dailycapacity numeric 0  √  null Daily Capacity
s_timeexpenseline expenseamt numeric 0  √  0 Amount for this expense
s_timeexpenseline invoiceprice numeric 0  √  0 Unit price to be invoiced or 0 for default price
s_resource percentutilization numeric 0 (100)::numeric % Utilization
s_timeexpenseline priceinvoiced numeric 0  √  null The priced invoiced to the customer (in the currency of the customer's AR price list) - 0 for default price
s_timeexpenseline pricereimbursed numeric 0  √  null The reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list)
s_resourceassignment qty numeric 0  √  0 Quantity
s_timeexpenseline qty numeric 0  √  0 Quantity
s_timeexpenseline qtyinvoiced numeric 0  √  null Invoiced Quantity
s_timeexpenseline qtyreimbursed numeric 0  √  null The reimbursed quantity
s_resource queuingtime numeric 0  √  null Queue time is the time a job waits at a work center before begin handled.
m_product shelfheight numeric 0  √  null Shelf height required
m_product unitsperpallet numeric 0  √  null Units Per Pallet
m_product volume numeric 0  √  0 Volume of a product
s_resource waitingtime numeric 0  √  null Workflow Simulation Waiting time
m_product weight numeric 0  √  0 Weight of a product
s_resourcetype allowuomfractions bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Allow Unit of Measure Fractions
c_acctschema autoperiodcontrol bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed
c_acctschema commitmenttype bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control
ad_user connectionprofile bpchar 1  √  null How a Java Client connects to the server(s)
m_product copyfrom bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar Copy From Record
c_acctschema costinglevel bpchar 1 'C'::bpchar The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information
c_acctschema costingmethod bpchar 1 Indicates how Costs will be calculated
m_product discontinued bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar This product is no longer available
c_acctschema hasalias bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias
c_acctschema hascombination bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Combination of account elements are checked
c_acctschema isaccrual bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used
ad_org isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
ad_user isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_acctschema isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_nonbusinessday isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_orgassignment isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_product isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_product_acct isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
s_resource isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
s_resourceassignment isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
s_resourcetype isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
s_resourceunavailable isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
s_timeexpenseline isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
s_timetype isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
ad_user isaddmailtextautomatically bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The selected mail template will be automatically inserted when creating an email
c_acctschema isadjustcogs bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Adjust Cost of Good Sold
c_acctschema isallownegativeposting bpchar 1  √  'Y'::bpchar Allow to post negative accounting values
m_product isautoproduce bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Auto create production to fulfill shipment
s_resource isavailable bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Resource is available
ad_user isbillto bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address
m_product isbom bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Bill of Materials
s_resourceassignment isconfirmed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Assignment is confirmed
s_resourcetype isdateslot bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Resource has day slot availability
c_acctschema isdiscountcorrectstax bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Correct the tax for payment discount and charges
m_product isdropship bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location
m_product isexcludeautodelivery bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Exclude from automatic Delivery
ad_user isexpired bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Expired
c_acctschema isexplicitcostadjustment bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Post the cost adjustment explicitly
ad_user isfullbpaccess bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The user/contact has full access to Business Partner information and resources
ad_user isinpayroll bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Defined if any User Contact will be used for Calculate Payroll
s_timeexpenseline isinvoiced bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Is this invoiced?
m_product isinvoiceprintdetails bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Print detail BOM elements on the invoice
m_product iskanban bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This part is Kanban controlled
ad_user islocked bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Locked
m_product ismanufactured bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This product is manufactured
s_resource ismanufacturingresource bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Manufacturing Resource
ad_user ismenuautoexpand bpchar 1  √  null If ticked, the menu is automatically expanded
ad_user isnoexpire bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar No Expire
ad_user isnopasswordreset bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar No Password Reset
m_product isownbox bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Own Box
m_product isphantom bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Phantom Component
m_product ispicklistprintdetails bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Print detail BOM elements on the pick list
c_acctschema ispostifclearingequal bpchar 1  √  'Y'::bpchar This flag controls if Adempiere must post when clearing (transit) and final accounts are the same
c_acctschema ispostservices bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables
m_product ispurchased bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Organization purchases this product
ad_user issaleslead bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This contact is a sales lead
m_product isselfservice bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service
ad_user isshipto bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Business Partner Shipment Address
s_resourcetype issingleassignment bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Only one assignment at a time (no double-booking or overlapping)
m_product issold bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Organization sells this product
m_product isstocked bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Organization stocks this product
ad_org issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
m_product issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
ad_user issupportuser bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Support User
s_timeexpenseline istimereport bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Line is a time report only (no expense)
s_resourcetype istimeslot bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Resource has time slot availability
m_product istoformule bpchar 1  √  null
c_acctschema istradediscountposted bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Generate postings for trade discounts
ad_user isvendorlead bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This contact is a vendor lead
m_product isverified bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The BOM configuration has been verified
m_product iswebstorefeatured bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar If selected, the product is displayed in the initial or any empty search
ad_user notificationtype bpchar 1 'X'::bpchar Type of Notifications
s_resourcetype onfriday bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Available on Fridays
s_resourcetype onmonday bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Available on Mondays
s_resourcetype onsaturday bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Available on Saturday
s_resourcetype onsunday bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Available on Sundays
s_resourcetype onthursday bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Available on Thursdays
s_resourcetype ontuesday bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Available on Tuesdays
s_resourcetype onwednesday bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Available on Wednesdays
s_timeexpenseline processed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
ad_user processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
c_acctschema processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_product processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_product producttype bpchar 1 'I'::bpchar Type of product
c_acctschema separator bpchar 1 Element Separator
c_acctschema taxcorrectiontype bpchar 1  √  null Type of Tax Correction
c_acctschema gaap bpchar 2 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
s_resource manufacturingresourcetype bpchar 2  √  null Manufacturing Resource Type
ad_org ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_user ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_acctschema ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_nonbusinessday ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_orgassignment ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_product ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_product_acct ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
s_resource ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
s_resourceassignment ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
s_resourcetype ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
s_resourceunavailable ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
s_timeexpenseline ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
s_timetype ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_user ad_image_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Image or Icon
ad_org ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
ad_user ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_acctschema ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_nonbusinessday ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_orgassignment ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_product ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_product_acct ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
s_resource ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
s_resourceassignment ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
s_resourcetype ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
s_resourceunavailable ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
s_timeexpenseline ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
s_timetype ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_acctschema ad_orgonly_id numeric 10  √  null Create posting entries only for this organization
ad_user ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
ad_user ad_user_id numeric 10 User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
c_orgassignment ad_user_id numeric 10 User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
s_resource ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
ad_user bp_location_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Address of the Business Partner
c_acctschema c_acctschema_id numeric 10 Rules for accounting
m_product_acct c_acctschema_id numeric 10 Rules for accounting
s_timeexpenseline c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
ad_user c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
s_timeexpenseline c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
ad_user c_bpartner_location_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
c_nonbusinessday c_calendar_id numeric 10 Accounting Calendar Name
ad_user c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Marketing Campaign
s_timeexpenseline c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
c_nonbusinessday c_country_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Country
c_acctschema c_currency_id numeric 10 The Currency for this record
s_timeexpenseline c_currency_id numeric 10  √  null The Currency for this record
ad_user c_greeting_id numeric 10  √  null Greeting to print on correspondence
s_timeexpenseline c_invoiceline_id numeric 10  √  null Invoice Detail Line
ad_user c_job_id numeric 10  √  null Job Position
ad_user c_location_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Location or Address
c_nonbusinessday c_nonbusinessday_id numeric 10 Day on which business is not transacted
s_timeexpenseline c_orderline_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Order Line
c_orgassignment c_orgassignment_id numeric 10 Assignment to (transaction) Organization
c_acctschema c_period_id numeric 10  √  null Period of the Calendar
s_timeexpenseline c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
s_timeexpenseline c_projectphase_id numeric 10  √  null Phase of a Project
s_timeexpenseline c_projecttask_id numeric 10  √  null Actual Project Task in a Phase
m_product c_revenuerecognition_id numeric 10  √  null Method for recording revenue
m_product c_subscriptiontype_id numeric 10  √  null Type of subscription
m_product c_taxcategory_id numeric 10 Tax Category
s_resourcetype c_taxcategory_id numeric 10 Tax Category
m_product c_uom_id numeric 10 Unit of Measure
s_resourcetype c_uom_id numeric 10 Unit of Measure
s_timeexpenseline c_uom_id numeric 10  √  null Unit of Measure
ad_org createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
ad_user createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_acctschema createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_nonbusinessday createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_orgassignment createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_product createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_product_acct createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
s_resource createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
s_resourceassignment createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
s_resourcetype createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
s_resourceunavailable createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
s_timeexpenseline createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
s_timetype createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
ad_user failedlogincount numeric 10 (0)::numeric Failed Login Count
m_product guaranteedays numeric 10  √  null Number of days the product is guaranteed or available
m_product guaranteedaysmin numeric 10  √  null Minimum number of guarantee days
ad_user leadsource varchar 10  √  NULL::character varying The source of this lead/opportunity
ad_user leadstatus varchar 10  √  NULL::character varying The status of this lead/opportunity in the sales cycle
s_timeexpenseline line numeric 10 Unique line for this document
m_product lowlevel numeric 10 (0)::numeric The Low Level is used to calculate the material plan and determines if a net requirement should be exploited
m_product m_attributeset_id numeric 10  √  null Product Attribute Set
m_product m_attributesetinstance_id numeric 10  √  0 Product Attribute Set Instance
c_acctschema m_costtype_id numeric 10  √  null Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future)
m_product m_freightcategory_id numeric 10  √  null Category of the Freight
m_product m_locator_id numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Locator
m_product m_parttype_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Part Type
m_product m_product_category_id numeric 10 Category of a Product
s_resourcetype m_product_category_id numeric 10 Category of a Product
m_product m_product_id numeric 10 Product, Service, Item
m_product_acct m_product_id numeric 10 Product, Service, Item
s_timeexpenseline m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
s_resource m_warehouse_id numeric 10 Storage Warehouse and Service Point
m_product_acct p_asset_acct numeric 10 Account for Product Asset (Inventory)
m_product_acct p_averagecostvariance_acct numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Average Cost Variance
m_product_acct p_burden_acct numeric 10  √  null The Burden account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_cogs_acct numeric 10 Account for Cost of Goods Sold
m_product_acct p_costadjustment_acct numeric 10  √  null Product Cost Adjustment Account
m_product_acct p_costofproduction_acct numeric 10  √  null The Cost Of Production account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_expense_acct numeric 10 Account for Product Expense
m_product_acct p_floorstock_acct numeric 10  √  null The Floor Stock account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_inventoryclearing_acct numeric 10  √  null Product Inventory Clearing Account
m_product_acct p_invoicepricevariance_acct numeric 10 Difference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV)
m_product_acct p_labor_acct numeric 10  √  null The Labor account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_landedcostclearing_acct numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Product Landed Cost Clearing Account
m_product_acct p_methodchangevariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Method Change Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_mixvariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Mix Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_outsideprocessing_acct numeric 10  √  null The Outside Processing Account is the account used in Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_overhead_acct numeric 10  √  null The Overhead account is the account used in Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_purchasepricevariance_acct numeric 10 Difference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV)
m_product_acct p_ratevariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Rate Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_revenue_acct numeric 10 Account for Product Revenue (Sales Account)
m_product_acct p_scrap_acct numeric 10  √  null The Scrap account is the account used in Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_tradediscountgrant_acct numeric 10 Trade Discount Granted Account
m_product_acct p_tradediscountrec_acct numeric 10 Trade Discount Receivable Account
m_product_acct p_usagevariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Usage Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
m_product_acct p_wip_acct numeric 10  √  null The Work in Process account is the account used Manufacturing Order
c_acctschema period_openfuture numeric 10  √  null Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date)
c_acctschema period_openhistory numeric 10  √  null Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date)
s_resource planninghorizon numeric 10  √  (0)::numeric The planning horizon is the amount of time (Days) an organisation will look into the future when preparing a strategic plan.
ad_user r_defaultmailtext_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Default mail template
m_product r_mailtext_id numeric 10  √  null Text templates for mailings
m_product s_expensetype_id numeric 10  √  null Expense report type
m_product s_resource_id numeric 10  √  null Resource
s_resource s_resource_id numeric 10 Resource
s_resourceassignment s_resource_id numeric 10 Resource
s_resourceunavailable s_resource_id numeric 10 Resource
s_resourceassignment s_resourceassignment_id numeric 10 Resource Assignment
s_timeexpenseline s_resourceassignment_id numeric 10  √  null Resource Assignment
s_resource s_resourcetype_id numeric 10 Resource Type
s_resourcetype s_resourcetype_id numeric 10 Resource Type
s_resourceunavailable s_resourceunavailable_id numeric 10 Resource Unavailability
s_timeexpenseline s_timeexpense_id numeric 10 Time and Expense Report
s_timeexpenseline s_timeexpenseline_id numeric 10 Time and Expense Report Line
s_timeexpenseline s_timetype_id numeric 10  √  null Type of time recorded
s_timetype s_timetype_id numeric 10 Type of time recorded
ad_user salesrep_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Sales Representative or Company Agent
m_product salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
m_product shelfdepth numeric 10  √  null Shelf depth required
m_product shelfwidth numeric 10  √  null Shelf width required
ad_user supervisor_id numeric 10  √  null Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval
m_product unitsperpack numeric 10 1 The Units Per Pack indicates the no of units of a product packed together.
ad_org updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
ad_user updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_acctschema updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_nonbusinessday updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_orgassignment updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_product updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_product_acct updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
s_resource updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
s_resourceassignment updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
s_resourcetype updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
s_resourceunavailable updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
s_timeexpenseline updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
s_timetype updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_product classification varchar 12  √  null Classification for grouping
ad_user salt varchar 16  √  NULL::character varying Random data added to improve password hash effectiveness
m_product customstariffnumber varchar 20  √  null Customs Tariff Number, usually the HS-Code
ad_user userpin varchar 20  √  null User PIN
m_product versionno varchar 20  √  null Version Number
s_resourceassignment assigndatefrom timestamp 29,6 Assign resource from
s_resourceassignment assigndateto timestamp 29,6  √  null Assign resource until
ad_user birthday timestamp 29,6  √  null Birthday or Anniversary day
ad_org created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
ad_user created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_acctschema created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_nonbusinessday created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_orgassignment created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_product created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_product_acct created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
s_resource created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
s_resourceassignment created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
s_resourcetype created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
s_resourceunavailable created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
s_timeexpenseline created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
s_timetype created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_nonbusinessday date1 timestamp 29,6 Date when business is not conducted
ad_user dateaccountlocked timestamp 29,6  √  null Date Account Locked
s_timeexpenseline dateexpense timestamp 29,6  √  null Date of expense
s_resourceunavailable datefrom timestamp 29,6 Starting date for a range
ad_user datelastlogin timestamp 29,6  √  null Date Last Login
ad_user datepasswordchanged timestamp 29,6  √  null Date Password Changed
s_resourceunavailable dateto timestamp 29,6  √  null End date of a date range
m_product discontinuedat timestamp 29,6  √  null Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued
m_product discontinuedby timestamp 29,6  √  null
ad_user emailverifydate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date Email was verified
ad_user lastcontact timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this individual was last contacted
s_resourcetype timeslotend timestamp 29,6  √  null Time when timeslot ends
s_resourcetype timeslotstart timestamp 29,6  √  null Time when timeslot starts
ad_org updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
ad_user updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_acctschema updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_nonbusinessday updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_orgassignment updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_product updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_product_acct updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
s_resource updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
s_resourceassignment updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
s_resourcetype updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
s_resourceunavailable updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
s_timeexpenseline updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
s_timetype updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_orgassignment validfrom timestamp 29,6 Valid from including this date (first day)
c_orgassignment validto timestamp 29,6 Valid to including this date (last day)
m_product sku varchar 30  √  null Stock Keeping Unit
m_product upc varchar 30  √  null Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number)
ad_org ad_org_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_Org_UU
ad_user ad_user_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_User_UU
c_acctschema c_acctschema_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_AcctSchema_UU
c_nonbusinessday c_nonbusinessday_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_NonBusinessDay_UU
c_orgassignment c_orgassignment_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_OrgAssignment_UU
m_product_acct m_product_acct_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Product_Acct_UU
m_product m_product_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Product_UU
s_resource s_resource_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying S_Resource_UU
s_resourceassignment s_resourceassignment_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying S_ResourceAssignment_UU
s_resourcetype s_resourcetype_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying S_ResourceType_UU
s_resourceunavailable s_resourceunavailable_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying S_ResourceUnAvailable_UU
s_timeexpenseline s_timeexpenseline_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying S_TimeExpenseLine_UU
s_timetype s_timetype_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying S_TimeType_UU
ad_user emailverify varchar 40  √  null Verification information of EMail Address
ad_user fax varchar 40  √  null Facsimile number
ad_user phone varchar 40  √  null Identifies a telephone number
ad_user phone2 varchar 40  √  null Identifies an alternate telephone number.
ad_user title varchar 40  √  null Name this entity is referred to as
ad_org value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
ad_user value varchar 40  √  null Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
m_product value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
s_resource value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
s_resourcetype value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
ad_user bpname varchar 60  √  NULL::character varying BP Name
ad_user email varchar 60  √  null Electronic Mail Address
ad_user emailuser varchar 60  √  null User Name (ID) in the Mail System
ad_user ldapuser varchar 60  √  null User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services
ad_org name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
ad_user name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_acctschema name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_nonbusinessday name varchar 60  √  null Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
s_resource name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
s_resourceassignment name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
s_resourcetype name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
s_timetype name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
m_product descriptionurl varchar 120  √  null URL for the description
m_product downloadurl varchar 120  √  null
m_product imageurl varchar 120  √  null URL of image
ad_org description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
ad_user description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_acctschema description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_orgassignment description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_product description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
s_resource description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
s_resourceassignment description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
s_resourcetype description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
s_resourceunavailable description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
s_timeexpenseline description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
s_timetype description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
ad_user emailuserpw varchar 255  √  null Password of your email user id
m_product group1 varchar 255  √  null Group1
m_product group2 varchar 255  √  null Group2
ad_user lastresult varchar 255  √  null Result of last contact
ad_user leadsourcedescription varchar 255  √  NULL::character varying Additional information on the source of this lead/opportunity
ad_user leadstatusdescription varchar 255  √  NULL::character varying Additional information on the status of this lead/opportunity
m_product name varchar 255 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
s_timeexpenseline note varchar 255  √  null Optional additional user defined information
ad_user answer varchar 1024  √  NULL::character varying Answer
ad_user password varchar 1024  √  null Password of any length (case sensitive)
ad_user securityquestion varchar 1024  √  null Security Question
ad_user comments varchar 2000  √  null Comments or additional information
m_product documentnote varchar 2000  √  null Additional information for a Document
m_product help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
s_timetype help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint