Table idempiere9.adempiere.c_paymentterm
The terms for Payment of this transaction

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Quality Systems & Solutions
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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_paymentterm_id numeric 10
c_bpartner.c_paymentterm_id cpaymentterm_cbpartner R
c_bpartner.po_paymentterm_id cpopaymentterm_cbpartner R
c_invoice.c_paymentterm_id cpaymentterm_cinvoice R
c_order.c_paymentterm_id cpaymentterm_soheader R
c_project.c_paymentterm_id cpaymentterm_cproject R
i_invoice.c_paymentterm_id cpaymentterm_iinvoice N
i_order.c_paymentterm_id cpaymentterm_iorder N
The terms of Payment (timing, discount)
ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
documentnote varchar 2000  √  null Additional information for a Document
afterdelivery bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Due after delivery rather than after invoicing
isduefixed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Payment is due on a fixed date
netdays numeric 10 Net Days in which payment is due
gracedays numeric 10 Days after due date to send first dunning letter
fixmonthcutoff numeric 10  √  null Last day to include for next due date
fixmonthday numeric 10  √  null Day of the month of the due date
fixmonthoffset numeric 10  √  null Number of months (0=same, 1=following)
discountdays numeric 10 Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount
discount numeric 0 Discount in percent
discountdays2 numeric 10 Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount
discount2 numeric 0 Discount in percent
isnextbusinessday bpchar 1  √  'Y'::bpchar Payment due on the next business day
isdefault bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Default value
value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
netday bpchar 1  √  null Day when payment is due net
isvalid bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Element is valid
processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
paymenttermusage bpchar 1 'B'::bpchar Payment term usage indicates if this payment term is used for sales, purchases or both.
c_paymentterm_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_PaymentTerm_UU

Table contained 5 rows at 2021-12-25 14:48 +0100

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
c_paymentterm_id Primary key Asc c_paymentterm_pkey
ad_client_id + name Must be unique Asc/Asc c_paymentterm_name
c_paymentterm_uu Must be unique Asc c_paymentterm_uu_idx

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