SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere9.adempiere - ColumnsCurrency | Generated by Quality Systems & Solutions |
Generated on 2021-12-25 14:47 +0100 |
| |||||
idempiere9.adempiere contains 578 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | |
gl_journalline | a_createasset | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Create Asset | |
gl_journalline | a_processed | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Processed | |
c_acctschema | autoperiodcontrol | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed | ||
c_acctschema | commitmenttype | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control | ||
c_invoice | copyfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Copy From Record | |
c_order | copyfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Copy From Record | |
gl_journal | copyfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Copy From Record | |
c_acctschema | costinglevel | bpchar | 1 | 'C'::bpchar | The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information | ||
c_acctschema | costingmethod | bpchar | 1 | Indicates how Costs will be calculated | |||
c_invoice | createfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document | |
i_conversion_rate | createreciprocalrate | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Create Reciprocal Rate from current information | |
c_payment | creditcardtype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) | |
c_order | deliveryrule | bpchar | 1 | Defines the timing of Delivery | |||
c_order | deliveryviarule | bpchar | 1 | How the order will be delivered | |||
c_order | freightcostrule | bpchar | 1 | Method for charging Freight | |||
c_invoice | generateto | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Generate To | |
c_acctschema | hasalias | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias | ||
c_acctschema | hascombination | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Combination of account elements are checked | ||
i_conversion_rate | i_isimported | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | Has this import been processed | |
i_gljournal | i_isimported | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Has this import been processed | ||
c_invoice | invoicecollectiontype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Invoice Collection Status | |
c_order | invoicerule | bpchar | 1 | Frequency and method of invoicing | |||
c_acctschema | isaccrual | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used | ||
c_acctschema | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_conversion_rate | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_conversiontype | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_currency | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_currency_acct | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_invoice | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_order | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_payment | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
gl_journal | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
gl_journalline | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
i_conversion_rate | isactive | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | |
i_gljournal | isactive | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | |
m_discountschemaline | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_acctschema | isadjustcogs | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Adjust Cost of Good Sold | ||
c_payment | isallocated | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if the payment has been allocated | ||
c_acctschema | isallownegativeposting | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | Allow to post negative accounting values | |
c_invoice | isapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if this document requires approval | ||
c_order | isapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Indicates if this document requires approval | ||
c_payment | isapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document requires approval | ||
gl_journal | isapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document requires approval | ||
i_gljournal | iscreatenewbatch | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | If selected a new batch is created | |
i_gljournal | iscreatenewjournal | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | If selected a new journal within the batch is created | |
c_order | iscreditapproved | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Credit has been approved | ||
c_conversiontype | isdefault | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Default value | ||
c_payment | isdelayedcapture | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Charge after Shipment | ||
c_order | isdelivered | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Delivered | ||
c_acctschema | isdiscountcorrectstax | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Correct the tax for payment discount and charges | ||
c_invoice | isdiscountprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Print Discount on Invoice and Order | ||
c_order | isdiscountprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Print Discount on Invoice and Order | ||
c_order | isdropship | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location | ||
c_currency | isemumember | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This currency is member if the European Monetary Union | ||
c_currency | iseuro | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This currency is the Euro | ||
c_acctschema | isexplicitcostadjustment | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Post the cost adjustment explicitly | ||
c_invoice | isfixedassetinvoice | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | IsFixedAssetInvoice | |
gl_journalline | isgenerated | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This Line is generated | ||
m_discountschemaline | isignoreiscurrentvendor | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | take all PO prices into account | ||
c_invoice | isindispute | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Document is in dispute | ||
c_order | isinvoiced | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Is this invoiced? | ||
c_payment | isonline | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Can be accessed online | ||
c_invoice | isoverridecurrencyrate | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Override Currency Conversion Rate | ||
c_payment | isoverridecurrencyrate | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Override Currency Conversion Rate | ||
c_payment | isoverunderpayment | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) | ||
c_invoice | ispaid | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document is paid | ||
c_invoice | ispayschedulevalid | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Is the Payment Schedule is valid | ||
c_order | ispayschedulevalid | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Is the Payment Schedule is valid | ||
c_acctschema | ispostifclearingequal | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'Y'::bpchar | This flag controls if Adempiere must post when clearing (transit) and final accounts are the same | |
c_acctschema | ispostservices | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables | ||
c_payment | isprepayment | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The Payment/Receipt is a Prepayment | ||
c_invoice | isprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document / line is printed | ||
c_order | isprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document / line is printed | ||
gl_journal | isprinted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Indicates if this document / line is printed | ||
c_order | ispriviledgedrate | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Priviledged Rate | ||
c_payment | isreceipt | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | This is a sales transaction (receipt) | ||
c_payment | isreconciled | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Payment is reconciled with bank statement | ||
c_order | isselected | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Selected | ||
c_invoice | isselfservice | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service | ||
c_order | isselfservice | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service | ||
c_payment | isselfservice | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service | ||
c_invoice | issotrx | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | This is a Sales Transaction | ||
c_order | issotrx | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | This is a Sales Transaction | ||
c_invoice | istaxincluded | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Tax is included in the price | ||
c_order | istaxincluded | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Tax is included in the price | ||
c_acctschema | istradediscountposted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Generate postings for trade discounts | ||
c_invoice | istransferred | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Transferred to General Ledger (i.e. accounted) | ||
c_order | istransferred | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Transferred to General Ledger (i.e. accounted) | ||
c_payment | isvoided | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Voided | ||
m_discountschemaline | limit_base | bpchar | 1 | Base price for calculation of the new price | |||
m_discountschemaline | limit_rounding | bpchar | 1 | Rounding of the final result | |||
m_discountschemaline | list_base | bpchar | 1 | Price used as the basis for price list calculations | |||
m_discountschemaline | list_rounding | bpchar | 1 | Rounding rule for final list price | |||
c_payment | oprocessing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | This payment can be processed online | |
c_invoice | paymentrule | bpchar | 1 | How you pay the invoice | |||
c_order | paymentrule | bpchar | 1 | How you pay the invoice | |||
c_invoice | posted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Posting status | ||
c_order | posted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Posting status | ||
c_payment | posted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Posting status | ||
gl_journal | posted | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Posting status | ||
gl_journal | postingtype | bpchar | 1 | The type of posted amount for the transaction | |||
i_gljournal | postingtype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | The type of posted amount for the transaction | |
c_order | priorityrule | bpchar | 1 | Priority of a document | |||
c_invoice | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_order | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_payment | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
gl_journal | processed | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | |
gl_journalline | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
i_conversion_rate | processed | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | |
i_gljournal | processed | bpchar | 1 | √ | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | |
c_acctschema | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_invoice | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_order | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_payment | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
gl_journal | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
i_conversion_rate | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
i_gljournal | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_payment | r_avsaddr | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | This address has been verified | |
c_payment | r_avszip | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | The Zip Code has been verified | |
c_payment | r_cvv2match | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Credit Card Verification Code Match | |
c_invoice | sendemail | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Enable sending Document EMail | ||
c_order | sendemail | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Enable sending Document EMail | ||
c_acctschema | separator | bpchar | 1 | Element Separator | |||
c_order | shippingrateinquiry | bpchar | 1 | √ | NULL::bpchar | Rate Inquiry | |
m_discountschemaline | std_base | bpchar | 1 | Base price for calculating new standard price | |||
m_discountschemaline | std_rounding | bpchar | 1 | Rounding rule for calculated price | |||
c_acctschema | taxcorrectiontype | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Type of Tax Correction | |
c_payment | tendertype | bpchar | 1 | Method of Payment | |||
c_payment | trxtype | bpchar | 1 | Type of credit card transaction | |||
c_invoice | docaction | bpchar | 2 | The targeted status of the document | |||
c_order | docaction | bpchar | 2 | The targeted status of the document | |||
c_payment | docaction | bpchar | 2 | The targeted status of the document | |||
gl_journal | docaction | bpchar | 2 | The targeted status of the document | |||
c_invoice | docstatus | bpchar | 2 | The current status of the document | |||
c_order | docstatus | bpchar | 2 | The current status of the document | |||
c_payment | docstatus | bpchar | 2 | The current status of the document | |||
gl_journal | docstatus | bpchar | 2 | The current status of the document | |||
c_acctschema | gaap | bpchar | 2 | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | |||
c_currency | iso_code | bpchar | 3 | Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency | |||
i_conversion_rate | iso_code | bpchar | 3 | √ | null | Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency | |
i_gljournal | iso_code | bpchar | 3 | √ | null | Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency | |
i_conversion_rate | iso_code_to | bpchar | 3 | √ | null | Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency | |
gl_journalline | amtacctcr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Accounted Credit Amount | ||
i_gljournal | amtacctcr | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Accounted Credit Amount | |
gl_journalline | amtacctdr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Accounted Debit Amount | ||
i_gljournal | amtacctdr | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Accounted Debit Amount | |
gl_journalline | amtsourcecr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Source Credit Amount | ||
i_gljournal | amtsourcecr | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Source Credit Amount | |
gl_journalline | amtsourcedr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Source Debit Amount | ||
i_gljournal | amtsourcedr | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Source Debit Amount | |
c_invoice | chargeamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Charge Amount | |
c_order | chargeamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Charge Amount | |
c_payment | chargeamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Charge Amount | |
gl_journal | controlamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | If not zero, the Debit amount of the document must be equal this amount | |
c_payment | convertedamt | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Converted Amount | |
c_invoice | currencyrate | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate | |
c_payment | currencyrate | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate | |
gl_journal | currencyrate | numeric | 0 | 0 | Currency Conversion Rate | ||
gl_journalline | currencyrate | numeric | 0 | 0 | Currency Conversion Rate | ||
i_gljournal | currencyrate | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Currency Conversion Rate | |
c_payment | discountamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Calculated amount of discount | |
c_conversion_rate | dividerate | numeric | 0 | 0 | To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided | ||
i_conversion_rate | dividerate | numeric | 0 | √ | null | To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided | |
c_currency | emurate | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Official rate to the Euro | |
c_order | freightamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Freight Amount | |
c_invoice | grandtotal | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total amount of document | ||
c_order | grandtotal | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total amount of document | ||
m_discountschemaline | limit_addamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying | ||
m_discountschemaline | limit_discount | numeric | 0 | Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price | |||
m_discountschemaline | limit_fixed | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Fixed Limit Price (not calculated) | |
m_discountschemaline | limit_maxamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Maximum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero | ||
m_discountschemaline | limit_minamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Minimum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero | ||
m_discountschemaline | list_addamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | List Price Surcharge Amount | ||
m_discountschemaline | list_discount | numeric | 0 | Discount from list price as a percentage | |||
m_discountschemaline | list_fixed | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Fixes List Price (not calculated) | |
m_discountschemaline | list_maxamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Maximum margin for a product | ||
m_discountschemaline | list_minamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Minimum margin for a product | ||
c_conversion_rate | multiplyrate | numeric | 0 | 0 | Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target. | ||
i_conversion_rate | multiplyrate | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target. | |
c_payment | overunderamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount | |
c_payment | payamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Amount being paid | ||
c_invoice | processedon | numeric | 0 | √ | null | The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed | |
c_order | processedon | numeric | 0 | √ | null | The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed | |
c_payment | processedon | numeric | 0 | √ | null | The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed | |
gl_journal | processedon | numeric | 0 | √ | null | The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed | |
gl_journalline | qty | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Quantity | |
i_gljournal | qty | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Quantity | |
c_currency | roundofffactor | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Used to Round Off Payment Amount | |
m_discountschemaline | std_addamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Amount added to a price as a surcharge | ||
m_discountschemaline | std_discount | numeric | 0 | Discount percentage to subtract from base price | |||
m_discountschemaline | std_fixed | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Fixed Standard Price (not calculated) | |
m_discountschemaline | std_maxamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Maximum margin allowed for a product | ||
m_discountschemaline | std_minamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Minimum margin allowed for a product | ||
c_payment | taxamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Tax Amount for a document | |
gl_journal | totalcr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total Credit in document currency | ||
gl_journal | totaldr | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total debit in document currency | ||
c_invoice | totallines | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total of all document lines | ||
c_order | totallines | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total of all document lines | ||
c_order | volume | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Volume of a product | |
c_order | weight | numeric | 0 | √ | null | Weight of a product | |
c_payment | writeoffamt | numeric | 0 | √ | 0 | Amount to write-off | |
gl_journalline | a_asset_group_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Group of Assets | |
gl_journalline | a_asset_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Asset used internally or by customers | |
gl_journalline | account_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Account used | |
i_gljournal | account_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Account used | |
c_acctschema | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_conversion_rate | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_conversiontype | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_currency | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_currency_acct | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_invoice | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_order | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_payment | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
gl_journal | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
gl_journalline | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
i_conversion_rate | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |
i_gljournal | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |
m_discountschemaline | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_acctschema | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_conversion_rate | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_conversiontype | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_currency | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_currency_acct | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_invoice | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_order | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_payment | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
gl_journal | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
gl_journalline | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
i_conversion_rate | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Organizational entity within client | |
i_gljournal | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Organizational entity within client | |
m_discountschemaline | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
i_gljournal | ad_orgdoc_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Document Organization (independent from account organization) | |
c_acctschema | ad_orgonly_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Create posting entries only for this organization | |
c_invoice | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
c_order | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
c_payment | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
gl_journalline | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Performing or initiating organization | |
i_gljournal | ad_orgtrx_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Performing or initiating organization | |
c_invoice | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
c_order | ad_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact | |
gl_journalline | alias_validcombination_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Valid Account Alias List | |
c_order | bill_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner to be invoiced | |
c_order | bill_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner Location for invoicing | |
c_order | bill_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner Contact for invoicing | |
c_acctschema | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
c_currency_acct | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
gl_journal | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | Rules for accounting | |||
i_gljournal | c_acctschema_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Rules for accounting | |
c_invoice | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
c_order | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
c_payment | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
gl_journalline | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Business Activity | |
i_gljournal | c_activity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Activity | |
c_payment | c_bankaccount_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Account at the Bank | |
c_payment | c_bp_bankaccount_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Bank Account of the Business Partner | |
c_invoice | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a Business Partner | |||
c_order | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a Business Partner | |||
c_payment | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
gl_journalline | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Identifies a Business Partner | |
i_gljournal | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
m_discountschemaline | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_invoice | c_bpartner_location_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner | |||
c_order | c_bpartner_location_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner | |||
c_invoice | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
c_order | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
c_payment | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
gl_journalline | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Marketing Campaign | |
i_gljournal | c_campaign_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Marketing Campaign | |
c_payment | c_cashbook_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions | |
c_invoice | c_cashline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Cash Journal Line | |
c_order | c_cashline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Cash Journal Line | |
c_invoice | c_cashplanline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Cash Plan Line | |
c_order | c_cashplanline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Cash Plan Line | |
c_invoice | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Additional document charges | |
c_order | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Additional document charges | |
c_payment | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Additional document charges | |
c_conversion_rate | c_conversion_rate_id | numeric | 10 | Rate used for converting currencies | |||
i_conversion_rate | c_conversion_rate_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Rate used for converting currencies | |
c_conversion_rate | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |||
c_conversiontype | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |||
c_invoice | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
c_order | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
c_payment | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
gl_journal | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |||
gl_journalline | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |||
i_conversion_rate | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
i_gljournal | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
m_discountschemaline | c_conversiontype_id | numeric | 10 | Currency Conversion Rate Type | |||
c_acctschema | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_conversion_rate | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_currency | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_currency_acct | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_invoice | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_order | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_payment | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
gl_journal | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Currency for this record | |
gl_journalline | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
i_conversion_rate | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Currency for this record | |
i_gljournal | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | The Currency for this record | |
c_conversion_rate | c_currency_id_to | numeric | 10 | Target currency | |||
i_conversion_rate | c_currency_id_to | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Target currency | |
c_payment | c_depositbatch_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Deposit Batch | |
c_invoice | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | Document type or rules | |||
c_order | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | Document type or rules | |||
c_payment | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | Document type or rules | |||
gl_journal | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | Document type or rules | |||
i_gljournal | c_doctype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Document type or rules | |
c_invoice | c_doctypetarget_id | numeric | 10 | Target document type for conversing documents | |||
c_order | c_doctypetarget_id | numeric | 10 | Target document type for conversing documents | |||
c_invoice | c_dunninglevel_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Dunning Level | |
c_invoice | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | Invoice Identifier | |||
c_payment | c_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Invoice Identifier | |
gl_journalline | c_locfrom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Location that inventory was moved from | |
i_gljournal | c_locfrom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location that inventory was moved from | |
gl_journalline | c_locto_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Location that inventory was moved to | |
i_gljournal | c_locto_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location that inventory was moved to | |
c_order | c_opportunity_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Sales Opportunity | |
c_invoice | c_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Order | |
c_order | c_order_id | numeric | 10 | Order | |||
c_payment | c_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Order | |
c_order | c_ordersource_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Order Source | |
c_invoice | c_payment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment identifier | |
c_order | c_payment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment identifier | |
c_payment | c_payment_id | numeric | 10 | Payment identifier | |||
c_payment | c_paymentbatch_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Payment batch for EFT | |
c_payment | c_paymentprocessor_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Payment processor for electronic payments | |
c_invoice | c_paymentterm_id | numeric | 10 | The terms of Payment (timing, discount) | |||
c_order | c_paymentterm_id | numeric | 10 | The terms of Payment (timing, discount) | |||
c_acctschema | c_period_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Period of the Calendar | |
gl_journal | c_period_id | numeric | 10 | Period of the Calendar | |||
i_gljournal | c_period_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Period of the Calendar | |
c_order | c_pos_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Point of Sales Terminal | |
c_payment | c_postendertype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | POS Tender Type | |
c_invoice | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
c_order | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
c_payment | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
gl_journalline | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Financial Project | |
i_gljournal | c_project_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Financial Project | |
gl_journalline | c_salesregion_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Sales coverage region | |
i_gljournal | c_salesregion_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales coverage region | |
gl_journalline | c_subacct_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Sub account for Element Value | |
gl_journalline | c_uom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unit of Measure | |
i_gljournal | c_uom_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unit of Measure | |
gl_journalline | c_validcombination_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Valid Account Combination | |
i_gljournal | c_validcombination_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Valid Account Combination | |
c_currency | costingprecision | numeric | 10 | Rounding used costing calculations | |||
c_acctschema | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_conversion_rate | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_conversiontype | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_currency | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_currency_acct | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_invoice | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_order | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_payment | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
gl_journal | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
gl_journalline | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
i_conversion_rate | createdby | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User who created this records | |
i_gljournal | createdby | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User who created this records | |
m_discountschemaline | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_payment | creditcardexpmm | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Expiry Month | |
c_payment | creditcardexpyy | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Expiry Year | |
c_order | dropship_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner to ship to | |
c_order | dropship_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner Location for shipping to | |
c_order | dropship_user_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner Contact for drop shipment | |
gl_journal | gl_budget_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Budget | |
i_gljournal | gl_budget_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Budget | |
gl_journal | gl_category_id | numeric | 10 | General Ledger Category | |||
i_gljournal | gl_category_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Category | |
gl_journal | gl_journal_id | numeric | 10 | General Ledger Journal | |||
gl_journalline | gl_journal_id | numeric | 10 | General Ledger Journal | |||
i_gljournal | gl_journal_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Journal | |
gl_journal | gl_journalbatch_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Journal Batch | |
i_gljournal | gl_journalbatch_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Journal Batch | |
gl_journalline | gl_journalline_id | numeric | 10 | General Ledger Journal Line | |||
i_gljournal | gl_journalline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | General Ledger Journal Line | |
i_conversion_rate | i_conversion_rate_id | numeric | 10 | Import Currency Conversion Rate | |||
i_gljournal | i_gljournal_id | numeric | 10 | Import General Ledger Journal | |||
gl_journalline | line | numeric | 10 | Unique line for this document | |||
i_gljournal | line | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unique line for this document | |
c_order | link_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | This field links a sales order to the purchase order that is generated from it. | |
c_acctschema | m_costtype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future) | |
m_discountschemaline | m_discountschema_id | numeric | 10 | Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage | |||
m_discountschemaline | m_discountschemaline_id | numeric | 10 | Line of the pricelist trade discount schema | |||
c_order | m_freightcategory_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Category of the Freight | |
c_invoice | m_pricelist_id | numeric | 10 | Unique identifier of a Price List | |||
c_order | m_pricelist_id | numeric | 10 | Unique identifier of a Price List | |||
m_discountschemaline | m_product_category_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Category of a Product | |
gl_journalline | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Product, Service, Item | |
i_gljournal | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
m_discountschemaline | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
c_invoice | m_rma_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Return Material Authorization | |
c_order | m_shipper_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Method or manner of product delivery | |
c_order | m_warehouse_id | numeric | 10 | Storage Warehouse and Service Point | |||
c_order | pay_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner responsible for the payment | |
c_order | pay_location_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment | |
c_acctschema | period_openfuture | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date) | |
c_acctschema | period_openhistory | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date) | |
c_order | quotationorder_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Quotation used for generating this order | |
c_currency_acct | realizedgain_acct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Realized Gain Account | |
c_currency_acct | realizedloss_acct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Realized Loss Account | |
c_invoice | ref_invoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Referenced Invoice | |
c_order | ref_order_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order | |
c_payment | ref_payment_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Referenced Payment | |
c_invoice | relatedinvoice_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Related Invoice | |
c_invoice | reversal_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ID of document reversal | |
c_payment | reversal_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ID of document reversal | |
gl_journal | reversal_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | ID of document reversal | |
c_invoice | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
c_order | salesrep_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Representative or Company Agent | |
m_discountschemaline | seqno | numeric | 10 | Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first | |||
c_currency | stdprecision | numeric | 10 | Rule for rounding calculated amounts | |||
c_currency_acct | unrealizedgain_acct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unrealized Gain Account for currency revaluation | |
c_currency_acct | unrealizedloss_acct | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Unrealized Loss Account for currency revaluation | |
c_acctschema | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_conversion_rate | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_conversiontype | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_currency | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_currency_acct | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_invoice | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_order | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_payment | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
gl_journal | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
gl_journalline | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
i_conversion_rate | updatedby | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User who updated this records | |
i_gljournal | updatedby | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User who updated this records | |
m_discountschemaline | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_invoice | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
c_order | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
c_payment | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
gl_journalline | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | User defined list element #1 | |
i_gljournal | user1_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #1 | |
c_invoice | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
c_order | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
c_payment | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
gl_journalline | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | User defined list element #2 | |
i_gljournal | user2_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | User defined list element #2 | |
c_order | amountrefunded | numeric | 22,2 | √ | null | AmountRefunded | |
c_order | amounttendered | numeric | 22,2 | √ | null | AmountTendered | |
m_discountschemaline | conversiondate | timestamp | 29,6 | Date for selecting conversion rate | |||
c_acctschema | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_conversion_rate | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_conversiontype | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_currency | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_currency_acct | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_invoice | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_order | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_payment | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
gl_journal | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
gl_journalline | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
i_conversion_rate | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
i_gljournal | created | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was created | ||
m_discountschemaline | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_invoice | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
c_order | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
c_payment | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
gl_journal | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
gl_journalline | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | Accounting Date | |||
i_gljournal | dateacct | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Accounting Date | |
gl_journal | datedoc | timestamp | 29,6 | Date of the Document | |||
c_invoice | dateinvoiced | timestamp | 29,6 | Date printed on Invoice | |||
c_invoice | dateordered | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date of Order | |
c_order | dateordered | timestamp | 29,6 | Date of Order | |||
c_invoice | dateprinted | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date the document was printed. | |
c_order | dateprinted | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date the document was printed. | |
c_order | datepromised | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date Order was promised | |
c_payment | datetrx | timestamp | 29,6 | Transaction Date | |||
c_invoice | dunninggrace | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Dunning Grace Date | |
c_currency | emuentrydate | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date when the currency joined / will join the EMU | |
c_acctschema | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_conversion_rate | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_conversiontype | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_currency | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_currency_acct | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_invoice | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_order | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_payment | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
gl_journal | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
gl_journalline | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
i_conversion_rate | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
i_gljournal | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | statement_timestamp() | Date this record was updated | ||
m_discountschemaline | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_conversion_rate | validfrom | timestamp | 29,6 | Valid from including this date (first day) | |||
i_conversion_rate | validfrom | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Valid from including this date (first day) | |
c_conversion_rate | validto | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Valid to including this date (last day) | |
i_conversion_rate | validto | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Valid to including this date (last day) | |
c_payment | creditcardvv | varchar | 4 | √ | null | Credit Card Verification code on credit card | |
c_currency | cursymbol | varchar | 10 | √ | null | Symbol of the currency (opt used for printing only) | |
m_discountschemaline | classification | varchar | 12 | √ | null | Classification for grouping | |
c_payment | a_ident_dl | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Payment Identification - Driver License | |
c_payment | a_ident_ssn | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Payment Identification - Social Security No | |
c_payment | a_zip | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder | |
c_payment | accountno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Account Number | |
c_payment | checkno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Check Number | |
c_payment | creditcardnumber | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Credit Card Number | |
c_payment | micr | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Combination of routing no, account and check no | |
c_payment | orig_trxid | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Original Transaction ID | |
c_invoice | poreference | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner | |
c_order | poreference | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner | |
c_payment | r_authcode | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Authorization Code returned | |
c_payment | r_authcode_dc | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned | |
c_payment | r_pnref | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Payment reference | |
c_payment | r_pnref_dc | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Payment Reference Delayed Capture | |
c_payment | r_result | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Result of transmission | |
c_payment | routingno | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Bank Routing Number | |
c_payment | swiftcode | varchar | 20 | √ | NULL::character varying | Swift Code or BIC | |
c_payment | voiceauthcode | varchar | 20 | √ | null | Voice Authorization Code from credit card company | |
i_gljournal | batchdocumentno | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Document Number of the Batch | |
c_invoice | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
c_order | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
c_payment | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
gl_journal | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
i_gljournal | journaldocumentno | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Document number of the Journal | |
c_order | promotioncode | varchar | 30 | √ | null | User entered promotion code at sales time | |
i_gljournal | sku | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Stock Keeping Unit | |
i_gljournal | upc | varchar | 30 | √ | null | Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) | |
m_discountschemaline | vendorcategory | varchar | 30 | √ | NULL::character varying | Product Category of the Business Partner | |
c_acctschema | c_acctschema_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_AcctSchema_UU | |
c_conversion_rate | c_conversion_rate_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Conversion_Rate_UU | |
c_conversiontype | c_conversiontype_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_ConversionType_UU | |
c_currency_acct | c_currency_acct_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Currency_Acct_UU | |
c_currency | c_currency_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Currency_UU | |
c_invoice | c_invoice_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Invoice_UU | |
c_order | c_order_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Order_UU | |
c_payment | c_payment_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Payment_UU | |
gl_journal | gl_journal_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | GL_Journal_UU | |
gl_journalline | gl_journalline_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | GL_JournalLine_UU | |
i_conversion_rate | i_conversion_rate_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | I_Conversion_Rate_UU | |
i_gljournal | i_gljournal_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | I_GLJournal_UU | |
m_discountschemaline | m_discountschemaline_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | M_DiscountSchemaLine_UU | |
c_payment | a_country | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Country | |
c_payment | a_state | varchar | 40 | √ | null | State of the Credit Card or Account holder | |
i_gljournal | accountvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of Account Element | |
i_gljournal | activityvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | NULL::character varying | Text key for Activity | |
i_gljournal | bpartnervalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Business Partner | |
i_gljournal | campaignvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | NULL::character varying | Text key of the Campaign | |
i_gljournal | clientvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Client | |
i_conversion_rate | conversiontypevalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
i_gljournal | conversiontypevalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type | |
c_payment | iban | varchar | 40 | √ | NULL::character varying | International Bank Account Number | |
i_gljournal | orgtrxvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Transaction Organization | |
i_gljournal | orgvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Organization | |
i_gljournal | productvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Product | |
i_gljournal | projectvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | null | Key of the Project | |
i_gljournal | salesregionvalue | varchar | 40 | √ | NULL::character varying | Text key of the Sales Region | |
c_conversiontype | value | varchar | 40 | Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique | |||
c_payment | a_city | varchar | 60 | √ | null | City or the Credit Card or Account Holder | |
c_payment | a_email | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Email Address | |
c_payment | a_name | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name on Credit Card or Account holder | |
c_payment | a_street | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder | |
i_gljournal | acctschemaname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name of the Accounting Schema | |
i_gljournal | categoryname | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name of the Category | |
c_payment | customeraddressid | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Customer Address ID | |
c_payment | customerpaymentprofileid | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Customer Payment Profile ID | |
c_payment | customerprofileid | varchar | 60 | √ | NULL::character varying | Customer Profile ID | |
i_gljournal | doctypename | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Name of the Document Type | |
c_acctschema | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_conversiontype | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_payment | ponum | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Purchase Order Number | |
c_payment | r_respmsg | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Response message | |
c_payment | swipe | varchar | 80 | √ | null | Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card | |
i_gljournal | batchdescription | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Description of the Batch | |
c_acctschema | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_conversiontype | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_currency | description | varchar | 255 | Optional short description of the record | |||
c_invoice | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_order | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_payment | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
gl_journal | description | varchar | 255 | Optional short description of the record | |||
gl_journalline | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
i_gljournal | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
m_discountschemaline | description | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Optional short description of the record | |
m_discountschemaline | group1 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Group1 | |
m_discountschemaline | group2 | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Group2 | |
c_payment | r_voidmsg | varchar | 255 | √ | NULL::character varying | Void Message | |
c_order | ordertype | varchar | 510 | √ | null | Type of Order: MRP records grouped by source (Sales Order, Purchase Order, Distribution Order, Requisition) | |
i_conversion_rate | i_errormsg | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Messages generated from import process | |
i_gljournal | i_errormsg | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Messages generated from import process | |
c_payment | r_info | varchar | 2000 | √ | null | Response info |