Table idempiere9.adempiere.c_bp_bankaccount
Bank Account of the Business Partner

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Quality Systems & Solutions
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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_bp_bankaccount_id numeric 10 Bank Account of the Business Partner
ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_bpartner_id numeric 10
c_bpartner.c_bpartner_id cbpartner_cbpbankaccount C
Identifies a Business Partner
c_bank_id numeric 10  √  null
c_bank.c_bank_id cbank_cbpbankaccount N
isach bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Automatic Clearing House
bankaccounttype bpchar 1  √  null Bank Account Type
routingno varchar 20  √  null Bank Routing Number
accountno varchar 20  √  null Account Number
creditcardtype bpchar 1  √  null Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx)
creditcardnumber varchar 20  √  null Credit Card Number
creditcardvv varchar 4  √  null Credit Card Verification code on credit card
creditcardexpmm numeric 10  √  null Expiry Month
creditcardexpyy numeric 10  √  null Expiry Year
a_name varchar 60  √  null Name on Credit Card or Account holder
a_street varchar 60  √  null Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder
a_city varchar 60  √  null City or the Credit Card or Account Holder
a_state varchar 40  √  null State of the Credit Card or Account holder
a_zip varchar 20  √  null Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder
a_ident_dl varchar 20  √  null Payment Identification - Driver License
a_email varchar 60  √  null Email Address
a_ident_ssn varchar 20  √  null Payment Identification - Social Security No
r_avsaddr bpchar 1  √  null This address has been verified
r_avszip bpchar 1  √  null The Zip Code has been verified
a_country varchar 40  √  null Country
ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
bpbankacctuse bpchar 1  √  null Business Partner Bank Account usage
c_bp_bankaccount_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_BP_BankAccount_UU
customerpaymentprofileid varchar 60  √  NULL::character varying Customer Payment Profile ID
c_paymentprocessor_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Payment processor for electronic payments
iban varchar 40  √  NULL::character varying International Bank Account Number

Table contained 1 rows at 2021-12-25 14:46 +0100

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
c_bp_bankaccount_id Primary key Asc c_bp_bankaccount_pkey
c_bp_bankaccount_uu Must be unique Asc c_bp_bankaccount_uu_idx
c_bpartner_id Performance Asc c_bpbankacct_bpartner

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