SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere9.adempiere - ColumnsCommission | Generated by Quality Systems & Solutions |
Generated on 2021-12-25 14:46 +0100 |
| |||||
idempiere9.adempiere contains 112 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | |
c_charge | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_charge | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_charge | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_charge | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | Additional document charges | |||
c_charge | c_charge_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Charge_UU | |
c_charge | c_chargetype_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Charge Type | |
c_charge | c_taxcategory_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Tax Category | |
c_charge | chargeamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Charge Amount | ||
c_charge | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_charge | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_charge | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_charge | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_charge | issamecurrency | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Same Currency | ||
c_charge | issametax | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Use the same tax as the main transaction | ||
c_charge | istaxincluded | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Tax is included in the price | ||
c_charge | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_charge | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_charge | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_commission | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_commission | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_commission | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | Identifies a Business Partner | |||
c_commission | c_charge_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Additional document charges | |
c_commission | c_commission_id | numeric | 10 | Commission | |||
c_commission | c_commission_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_Commission_UU | |
c_commission | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_commission | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_commission | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_commission | createfrom | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document | |
c_commission | datelastrun | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | Date the process was last run. | |
c_commission | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_commission | docbasistype | bpchar | 1 | Basis for the calculation the commission | |||
c_commission | frequencytype | bpchar | 1 | Frequency of event | |||
c_commission | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_commission | listdetails | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | List document details | ||
c_commission | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | NULL::numeric | Product, Service, Item | |
c_commission | name | varchar | 60 | Alphanumeric identifier of the entity | |||
c_commission | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_commission | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_commission | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_commissionamt | actualqty | numeric | 0 | 0 | The actual quantity | ||
c_commissionamt | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_commissionamt | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_commissionamt | c_commissionamt_id | numeric | 10 | Generated Commission Amount | |||
c_commissionamt | c_commissionamt_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_CommissionAmt_UU | |
c_commissionamt | c_commissionline_id | numeric | 10 | Commission Line | |||
c_commissionamt | c_commissionrun_id | numeric | 10 | Commission Run or Process | |||
c_commissionamt | commissionamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Commission Amount | ||
c_commissionamt | convertedamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Converted Amount | ||
c_commissionamt | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_commissionamt | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_commissionamt | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_commissionamt | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_commissionamt | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_commissiondetail | actualamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | The actual amount | ||
c_commissiondetail | actualqty | numeric | 0 | 0 | The actual quantity | ||
c_commissiondetail | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_commissiondetail | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_commissiondetail | c_commissionamt_id | numeric | 10 | Generated Commission Amount | |||
c_commissiondetail | c_commissiondetail_id | numeric | 10 | Supporting information for Commission Amounts | |||
c_commissiondetail | c_commissiondetail_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_CommissionDetail_UU | |
c_commissiondetail | c_currency_id | numeric | 10 | The Currency for this record | |||
c_commissiondetail | c_invoiceline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Invoice Detail Line | |
c_commissiondetail | c_orderline_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales Order Line | |
c_commissiondetail | convertedamt | numeric | 0 | 0 | Converted Amount | ||
c_commissiondetail | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_commissiondetail | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_commissiondetail | info | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Information | |
c_commissiondetail | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_commissiondetail | reference | varchar | 60 | √ | null | Reference for this record | |
c_commissiondetail | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_commissiondetail | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_commissionline | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_commissionline | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_commissionline | amtmultiplier | numeric | 0 | Multiplier Amount for generating commissions | |||
c_commissionline | amtsubtract | numeric | 0 | Subtract Amount for generating commissions | |||
c_commissionline | c_bp_group_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Business Partner Group | |
c_commissionline | c_bpartner_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Identifies a Business Partner | |
c_commissionline | c_commission_id | numeric | 10 | Commission | |||
c_commissionline | c_commissionline_id | numeric | 10 | Commission Line | |||
c_commissionline | c_commissionline_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_CommissionLine_UU | |
c_commissionline | c_salesregion_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Sales coverage region | |
c_commissionline | commissionorders | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered | ||
c_commissionline | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_commissionline | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_commissionline | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_commissionline | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_commissionline | ispositiveonly | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | Do not generate negative commissions | ||
c_commissionline | line | numeric | 10 | Unique line for this document | |||
c_commissionline | m_product_category_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Category of a Product | |
c_commissionline | m_product_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Product, Service, Item | |
c_commissionline | org_id | numeric | 10 | √ | null | Organizational entity within client | |
c_commissionline | paymentrule | varchar | 1 | √ | null | How you pay the invoice | |
c_commissionline | qtymultiplier | numeric | 0 | Value to multiply quantities by for generating commissions. | |||
c_commissionline | qtysubtract | numeric | 0 | Quantity to subtract when generating commissions | |||
c_commissionline | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_commissionline | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records | |||
c_commissionrun | ad_client_id | numeric | 10 | Client/Tenant for this installation. | |||
c_commissionrun | ad_org_id | numeric | 10 | Organizational entity within client | |||
c_commissionrun | c_commission_id | numeric | 10 | Commission | |||
c_commissionrun | c_commissionrun_id | numeric | 10 | Commission Run or Process | |||
c_commissionrun | c_commissionrun_uu | varchar | 36 | √ | NULL::character varying | C_CommissionRun_UU | |
c_commissionrun | created | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was created | ||
c_commissionrun | createdby | numeric | 10 | User who created this records | |||
c_commissionrun | description | varchar | 255 | √ | null | Optional short description of the record | |
c_commissionrun | documentno | varchar | 30 | Document sequence number of the document | |||
c_commissionrun | grandtotal | numeric | 0 | 0 | Total amount of document | ||
c_commissionrun | isactive | bpchar | 1 | 'Y'::bpchar | The record is active in the system | ||
c_commissionrun | processed | bpchar | 1 | 'N'::bpchar | The document has been processed | ||
c_commissionrun | processing | bpchar | 1 | √ | null | Process Now | |
c_commissionrun | startdate | timestamp | 29,6 | First effective day (inclusive) | |||
c_commissionrun | updated | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | Date this record was updated | ||
c_commissionrun | updatedby | numeric | 10 | User who updated this records |