SchemaSpy Analysis of idempiere9.adempiere - ColumnsAccounting Dimensions Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
Generated on 2021-12-25 14:44 +0100
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

idempiere9.adempiere contains 927 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default
c_elementvalue accountsign bpchar 1 Indicates the Natural Sign of the Account as a Debit or Credit
c_elementvalue accounttype bpchar 1 Indicates the type of account
gl_distribution anyacct bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Account segment
gl_distribution anyactivity bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Activity segment
gl_distribution anybpartner bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Business Partner segment
gl_distribution anycampaign bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Campaign segment
gl_distribution anylocfrom bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Location From segment
gl_distribution anylocto bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Location To segment
gl_distribution anyorg bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Organization segment
gl_distribution anyorgtrx bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Transaction Organization segment
gl_distribution anyproduct bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Product segment
gl_distribution anyproject bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Project segment
gl_distribution anysalesregion bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the Sales Region segment
gl_distribution anyuser1 bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the User 1 segment
gl_distribution anyuser2 bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Match any value of the User 2 segment
ad_client autoarchive bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Enable and level of automatic Archive of documents
c_elementvalue bpartnertype bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar Business Partner Type
c_project copyfrom bpchar 1  √  null Copy From Record
m_product copyfrom bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar Copy From Record
m_inventory costingmethod bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar Indicates how Costs will be calculated
m_inout createconfirm bpchar 1  √  null Create Confirm
m_inout createfrom bpchar 1  √  null Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document
m_movement createfrom bpchar 1  √  null Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document
m_production createfrom bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document
m_inout createpackage bpchar 1  √  null Create Package
c_bpartner deliveryrule bpchar 1  √  null Defines the timing of Delivery
m_inout deliveryrule bpchar 1 Defines the timing of Delivery
m_movement deliveryrule bpchar 1  √  null Defines the timing of Delivery
c_bpartner deliveryviarule bpchar 1  √  null How the order will be delivered
m_inout deliveryviarule bpchar 1 How the order will be delivered
m_movement deliveryviarule bpchar 1  √  null How the order will be delivered
m_product discontinued bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar This product is no longer available
ad_client emailtest bpchar 1  √  null Test EMail
c_bpartner freightcostrule bpchar 1  √  null Method for charging Freight
m_inout freightcostrule bpchar 1 Method for charging Freight
m_movement freightcostrule bpchar 1  √  null Method for charging Freight
m_inventory generatelist bpchar 1  √  'Y'::bpchar Generate List
c_projectphase generateorder bpchar 1  √  null Generate Order
c_project generateto bpchar 1  √  null Generate To
m_inout generateto bpchar 1  √  null Generate To
m_inout insurance bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar Insurance
c_bpartner invoicerule bpchar 1  √  null Frequency and method of invoicing
c_bpartner is1099vendor bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar 1099 Vendor
ad_client isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
ad_org isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
ad_orginfo isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
ad_orgtype isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
ad_printcolor isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_activity isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_bp_group isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_bpartner isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_campaign isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_channel isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_elementvalue isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_location isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_project isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_projectphase isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_projecttask isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_salesregion isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
c_validcombination isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
fact_acct isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
fact_acct_summary isactive bpchar 1 The record is active in the system
gl_distribution isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
gl_distributionline isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_inout isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_inventory isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_movement isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_product isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_product_category isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_production isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
m_inout isalternatereturnaddress bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Alternate Return Address
m_inout isapproved bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if this document requires approval
m_inventory isapproved bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if this document requires approval
m_movement isapproved bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if this document requires approval
m_product isautoproduce bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Auto create production to fulfill shipment
c_elementvalue isbankaccount bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Indicates if this is the Bank Account
m_product isbom bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Bill of Materials
c_project iscommitceiling bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling
c_projectphase iscommitceiling bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling
c_project iscommitment bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Is this document a (legal) commitment?
c_projectphase iscomplete bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar It is complete
m_production iscomplete bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar It is complete
c_bp_group isconfidentialinfo bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Can enter confidential information
ad_client iscostimmediate bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Update Costs immediately for testing
m_production iscreated bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Records created
gl_distribution iscreatereversal bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Indicates that reversal movement will be created, if disabled the original movement will be deleted.
c_bpartner iscustomer bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Indicates if this Business Partner is a Customer
ad_printcolor isdefault bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Default value
c_bp_group isdefault bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Default value
c_salesregion isdefault bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Default value
m_product_category isdefault bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Default value
c_elementvalue isdetailbpartner bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Manage Business Partners
c_elementvalue isdetailproduct bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Manage Products
c_bpartner isdiscountprinted bpchar 1  √  'Y'::bpchar Print Discount on Invoice and Order
c_elementvalue isdoccontrolled bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Control account - If an account is controlled by a document, you cannot post manually to it
m_inout isdropship bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location
m_product isdropship bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Drop Shipments are sent directly to the Drop Shipment Location
c_bpartner isemployee bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee
m_product isexcludeautodelivery bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Exclude from automatic Delivery
c_elementvalue isforeigncurrency bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency
c_validcombination isfullyqualified bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar This account is fully qualified
m_inout isindispute bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Document is in dispute
m_inout isintransit bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Movement is in transit
m_movement isintransit bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Movement is in transit
m_product isinvoiceprintdetails bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Print detail BOM elements on the invoice
m_product iskanban bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This part is Kanban controlled
m_product ismanufactured bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This product is manufactured
c_bpartner ismanufacturer bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Indicate role of this Business partner as Manufacturer
ad_client ismultilingualdocument bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Documents are Multi Lingual
c_bpartner isonetime bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar One time transaction
m_product isownbox bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Own Box
m_product isphantom bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Phantom Component
m_product ispicklistprintdetails bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Print detail BOM elements on the pick list
ad_client ispostimmediate bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Post the accounting immediately for testing (Deprecated)
c_bpartner ispotaxexempt bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Business partner is exempt from tax on purchases
m_inout isprinted bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if this document / line is printed
c_bpartner isprospect bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates this is a Prospect
m_product ispurchased bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Organization purchases this product
c_bpartner issalesrep bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agent
ad_client issecuresmtp bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Use SSL/TLS for SMTP
m_product isselfservice bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service
m_product_category isselfservice bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service
ad_client isserveremail bpchar 1  √  null Send EMail from Server
ad_client issmtpauthorization bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Your mail server requires Authentication
m_product issold bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Organization sells this product
m_inout issotrx bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar This is a Sales Transaction
m_product isstocked bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Organization stocks this product
ad_org issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_activity issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_bpartner issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_campaign issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_elementvalue issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_project issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_salesregion issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
m_product issummary bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar This is a summary entity
c_bpartner istaxexempt bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Business partner is exempt from tax on sales
m_product istoformule bpchar 1  √  null
ad_client isuseasp bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar IsUseASP
ad_client isusebetafunctions bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Enable the use of Beta Functionality
m_production isuseproductionplan bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Use Production Plan
c_location isvalid bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Element is valid
gl_distribution isvalid bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Element is valid
c_bpartner isvendor bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor
m_product isverified bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The BOM configuration has been verified
m_product iswebstorefeatured bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar If selected, the product is displayed in the initial or any empty search
ad_client mmpolicy bpchar 1 'F'::bpchar Material Movement Policy
m_product_category mmpolicy bpchar 1 'F'::bpchar Material Movement Policy
gl_distributionline overwriteacct bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Account with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteactivity bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Activity with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwritebpartner bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwritecampaign bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwritelocfrom bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwritelocto bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteorg bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Organization with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteorgtrx bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteproduct bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Product with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteproject bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwritesalesregion bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteuser1 bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specified
gl_distributionline overwriteuser2 bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specified
c_bpartner paymentrule bpchar 1  √  null How you pay the invoice
c_bpartner paymentrulepo bpchar 1  √  null Purchase payment option
c_elementvalue postactual bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Actual Values can be posted
c_elementvalue postbudget bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Budget values can be posted
m_inout posted bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Posting status
m_inventory posted bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Posting status
m_movement posted bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Posting status
m_production posted bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Posting status
c_elementvalue postencumbrance bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Post commitments to this account
fact_acct postingtype bpchar 1 The type of posted amount for the transaction
fact_acct_balance postingtype bpchar 1  √  null The type of posted amount for the transaction
fact_acct_summary postingtype bpchar 1 The type of posted amount for the transaction
gl_distribution postingtype bpchar 1  √  null The type of posted amount for the transaction
c_elementvalue poststatistical bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar Post statistical quantities to this account?
c_bp_group prioritybase bpchar 1  √  null Base of Priority
m_inout priorityrule bpchar 1 Priority of a document
m_movement priorityrule bpchar 1  √  null Priority of a document
c_project processed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
m_inout processed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
m_inventory processed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
m_movement processed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
m_production processed bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar The document has been processed
c_project processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
gl_distribution processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_inout processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_inventory processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_movement processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_product processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_production processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
m_product producttype bpchar 1 'I'::bpchar Type of product
c_project projectcategory bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Project Category
c_project projectlinelevel bpchar 1 'P'::bpchar Project Line Level
c_project projinvoicerule bpchar 1 '-'::bpchar Invoice Rule for the project
c_projectphase projinvoicerule bpchar 1  √  null Invoice Rule for the project
c_projecttask projinvoicerule bpchar 1  √  null Invoice Rule for the project
c_bpartner rating bpchar 1  √  null Classification or Importance
c_bpartner sendemail bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Enable sending Document EMail
m_inout sendemail bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Enable sending Document EMail
c_bpartner socreditstatus bpchar 1  √  'O'::bpchar Business Partner Credit Status
ad_client storearchiveonfilesystem bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Store Archive On File System
ad_client storeattachmentsonfilesystem bpchar 1 'N'::bpchar Store Attachments On File System
m_inventory updateqty bpchar 1  √  'N'::bpchar Update Quantities
c_location validateaddress bpchar 1  √  NULL::bpchar Validate Address
m_inout docaction bpchar 2 The targeted status of the document
m_inventory docaction bpchar 2 The targeted status of the document
m_movement docaction bpchar 2 The targeted status of the document
m_production docaction bpchar 2 'CO'::bpchar The targeted status of the document
m_inout docstatus bpchar 2 The current status of the document
m_inventory docstatus bpchar 2 The current status of the document
m_movement docstatus bpchar 2 The current status of the document
m_inout movementtype bpchar 2 Method of moving the inventory
fact_acct_balance isactive bpchar 2147483647  √  null The record is active in the system
c_bpartner acqusitioncost numeric 0  √  0 The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer
c_bpartner actuallifetimevalue numeric 0  √  0 Actual Life Time Revenue
ad_org ad_replicationstrategy_id numeric 0  √  null Data Replication Strategy
fact_acct amtacctcr numeric 0 0 Accounted Credit Amount
fact_acct_balance amtacctcr numeric 0  √  null Accounted Credit Amount
fact_acct_summary amtacctcr numeric 0 Accounted Credit Amount
fact_acct amtacctdr numeric 0 0 Accounted Debit Amount
fact_acct_balance amtacctdr numeric 0  √  null Accounted Debit Amount
fact_acct_summary amtacctdr numeric 0 Accounted Debit Amount
fact_acct amtsourcecr numeric 0 0 Source Credit Amount
fact_acct amtsourcedr numeric 0 0 Source Debit Amount
m_inventory approvalamt numeric 0  √  null Document Approval Amount
m_movement approvalamt numeric 0  √  null Document Approval Amount
fact_acct_balance c_projectphase_id numeric 0  √  null Phase of a Project
fact_acct_balance c_projecttask_id numeric 0  √  null Actual Project Task in a Phase
fact_acct_balance c_subacct_id numeric 0  √  null Sub account for Element Value
m_inout chargeamt numeric 0  √  0 Charge Amount
m_movement chargeamt numeric 0  √  null Charge Amount
c_project committedamt numeric 0 0 The (legal) commitment amount
c_projectphase committedamt numeric 0 0 The (legal) commitment amount
c_projecttask committedamt numeric 0 0 The (legal) commitment amount
c_project committedqty numeric 0 0 The (legal) commitment Quantity
c_campaign costs numeric 0 0 Costs in accounting currency
fact_acct_balance createdby numeric 0  √  null User who created this records
c_bp_group creditwatchpercent numeric 0  √  null Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch
c_bpartner flatdiscount numeric 0  √  null Flat discount percentage
m_inout freightamt numeric 0  √  0 Freight Amount
m_movement freightamt numeric 0  √  null Freight Amount
c_project invoicedamt numeric 0 0 The amount invoiced
c_project invoicedqty numeric 0 0 The quantity invoiced
gl_distributionline percent numeric 0 Percentage
gl_distribution percenttotal numeric 0 Sum of the Percent details
c_project plannedamt numeric 0 0 Planned amount for this project
c_projectphase plannedamt numeric 0 0 Planned amount for this project
c_projecttask plannedamt numeric 0 0 Planned amount for this project
m_product_category plannedmargin numeric 0 Project's planned margin as a percentage
c_project plannedmarginamt numeric 0 0 Project's planned margin amount
c_project plannedqty numeric 0 0 Planned quantity for this project
c_bpartner potentiallifetimevalue numeric 0  √  0 Total Revenue expected
c_projectphase priceactual numeric 0  √  0 Actual Price
c_bp_group pricematchtolerance numeric 0  √  null PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price
m_inout processedon numeric 0  √  null The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed
m_inventory processedon numeric 0  √  null The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed
m_movement processedon numeric 0  √  null The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed
m_production processedon numeric 0  √  null The date+time (expressed in decimal format) when the document has been processed
m_production productionqty numeric 0 0 Quantity of products to produce
c_project projectbalanceamt numeric 0 0 Total Project Balance
c_projectphase qty numeric 0  √  0 Quantity
c_projecttask qty numeric 0  √  0 Quantity
fact_acct qty numeric 0  √  0 Quantity
fact_acct_balance qty numeric 0  √  null Quantity
fact_acct_summary qty numeric 0 Quantity
m_product shelfheight numeric 0  √  null Shelf height required
c_bpartner so_creditlimit numeric 0  √  0 Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed
c_bpartner so_creditused numeric 0  √  0 Current open balance
c_bpartner totalopenbalance numeric 0  √  null Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency
ad_orginfo transferbank_id numeric 0  √  null Bank account depending on currency will be used from this bank for doing transfers
ad_orginfo transfercashbook_id numeric 0  √  null CashBook for transfers
m_product unitsperpallet numeric 0  √  null Units Per Pallet
fact_acct_balance updatedby numeric 0  √  null User who updated this records
m_inout volume numeric 0  √  null Volume of a product
m_product volume numeric 0  √  0 Volume of a product
m_inout weight numeric 0  √  null Weight of a product
m_product weight numeric 0  √  0 Weight of a product
m_product_category a_asset_group_id numeric 10  √  null Group of Assets
fact_acct a_asset_id numeric 10  √  null Asset used internally or by customers
c_validcombination account_id numeric 10 Account used
fact_acct account_id numeric 10 Account used
fact_acct_balance account_id numeric 10  √  null Account used
fact_acct_summary account_id numeric 10 Account used
gl_distribution account_id numeric 10  √  null Account used
gl_distributionline account_id numeric 10  √  null Account used
ad_client ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_orginfo ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_orgtype ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_printcolor ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_activity ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_bp_group ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_bpartner ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_campaign ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_channel ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_elementvalue ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_location ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_project ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_projectphase ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_projecttask ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_salesregion ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
c_validcombination ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
fact_acct ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
fact_acct_balance ad_client_id numeric 10  √  null Client/Tenant for this installation.
fact_acct_summary ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
gl_distribution ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
gl_distributionline ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_inout ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_inventory ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_movement ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_product ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_product_category ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
m_production ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_client ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
ad_org ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
ad_orginfo ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
ad_orgtype ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
ad_printcolor ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_activity ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_bp_group ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_bpartner ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_campaign ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_channel ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_elementvalue ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_location ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_project ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_projectphase ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_projecttask ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_salesregion ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_validcombination ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
fact_acct ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
fact_acct_balance ad_org_id numeric 10  √  null Organizational entity within client
fact_acct_summary ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
gl_distribution ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
gl_distributionline ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_inout ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_inventory ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_movement ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_product ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_product_category ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
m_production ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
c_bpartner ad_orgbp_id numeric 10  √  null The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions
c_project ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Performing or initiating organization
c_validcombination ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
fact_acct ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
fact_acct_balance ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
fact_acct_summary ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Performing or initiating organization
gl_distribution ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
gl_distributionline ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
m_inout ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
m_inventory ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
m_movement ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
m_production ad_orgtrx_id numeric 10  √  null Performing or initiating organization
ad_orginfo ad_orgtype_id numeric 10  √  null Organization Type
ad_orgtype ad_orgtype_id numeric 10 Organization Type
ad_client ad_passwordrule_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Password Policies
ad_orgtype ad_printcolor_id numeric 10  √  null Color used for printing and display
ad_printcolor ad_printcolor_id numeric 10 Color used for printing and display
c_bp_group ad_printcolor_id numeric 10  √  null Color used for printing and display
c_channel ad_printcolor_id numeric 10  √  null Color used for printing and display
m_product_category ad_printcolor_id numeric 10  √  null Color used for printing and display
ad_client ad_replicationstrategy_id numeric 10  √  null Data Replication Strategy
fact_acct ad_table_id numeric 10 Database Table information
c_project ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
m_inout ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
m_movement ad_user_id numeric 10  √  null User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
c_bpartner bpartner_parent_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner Parent
c_validcombination c_acctschema_id numeric 10 Rules for accounting
fact_acct c_acctschema_id numeric 10 Rules for accounting
fact_acct_balance c_acctschema_id numeric 10  √  null Rules for accounting
fact_acct_summary c_acctschema_id numeric 10 Rules for accounting
gl_distribution c_acctschema_id numeric 10 Rules for accounting
c_activity c_activity_id numeric 10 Business Activity
c_project c_activity_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Business Activity
c_validcombination c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
fact_acct c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
fact_acct_balance c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
fact_acct_summary c_activity_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Business Activity
gl_distribution c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
gl_distributionline c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
m_inout c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
m_inventory c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
m_movement c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
m_production c_activity_id numeric 10  √  null Business Activity
c_location c_addressvalidation_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Address Validation
c_elementvalue c_bankaccount_id numeric 10  √  null Account at the Bank
c_bp_group c_bp_group_id numeric 10 Business Partner Group
c_bpartner c_bp_group_id numeric 10 Business Partner Group
c_bpartner c_bpartner_id numeric 10 Identifies a Business Partner
c_project c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
c_validcombination c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
fact_acct c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
fact_acct_balance c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
fact_acct_summary c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Identifies a Business Partner
gl_distribution c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
gl_distributionline c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
m_inout c_bpartner_id numeric 10 Identifies a Business Partner
m_movement c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Business Partner
m_production c_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Identifies a Business Partner
c_project c_bpartner_location_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
m_inout c_bpartner_location_id numeric 10 Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
m_movement c_bpartner_location_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
c_project c_bpartnersr_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep)
ad_orginfo c_calendar_id numeric 10  √  null Accounting Calendar Name
c_campaign c_campaign_id numeric 10 Marketing Campaign
c_project c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
c_validcombination c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
fact_acct c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
fact_acct_balance c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
fact_acct_summary c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Marketing Campaign
gl_distribution c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
gl_distributionline c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
m_inout c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
m_inventory c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
m_movement c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
m_production c_campaign_id numeric 10  √  null Marketing Campaign
c_campaign c_channel_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Channel
c_channel c_channel_id numeric 10 Sales Channel
m_inout c_charge_id numeric 10  √  null Additional document charges
m_movement c_charge_id numeric 10  √  null Additional document charges
c_location c_city_id numeric 10  √  null City
m_inventory c_conversiontype_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Currency Conversion Rate Type
c_location c_country_id numeric 10 Country
c_elementvalue c_currency_id numeric 10  √  null The Currency for this record
c_project c_currency_id numeric 10 The Currency for this record
fact_acct c_currency_id numeric 10 The Currency for this record
m_inventory c_currency_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric The Currency for this record
gl_distribution c_doctype_id numeric 10  √  null Document type or rules
m_inout c_doctype_id numeric 10 Document type or rules
m_inventory c_doctype_id numeric 10 Document type or rules
m_movement c_doctype_id numeric 10 Document type or rules
c_bp_group c_dunning_id numeric 10  √  null Dunning Rules for overdue invoices
c_bpartner c_dunning_id numeric 10  √  null Dunning Rules for overdue invoices
c_elementvalue c_element_id numeric 10 Accounting Element
c_elementvalue c_elementvalue_id numeric 10 Account Element
c_bpartner c_greeting_id numeric 10  √  null Greeting to print on correspondence
m_inout c_invoice_id numeric 10  √  null Invoice Identifier
c_bpartner c_invoiceschedule_id numeric 10  √  null Schedule for generating Invoices
ad_orginfo c_location_id numeric 10  √  null Location or Address
c_location c_location_id numeric 10 Location or Address
c_validcombination c_locfrom_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved from
fact_acct c_locfrom_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved from
fact_acct_balance c_locfrom_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved from
fact_acct_summary c_locfrom_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Location that inventory was moved from
gl_distribution c_locfrom_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved from
gl_distributionline c_locfrom_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved from
c_validcombination c_locto_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved to
fact_acct c_locto_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved to
fact_acct_balance c_locto_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved to
fact_acct_summary c_locto_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Location that inventory was moved to
gl_distribution c_locto_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved to
gl_distributionline c_locto_id numeric 10  √  null Location that inventory was moved to
c_projectphase c_order_id numeric 10  √  null Order
m_inout c_order_id numeric 10  √  null Order
m_production c_orderline_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Sales Order Line
c_bpartner c_paymentterm_id numeric 10  √  null The terms of Payment (timing, discount)
c_project c_paymentterm_id numeric 10  √  null The terms of Payment (timing, discount)
fact_acct c_period_id numeric 10  √  null Period of the Calendar
fact_acct_summary c_period_id numeric 10 Period of the Calendar
c_project c_phase_id numeric 10  √  null Standard Phase of the Project Type
c_projectphase c_phase_id numeric 10  √  null Standard Phase of the Project Type
c_project c_project_id numeric 10 Financial Project
c_projectphase c_project_id numeric 10 Financial Project
c_validcombination c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
fact_acct c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
fact_acct_balance c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
fact_acct_summary c_project_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Financial Project
gl_distribution c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
gl_distributionline c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
m_inout c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
m_inventory c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
m_movement c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
m_production c_project_id numeric 10  √  null Financial Project
c_projectphase c_projectphase_id numeric 10 Phase of a Project
c_projecttask c_projectphase_id numeric 10 Phase of a Project
fact_acct c_projectphase_id numeric 10  √  null Phase of a Project
fact_acct_summary c_projectphase_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Phase of a Project
m_production c_projectphase_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Phase of a Project
c_projecttask c_projecttask_id numeric 10 Actual Project Task in a Phase
fact_acct c_projecttask_id numeric 10  √  null Actual Project Task in a Phase
fact_acct_summary c_projecttask_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Actual Project Task in a Phase
m_production c_projecttask_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Actual Project Task in a Phase
c_project c_projecttype_id numeric 10  √  null Type of the project
c_location c_region_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a geographical Region
m_product c_revenuerecognition_id numeric 10  √  null Method for recording revenue
c_salesregion c_salesregion_id numeric 10 Sales coverage region
c_validcombination c_salesregion_id numeric 10  √  null Sales coverage region
fact_acct c_salesregion_id numeric 10  √  null Sales coverage region
fact_acct_balance c_salesregion_id numeric 10  √  null Sales coverage region
fact_acct_summary c_salesregion_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Sales coverage region
gl_distribution c_salesregion_id numeric 10  √  null Sales coverage region
gl_distributionline c_salesregion_id numeric 10  √  null Sales coverage region
c_validcombination c_subacct_id numeric 10  √  null Sub account for Element Value
fact_acct c_subacct_id numeric 10  √  null Sub account for Element Value
fact_acct_summary c_subacct_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Sub account for Element Value
m_product c_subscriptiontype_id numeric 10  √  null Type of subscription
c_projecttask c_task_id numeric 10  √  null Standard Project Type Task
fact_acct c_tax_id numeric 10  √  null Tax identifier
m_product c_taxcategory_id numeric 10 Tax Category
c_bpartner c_taxgroup_id numeric 10  √  null Tax Group
fact_acct c_uom_id numeric 10  √  null Unit of Measure
m_product c_uom_id numeric 10 Unit of Measure
c_validcombination c_validcombination_id numeric 10 Valid Account Combination
ad_client createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
ad_org createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
ad_orginfo createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
ad_orgtype createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
ad_printcolor createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_activity createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_bp_group createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_bpartner createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_campaign createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_channel createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_elementvalue createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_location createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_project createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_projectphase createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_projecttask createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_salesregion createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
c_validcombination createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
fact_acct createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
fact_acct_summary createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
gl_distribution createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
gl_distributionline createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_inout createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_inventory createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_movement createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_product createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_product_category createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_production createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
m_movement dd_order_id numeric 10  √  null Distribution Order
c_bpartner default1099box_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Default 1099 Box
c_bpartner documentcopies numeric 10  √  null Number of copies to be printed
m_inout dropship_bpartner_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner to ship to
m_inout dropship_location_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner Location for shipping to
m_inout dropship_user_id numeric 10  √  null Business Partner Contact for drop shipment
ad_orginfo dropship_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  null The (logical) warehouse to use for recording drop ship receipts and shipments.
fact_acct fact_acct_id numeric 10 Accounting Fact
fact_acct gl_budget_id numeric 10  √  null General Ledger Budget
fact_acct_balance gl_budget_id numeric 10  √  null General Ledger Budget
fact_acct_summary gl_budget_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric General Ledger Budget
fact_acct gl_category_id numeric 10  √  null General Ledger Category
gl_distribution gl_distribution_id numeric 10 General Ledger Distribution
gl_distributionline gl_distribution_id numeric 10 General Ledger Distribution
gl_distributionline gl_distributionline_id numeric 10 General Ledger Distribution Line
m_product guaranteedays numeric 10  √  null Number of days the product is guaranteed or available
m_product guaranteedaysmin numeric 10  √  null Minimum number of guarantee days
c_bpartner invoice_printformat_id numeric 10  √  null Print Format for printing Invoices
gl_distributionline line numeric 10 0 Unique line for this document
fact_acct line_id numeric 10  √  null Transaction line ID (internal)
ad_orginfo logo_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Logo
c_bpartner logo_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Logo
m_product lowlevel numeric 10 (0)::numeric The Low Level is used to calculate the material plan and determines if a net requirement should be exploited
m_product m_attributeset_id numeric 10  √  null Product Attribute Set
m_product m_attributesetinstance_id numeric 10  √  0 Product Attribute Set Instance
c_bp_group m_discountschema_id numeric 10  √  null Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage
c_bpartner m_discountschema_id numeric 10  √  null Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage
m_product m_freightcategory_id numeric 10  √  null Category of the Freight
m_inout m_inout_id numeric 10 Material Shipment Document
m_production m_inoutline_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Line on Shipment or Receipt document
m_inventory m_inventory_id numeric 10 Parameters for a Physical Inventory
fact_acct m_locator_id numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Locator
m_product m_locator_id numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Locator
m_production m_locator_id numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Locator
m_movement m_movement_id numeric 10 Movement of Inventory
m_product m_parttype_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Part Type
m_inventory m_perpetualinv_id numeric 10  √  null Rules for generating physical inventory
c_bp_group m_pricelist_id numeric 10  √  null Unique identifier of a Price List
c_bpartner m_pricelist_id numeric 10  √  null Unique identifier of a Price List
c_project m_pricelist_version_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a unique instance of a Price List
m_product m_product_category_id numeric 10 Category of a Product
m_product_category m_product_category_id numeric 10 Category of a Product
m_product_category m_product_category_parent_id numeric 10  √  null Parent Product Category
c_projectphase m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
c_projecttask m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
c_validcombination m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
fact_acct m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
fact_acct_balance m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
fact_acct_summary m_product_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Product, Service, Item
gl_distribution m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
gl_distributionline m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
m_product m_product_id numeric 10 Product, Service, Item
m_production m_product_id numeric 10  √  null Product, Service, Item
m_production m_production_id numeric 10 Plan for producing a product
m_inout m_rma_id numeric 10  √  null Return Material Authorization
m_inout m_shipper_id numeric 10  √  null Method or manner of product delivery
m_movement m_shipper_id numeric 10  √  null Method or manner of product delivery
ad_orginfo m_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  null Storage Warehouse and Service Point
c_project m_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  null Storage Warehouse and Service Point
m_inout m_warehouse_id numeric 10 Storage Warehouse and Service Point
m_inventory m_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  null Storage Warehouse and Service Point
m_movement m_warehouse_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Storage Warehouse and Service Point
m_movement m_warehouseto_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric To Storage Warehouse and Service Point
m_inout nopackages numeric 10  √  (1)::numeric Number of packages shipped
c_bpartner numberemployees numeric 10  √  null Number of employees
gl_distribution org_id numeric 10  √  null Organizational entity within client
gl_distributionline org_id numeric 10  √  null Organizational entity within client
ad_orginfo pa_goal_id numeric 10  √  null
fact_acct_summary pa_reportcube_id numeric 10 Define reporting cube for pre-calculation of summary accounting data.
ad_orginfo parent_org_id numeric 10  √  null Parent (superior) Organization
c_bp_group po_discountschema_id numeric 10  √  null Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage
c_bpartner po_discountschema_id numeric 10  √  null Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage
c_bpartner po_paymentterm_id numeric 10  √  null Payment rules for a purchase order
c_bp_group po_pricelist_id numeric 10  √  null Price List used by this Business Partner
c_bpartner po_pricelist_id numeric 10  √  null Price List used by this Business Partner
m_production pp_product_bom_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric BOM & Formula
m_product r_mailtext_id numeric 10  √  null Text templates for mailings
fact_acct record_id numeric 10 Direct internal record ID
m_inout ref_inout_id numeric 10  √  null Referenced Shipment
m_inout returnbpartner_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Return Partner
m_inout returnlocation_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Return Location
m_inout returnuser_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Return User/Contact
m_inout reversal_id numeric 10  √  null ID of document reversal
m_inventory reversal_id numeric 10  √  null ID of document reversal
m_movement reversal_id numeric 10  √  null ID of document reversal
m_production reversal_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric ID of document reversal
m_product s_expensetype_id numeric 10  √  null Expense report type
m_product s_resource_id numeric 10  √  null Resource
c_bpartner salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
c_project salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
c_salesregion salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
m_inout salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
m_movement salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
m_product salesrep_id numeric 10  √  null Sales Representative or Company Agent
c_bpartner salesvolume numeric 10  √  null Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency
c_projectphase seqno numeric 10 Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first
c_projecttask seqno numeric 10 Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first
gl_distribution seqno numeric 10 '0'::numeric Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first
c_bpartner shareofcustomer numeric 10  √  null Share of Customer's business as a percentage
m_product shelfdepth numeric 10  √  null Shelf depth required
c_bpartner shelflifeminpct numeric 10  √  null Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date
m_product shelfwidth numeric 10  √  null Shelf width required
ad_client smtpport numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric SMTP Port Number
ad_orginfo supervisor_id numeric 10  √  null Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval
m_product unitsperpack numeric 10 1 The Units Per Pack indicates the no of units of a product packed together.
ad_client updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
ad_org updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
ad_orginfo updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
ad_orgtype updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
ad_printcolor updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_activity updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_bp_group updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_bpartner updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_campaign updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_channel updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_elementvalue updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_location updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_project updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_projectphase updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_projecttask updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_salesregion updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_validcombination updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
fact_acct updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
fact_acct_summary updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
gl_distribution updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
gl_distributionline updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_inout updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_inventory updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_movement updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_product updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_product_category updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
m_production updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
c_validcombination user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
fact_acct user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
fact_acct_balance user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
fact_acct_summary user1_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric User defined list element #1
gl_distribution user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
gl_distributionline user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
m_inout user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
m_inventory user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
m_movement user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
m_production user1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #1
c_validcombination user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
fact_acct user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
fact_acct_balance user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
fact_acct_summary user2_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric User defined list element #2
gl_distribution user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
gl_distributionline user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
m_inout user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
m_inventory user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
m_movement user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
m_production user2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined list element #2
c_validcombination userelement1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined accounting Element
fact_acct userelement1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined accounting Element
fact_acct_balance userelement1_id numeric 10  √  null User defined accounting Element
fact_acct_summary userelement1_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric User defined accounting Element
c_validcombination userelement2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined accounting Element
fact_acct userelement2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined accounting Element
fact_acct_balance userelement2_id numeric 10  √  null User defined accounting Element
fact_acct_summary userelement2_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric User defined accounting Element
ad_client created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
ad_org created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
ad_orginfo created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
ad_orgtype created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
ad_printcolor created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_activity created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_bp_group created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_bpartner created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_campaign created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_channel created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_elementvalue created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_location created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_project created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_projectphase created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_projecttask created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_salesregion created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
c_validcombination created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
fact_acct created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
fact_acct_balance created timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this record was created
fact_acct_summary created timestamp 29,6 statement_timestamp() Date this record was created
gl_distribution created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
gl_distributionline created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_inout created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_inventory created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_movement created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_product created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_product_category created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
m_production created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
fact_acct dateacct timestamp 29,6 Accounting Date
fact_acct_balance dateacct timestamp 29,6  √  null Accounting Date
fact_acct_summary dateacct timestamp 29,6  √  null Accounting Date
m_inout dateacct timestamp 29,6 Accounting Date
c_project datecontract timestamp 29,6  √  null The (planned) effective date of this document.
c_project datefinish timestamp 29,6  √  null Finish or (planned) completion date
m_inout dateordered timestamp 29,6  √  null Date of Order
m_inout dateprinted timestamp 29,6  √  null Date the document was printed.
m_production datepromised timestamp 29,6  √  null Date Order was promised
m_inout datereceived timestamp 29,6  √  null Date a product was received
m_movement datereceived timestamp 29,6  √  null Date a product was received
fact_acct datetrx timestamp 29,6 Transaction Date
m_product discontinuedat timestamp 29,6  √  null Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued
m_product discontinuedby timestamp 29,6  √  null
c_bpartner dunninggrace timestamp 29,6  √  null Dunning Grace Date
c_campaign enddate timestamp 29,6  √  null Last effective date (inclusive)
c_projectphase enddate timestamp 29,6  √  null Last effective date (inclusive)
c_bpartner firstsale timestamp 29,6  √  null Date of First Sale
m_inout movementdate timestamp 29,6 Date a product was moved in or out of inventory
m_inventory movementdate timestamp 29,6 Date a product was moved in or out of inventory
m_movement movementdate timestamp 29,6 Date a product was moved in or out of inventory
m_production movementdate timestamp 29,6 Date a product was moved in or out of inventory
m_inout pickdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Date/Time when picked for Shipment
m_inout shipdate timestamp 29,6  √  null Shipment Date/Time
c_campaign startdate timestamp 29,6  √  null First effective day (inclusive)
c_projectphase startdate timestamp 29,6  √  null First effective day (inclusive)
ad_client updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
ad_org updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
ad_orginfo updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
ad_orgtype updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
ad_printcolor updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_activity updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_bp_group updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_bpartner updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_campaign updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_channel updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_elementvalue updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_location updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_project updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_projectphase updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_projecttask updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_salesregion updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_validcombination updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
fact_acct updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
fact_acct_balance updated timestamp 29,6  √  null Date this record was updated
fact_acct_summary updated timestamp 29,6 statement_timestamp() Date this record was updated
gl_distribution updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
gl_distributionline updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_inout updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_inventory updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_movement updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_product updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_product_category updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
m_production updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
c_elementvalue validfrom timestamp 29,6  √  null Valid from including this date (first day)
gl_distribution validfrom timestamp 29,6  √  null Valid from including this date (first day)
c_elementvalue validto timestamp 29,6  √  null Valid to including this date (last day)
gl_distribution validto timestamp 29,6  √  null Valid to including this date (last day)
m_production docstatus varchar 2 'DR'::character varying The current status of the document
ad_client ad_language varchar 6  √  null Language for this entity
c_bpartner ad_language varchar 6  √  null Language for this entity
c_bpartner naics varchar 6  √  null Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC -
m_inout fob varchar 10  √  NULL::character varying Freight Terms
m_inout freightcharges varchar 10  √  NULL::character varying Freight Charges
c_location postal varchar 10  √  null Postal code
c_location postal_add varchar 10  √  null Additional ZIP or Postal code
ad_orginfo duns varchar 11 Dun & Bradstreet Number
c_bpartner duns varchar 11  √  null Dun & Bradstreet Number
m_product classification varchar 12  √  null Classification for grouping
m_product customstariffnumber varchar 20  √  null Customs Tariff Number, usually the HS-Code
c_bpartner poreference varchar 20  √  null Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
c_project poreference varchar 20  √  null Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
m_inout poreference varchar 20  √  null Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
m_movement poreference varchar 20  √  null Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner
ad_client requestfolder varchar 20  √  null EMail folder to process incoming emails; if empty INBOX is used
ad_orginfo taxid varchar 20 Tax Identification
c_bpartner taxid varchar 20  √  null Tax Identification
m_product versionno varchar 20  √  null Version Number
m_inout documentno varchar 30 Document sequence number of the document
m_inventory documentno varchar 30 Document sequence number of the document
m_movement documentno varchar 30 Document sequence number of the document
m_production documentno varchar 30 Document sequence number of the document
m_product sku varchar 30  √  null Stock Keeping Unit
m_product upc varchar 30  √  null Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number)
ad_client ad_client_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_Client_UU
ad_org ad_org_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_Org_UU
ad_orginfo ad_orginfo_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_OrgInfo_UU
ad_orgtype ad_orgtype_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_OrgType_UU
ad_printcolor ad_printcolor_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_PrintColor_UU
c_activity c_activity_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_Activity_UU
c_bp_group c_bp_group_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_BP_Group_UU
c_bpartner c_bpartner_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_BPartner_UU
c_campaign c_campaign_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_Campaign_UU
c_channel c_channel_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_Channel_UU
c_elementvalue c_elementvalue_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_ElementValue_UU
c_location c_location_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_Location_UU
c_project c_project_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_Project_UU
c_projectphase c_projectphase_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_ProjectPhase_UU
c_projecttask c_projecttask_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_ProjectTask_UU
c_salesregion c_salesregion_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_SalesRegion_UU
c_validcombination c_validcombination_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_ValidCombination_UU
fact_acct_summary fact_acct_summary_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying Fact_Acct_Summary_UU
fact_acct fact_acct_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying Fact_Acct_UU
gl_distribution gl_distribution_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying GL_Distribution_UU
gl_distributionline gl_distributionline_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying GL_DistributionLine_UU
m_inout m_inout_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_InOut_UU
m_inventory m_inventory_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Inventory_UU
m_movement m_movement_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Movement_UU
m_product_category m_product_category_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Product_Category_UU
m_product m_product_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Product_UU
m_production m_production_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying M_Production_UU
c_validcombination alias varchar 40  √  null Defines an alternate method of indicating an account combination.
ad_orginfo fax varchar 40  √  NULL::character varying Facsimile number
ad_orginfo phone varchar 40  √  NULL::character varying Identifies a telephone number
ad_orginfo phone2 varchar 40  √  NULL::character varying Identifies an alternate telephone number.
c_bpartner referenceno varchar 40  √  null Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site
c_location regionname varchar 40  √  null Name of the Region
m_inout shipperaccount varchar 40  √  NULL::character varying Shipper Account Number
ad_client value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
ad_org value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_activity value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_bp_group value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_bpartner value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_campaign value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_elementvalue value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_project value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_salesregion value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
m_product value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
m_product_category value varchar 40 Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
c_location address1 varchar 60  √  null Address line 1 for this location
c_location address2 varchar 60  √  null Address line 2 for this location
c_location address3 varchar 60  √  null Address Line 3 for the location
c_location address4 varchar 60  √  null Address Line 4 for the location
c_location address5 varchar 60  √  NULL::character varying Address Line 5 for the location
c_location city varchar 60  √  null Identifies a City
c_validcombination combination varchar 60  √  null Unique combination of account elements
c_bpartner customerprofileid varchar 60  √  NULL::character varying Customer Profile ID
ad_client documentdir varchar 60  √  null Directory for documents from the application server
ad_orginfo email varchar 60  √  NULL::character varying Electronic Mail Address
ad_client name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
ad_org name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
ad_orgtype name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
ad_printcolor name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_activity name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_bp_group name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_campaign name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_channel name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_project name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_projectphase name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_projecttask name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_salesregion name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
gl_distribution name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
m_product_category name varchar 60 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
m_production name varchar 60  √  null Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_bpartner name2 varchar 60  √  null Additional Name
ad_client requestemail varchar 60  √  null EMail address to send automated mails from or receive mails for automated processing (fully qualified)
ad_client requestuser varchar 60  √  null User Name (ID) of the email owner
ad_client smtphost varchar 60  √  null Hostname of Mail Server for SMTP and IMAP
m_inout trackingno varchar 60  √  null Number to track the shipment
m_product descriptionurl varchar 120  √  null URL for the description
m_product downloadurl varchar 120  √  null
m_product imageurl varchar 120  √  null URL of image
c_bpartner name varchar 120 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_elementvalue name varchar 120 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
c_bpartner url varchar 120  √  null Full URL address - e.g.
ad_client description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
ad_org description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
ad_orgtype description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_activity description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_bp_group description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_bpartner description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_campaign description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_channel description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_elementvalue description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_project description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_projectphase description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_projecttask description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_salesregion description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
c_validcombination description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
fact_acct description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
gl_distribution description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
gl_distributionline description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_inout description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_inventory description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_movement description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_product description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_product_category description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_production description varchar 255  √  null Optional short description of the record
m_product group1 varchar 255  √  null Group1
m_product group2 varchar 255  √  null Group2
ad_client ldapquery varchar 255  √  null
ad_client modelvalidationclasses varchar 255  √  null List of data model validation classes separated by ;
m_product name varchar 255 Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
ad_client requestuserpw varchar 255  √  null Password of the user name (ID) for mail processing
c_bpartner so_description varchar 255  √  null Description to be used on orders
ad_client unixarchivepath varchar 255  √  null Unix Archive Path
ad_client unixattachmentpath varchar 255  √  null Unix Attachment Path
ad_client windowsarchivepath varchar 255  √  null Windows Archive Path
ad_client windowsattachmentpath varchar 255  √  null Windows Attachment Path
ad_orginfo receiptfootermsg varchar 1023  √  null This message will be displayed at the bottom of a receipt when doing a sales or purchase
ad_printcolor code varchar 2000 Validation Code
c_location comments varchar 2000  √  NULL::character varying Comments or additional information
m_product documentnote varchar 2000  √  null Additional information for a Document
c_activity help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
c_projectphase help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
c_projecttask help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
gl_distribution help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
m_product help varchar 2000  √  null Comment or Hint
c_project note varchar 2000  √  null Optional additional user defined information
c_location result varchar 2000  √  NULL::character varying Result of the action taken