Table idempiere9.adempiere.c_acctschema_default

Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_acctschema_id numeric 10
c_acctschema.c_acctschema_id cacctschema_default C
Rules for accounting
ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
createdby numeric 10 User who created this records
updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 10 User who updated this records
w_inventory_acct numeric 10  √  null Warehouse Inventory Asset Account - Currently not used
w_invactualadjust_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Inventory value adjustments for Actual Costing
w_differences_acct numeric 10 Warehouse Differences Account
w_revaluation_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Inventory Revaluation
p_revenue_acct numeric 10 Account for Product Revenue (Sales Account)
p_expense_acct numeric 10 Account for Product Expense
p_asset_acct numeric 10 Account for Product Asset (Inventory)
p_purchasepricevariance_acct numeric 10 Difference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV)
p_invoicepricevariance_acct numeric 10 Difference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV)
p_tradediscountrec_acct numeric 10 Trade Discount Receivable Account
p_tradediscountgrant_acct numeric 10 Trade Discount Granted Account
p_cogs_acct numeric 10 Account for Cost of Goods Sold
c_receivable_acct numeric 10 Account for Customer Receivables
c_prepayment_acct numeric 10 Account for customer prepayments
v_liability_acct numeric 10 Account for Vendor Liability
v_liability_services_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Vendor Service Liability
v_prepayment_acct numeric 10 Account for Vendor Prepayments
paydiscount_exp_acct numeric 10 Payment Discount Expense Account
writeoff_acct numeric 10 Account for Receivables write-off
paydiscount_rev_acct numeric 10 Payment Discount Revenue Account
unrealizedgain_acct numeric 10 Unrealized Gain Account for currency revaluation
unrealizedloss_acct numeric 10 Unrealized Loss Account for currency revaluation
realizedgain_acct numeric 10 Realized Gain Account
realizedloss_acct numeric 10 Realized Loss Account
withholding_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Withholdings
e_prepayment_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Employee Expense Prepayments
e_expense_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Employee Expenses
pj_asset_acct numeric 10 Project Asset Account
pj_wip_acct numeric 10 Account for Work in Progress
t_expense_acct numeric 10 Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim
t_liability_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Tax declaration liability
t_receivables_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for Tax credit after tax declaration
t_due_acct numeric 10 Account for Tax you have to pay
t_credit_acct numeric 10 Account for Tax you can reclaim
b_intransit_acct numeric 10 Bank In Transit Account
b_asset_acct numeric 10 Bank Asset Account
b_expense_acct numeric 10  √  null Bank Expense Account
b_interestrev_acct numeric 10 Bank Interest Revenue Account
b_interestexp_acct numeric 10 Bank Interest Expense Account
b_unidentified_acct numeric 10  √  null Bank Unidentified Receipts Account
b_unallocatedcash_acct numeric 10 Unallocated Cash Clearing Account
b_paymentselect_acct numeric 10 AP Payment Selection Clearing Account
b_settlementgain_acct numeric 10  √  null Bank Settlement Gain Account
b_settlementloss_acct numeric 10  √  null Bank Settlement Loss Account
b_revaluationgain_acct numeric 10  √  null Bank Revaluation Gain Account
b_revaluationloss_acct numeric 10  √  null Bank Revaluation Loss Account
ch_expense_acct numeric 10 Charge Account
ch_revenue_acct numeric 10  √  null Charge Revenue Account
unearnedrevenue_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for unearned revenue
notinvoicedreceivables_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for not invoiced Receivables
notinvoicedrevenue_acct numeric 10  √  null Account for not invoiced Revenue
notinvoicedreceipts_acct numeric 10 Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts
cb_asset_acct numeric 10  √  null Cash Book Asset Account
cb_cashtransfer_acct numeric 10  √  null Cash Transfer Clearing Account
cb_differences_acct numeric 10  √  null Cash Book Differences Account
cb_expense_acct numeric 10  √  null Cash Book Expense Account
cb_receipt_acct numeric 10  √  null Cash Book Receipts Account
processing bpchar 1  √  null Process Now
c_receivable_services_acct numeric 10  √  null Customer Accounts Receivables Services Account
p_inventoryclearing_acct numeric 10 Product Inventory Clearing Account
p_costadjustment_acct numeric 10 Product Cost Adjustment Account
p_wip_acct numeric 10  √  null The Work in Process account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_methodchangevariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Method Change Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_usagevariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Usage Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_ratevariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Rate Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_mixvariance_acct numeric 10  √  null The Mix Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_floorstock_acct numeric 10  √  null The Floor Stock account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_costofproduction_acct numeric 10  √  null The Cost Of Production account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_labor_acct numeric 10  √  null The Labor account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_burden_acct numeric 10  √  null The Burden account is the account used Manufacturing Order
p_outsideprocessing_acct numeric 10  √  null The Outside Processing Account is the account used in Manufacturing Order
p_overhead_acct numeric 10  √  null The Overhead account is the account used in Manufacturing Order
p_scrap_acct numeric 10  √  null The Scrap account is the account used in Manufacturing Order
p_averagecostvariance_acct numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Average Cost Variance
c_acctschema_default_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying C_AcctSchema_Default_UU
p_landedcostclearing_acct numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Product Landed Cost Clearing Account

Table contained 2 rows at 2021-12-25 14:44 +0100

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
c_acctschema_id Primary key Asc c_acctschema_default_pkey
c_acctschema_default_uu Must be unique Asc c_acctschema_default_uu_idx

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