Table idempiere9.adempiere.ad_package_exp_detail
Package Exp. Detail

Generated by
Quality Systems & Solutions
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
ad_package_exp_detail_id numeric 10 Package Exp. Detail
ad_client_id numeric 10 Client/Tenant for this installation.
ad_org_id numeric 10 Organizational entity within client
isactive bpchar 1 'Y'::bpchar The record is active in the system
created timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was created
createdby numeric 0 User who created this records
updated timestamp 29,6 now() Date this record was updated
updatedby numeric 0 User who updated this records
ad_form_id numeric 10  √  null Special Form
ad_impformat_id numeric 10  √  null Import Format
ad_menu_id numeric 10  √  null Identifies a Menu
ad_process_id numeric 10  √  null Process or Report
ad_role_id numeric 10  √  null Responsibility Role
ad_window_id numeric 10  √  null Data entry or display window
ad_workflow_id numeric 10  √  null Workflow or combination of tasks
file_directory varchar 255  √  null File_Directory
filename varchar 255  √  null Name of the local file or URL
destination_filename varchar 255  √  null Destination_FileName
destination_directory varchar 255  √  null Destination_Directory
description varchar 1000  √  null Optional short description of the record
dbtype varchar 22  √  null DBType
type varchar 10 Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language)
target_directory varchar 255  √  null Target_Directory
sqlstatement varchar 4000  √  null SQL Expression/Statement
releaseno varchar 20  √  null Internal Release Number
processing bpchar 1 Process Now
processed bpchar 1  √  null The document has been processed
name2 varchar 60  √  null Additional Name
line numeric 0  √  null Unique line for this document
ad_workbench_id numeric 10  √  null Collection of windows, reports
ad_table_id numeric 10  √  null Database Table information
ad_reportview_id numeric 10  √  null View used to generate this report
ad_package_exp_id numeric 10
ad_package_exp.ad_package_exp_id adpackageexp_adpackageexpdetai R
Package Exp.
ad_package_code_new varchar 2000  √  null New Package Code
ad_package_code_old varchar 2000  √  null Old Package Code
ad_val_rule_id numeric 10  √  null Dynamic Validation Rule
ad_message_id numeric 10  √  null System Message
ad_printformat_id numeric 10  √  null Data Print Format
ad_reference_id numeric 10  √  null System Reference and Validation
ad_modelvalidator_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Model Validator
ad_entitytype_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric System Entity Type
ad_package_exp_detail_uu varchar 36  √  NULL::character varying AD_Package_Exp_Detail_UU
ad_infowindow_id numeric 10  √  NULL::numeric Info and search/select Window
execcode text 2147483647  √  null Execution Code

Table contained 0 rows at 2021-12-25 14:57 +0100

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
ad_package_exp_detail_id Primary key Asc ad_package_exp_detail_pkey
ad_package_exp_detail_uu Must be unique Asc ad_package_exp_detail_uu_idx

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