Class MAging

    • Constructor Detail

      • MAging

        public MAging​(Properties ctx,
                      int T_Aging_ID,
                      String trxName)
        Standard Constructor
        ctx - context
        T_Aging_ID - id
        trxName - transaction
      • MAging

        public MAging​(Properties ctx,
                      int AD_PInstance_ID,
                      Timestamp StatementDate,
                      int C_BPartner_ID,
                      int C_Currency_ID,
                      int C_Invoice_ID,
                      int C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID,
                      int C_BP_Group_ID,
                      int AD_Org_ID,
                      Timestamp DueDate,
                      boolean IsSOTrx,
                      String trxName)
        Full Constructor
        ctx - context
        AD_PInstance_ID - instance
        StatementDate - statement date
        C_BPartner_ID - bpartner
        C_Currency_ID - currency
        C_Invoice_ID - invoice
        C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID - invoice schedule
        C_BP_Group_ID - group
        AD_Org_ID - organization
        DueDate - due date
        IsSOTrx - SO Trx
        trxName - transaction
      • MAging

        public MAging​(Properties ctx,
                      int AD_PInstance_ID,
                      Timestamp StatementDate,
                      int C_BPartner_ID,
                      int C_Currency_ID,
                      int C_Invoice_ID,
                      int C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID,
                      int C_BP_Group_ID,
                      Timestamp DueDate,
                      boolean IsSOTrx,
                      String trxName)
        - better use the new constructor with organization included
        Partial Constructor - backward compatibility
        ctx - context
        AD_PInstance_ID - instance
        StatementDate - statement date
        C_BPartner_ID - bpartner
        C_Currency_ID - currency
        C_Invoice_ID - invoice
        C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID - invoice schedule
        C_BP_Group_ID - group
        DueDate - due date
        IsSOTrx - SO Trx
        trxName - transaction
      • MAging

        public MAging​(Properties ctx,
                      ResultSet rs,
                      String trxName)
        Load Constructor
        ctx - context
        rs - result set
        trxName - transaction
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(Timestamp DueDate,
                        int daysDue,
                        BigDecimal invoicedAmt,
                        BigDecimal openAmt)
        Add Amount to Buckets
        DueDate - due date
        daysDue - positive due - negative not due
        invoicedAmt - invoiced amount
        openAmt - open amount