AdempiereException |
Any exception that occurs inside the Adempiere core
AverageCostingNegativeQtyException |
AverageCostingZeroQtyException |
BPartnerException |
Thrown when an exception related to a BPartner happened.
BPartnerNoAddressException |
Thrown when an location/address is required for a BPartner but not found.
BPartnerNoBillToAddressException |
Thrown when Bill To Address is required for a BPartner but not found.
BPartnerNoShipToAddressException |
Thrown when Ship To Address is required for a BPartner but not found.
DBException |
This RuntimeException is used to pass SQLException up the chain of calling
methods to determine what to do where needed.
DocTypeNotFoundException |
Throwed when desired document type was not found
FillMandatoryException |
Throwed when there are some fields that are mandatory but unfilled.
InvoiceFullyMatchedException |
Throwed when an invoice is fully matched so no more receipts can be generated.
NegativeInventoryDisallowedException |
NoUOMConversionException |
Any exception that occurs when no UOM conversion rate was found
NoVendorForProductException |
Throwed when there is no Vendor Info for given Product.
PeriodClosedException |
Period Closed Exception.
PORelationException |
ProductNotOnPriceListException |
Throw when product price is not found in price list
TaxCriteriaNotFoundException |
Throw when a tax criteria was not found
TaxForChangeNotFoundException |
Throw when tax not found for given charge
TaxNoExemptFoundException |
Throw by Tax Engine where no tax found for given criteria
TaxNotFoundException |
Throw by Tax Engine where no tax found for given criteria
WarehouseInvalidForOrgException |
Throw when there is no Warehouse for Organization.
WarehouseLocatorConflictException |
Throwed when a document warehouse does not match with document or document line locator.