IAddressValidationFactory |
Address validation factory interface
IBankStatementLoaderFactory |
Factory Interface for plugins to connect to the iDempiere core and provide a
way to load BankStatement lines.
IBankStatementMatcherFactory |
Factory Interface for plugins to connect to the iDempiere core and provide a
way to match Bank statements
ICalloutFactory |
IColumnCallout |
Column Callout Interface
IColumnCalloutFactory |
IDictionaryService |
A dictionary service provides for easy handling of dynamic Adempiere
IDisplayTypeFactory |
IDocFactory |
IGridTabExporter |
IGridTabImporter |
IKeyStore |
ILookupFactory |
IMappedByNameFactory<T> |
Generic base interface for factory service that provide name/classname to instance mapping service
IMappedColumnCalloutFactory |
IMappedDocumentFactory |
IModelFactory |
Model factory interface, extracted from legacy code in MTable.
IModelValidatorFactory |
IPaymentExporterFactory |
PaymentExporter factory interface.
IPaymentProcessorFactory |
IProcessFactory |
IProductPricing |
Product Price Calculations
IProductPricingFactory |
IReplenishFactory |
Factory Interface for plugins to connect to the iDempiere core and provide a
way to load Replication Custom Interface.
IResourceFinder |
IServiceHolder<T> |
IServiceLocator |
A service locator looks up services.
IServiceReferenceHolder<T> |
Dynamic service reference holder for a service object.
IServicesHolder<T> |
IShipmentProcessorFactory |
ITaxProviderFactory |
Tax provider factory interface